gpu library
Flutter GPU is a low level API for building rendering packages from scratch.
To use, first add an SDK dependency in your pubspec.yaml
sdk: flutter
And then add an import statement in your Dart files:
import `package:flutter_gpu/gpu.dart`;
See also:
- BufferView
- A reference to a byte range within a GPU-resident Buffer.
- ColorAttachment
- ColorBlendEquation
- CommandBuffer
- DepthStencilAttachment
- DeviceBuffer
- DeviceBuffer is a region of memory allocated on the device heap (GPU-resident memory).
- GpuContext
- A handle to a graphics context. Used to create and manage GPU resources.
- HostBuffer
- HostBuffer is a Buffer which is allocated on the host (native CPU resident memory) and lazily uploaded to the GPU. A HostBuffer can be safely mutated or extended at any time on the host, and will be automatically re-uploaded to the GPU the next time a GPU operation needs to access it.
- RenderPass
- RenderPipeline
- RenderTarget
- SamplerOptions
- Shader
- ShaderLibrary
- StencilConfig
- Texture
- UniformSlot
- BlendFactor
- BlendOperation
- CompareFunction
- CullMode
- IndexType
- LoadAction
- MinMagFilter
- MipFilter
- PixelFormat
- PrimitiveType
- SamplerAddressMode
- ShaderStage
- StencilFace
- StencilOperation
- StorageMode
- Specifies where an allocation resides and how it may be used.
- StoreAction
- TextureCoordinateSystem
- WindingOrder
- Buffer
- A buffer that can be referenced by commands on the GPU.
- gpuContext → GpuContext
The default graphics context.
T> = void Function(bool success)