LiveWidgetController class

Variant of WidgetController that can be used in tests running on a device.

This is used, for instance, by FlutterDriver.



LiveWidgetController(WidgetsBinding binding)
Creates a widget controller that uses the given binding.


allElements Iterable<Element>
All elements currently in the widget tree (lazy pre-order traversal).
no setterinherited
allRenderObjects Iterable<RenderObject>
Render objects of all the widgets currently in the widget tree (lazy pre-order traversal).
no setterinherited
allStates Iterable<State<StatefulWidget>>
All states currently in the widget tree (lazy pre-order traversal).
no setterinherited
allWidgets Iterable<Widget>
All widgets currently in the widget tree (lazy pre-order traversal).
no setterinherited
binding WidgetsBinding
A reference to the current instance of the binding.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
layers List<Layer>
Returns a list of all the Layer objects in the rendering.
no setterinherited
nextPointer int
The next available pointer identifier.
no setterinherited
platformDispatcher TestPlatformDispatcher
The TestPlatformDispatcher that is being used in this test.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
semantics SemanticsController
Provides access to a SemanticsController for testing anything related to the Semantics tree.
no setterinherited
view TestFlutterView
The TestFlutterView provided by default when testing with WidgetTester.pumpWidget.
no setterinherited


any(FinderBase<Element> finder) bool
Checks if finder exists in the tree.
createGesture({int? pointer, PointerDeviceKind kind = PointerDeviceKind.touch, int buttons = kPrimaryButton}) Future<TestGesture>
Creates gesture and returns the TestGesture object which you can use to continue the gesture using calls on the TestGesture object.
drag(FinderBase<Element> finder, Offset offset, {int? pointer, int buttons = kPrimaryButton, double touchSlopX = kDragSlopDefault, double touchSlopY = kDragSlopDefault, bool warnIfMissed = true, PointerDeviceKind kind = PointerDeviceKind.touch}) Future<void>
Attempts to drag the given widget by the given offset, by starting a drag in the middle of the widget.
dragFrom(Offset startLocation, Offset offset, {int? pointer, int buttons = kPrimaryButton, double touchSlopX = kDragSlopDefault, double touchSlopY = kDragSlopDefault, PointerDeviceKind kind = PointerDeviceKind.touch}) Future<void>
Attempts a drag gesture consisting of a pointer down, a move by the given offset, and a pointer up.
dragUntilVisible(FinderBase<Element> finder, FinderBase<Element> view, Offset moveStep, {int maxIteration = 50, Duration duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 50)}) Future<void>
Repeatedly drags view by moveStep until finder is visible.
element<T extends Element>(FinderBase<Element> finder) → T
The matching element in the widget tree.
elementList<T extends Element>(FinderBase<Element> finder) Iterable<T>
The matching elements in the widget tree.
ensureSemantics() SemanticsHandle
Enable semantics in a test by creating a SemanticsHandle.
ensureVisible(FinderBase<Element> finder) Future<void>
Given a widget W specified by finder and a Scrollable widget S in its ancestry tree, this scrolls S so as to make W visible.
firstElement<T extends Element>(FinderBase<Element> finder) → T
The first matching element according to a depth-first pre-order traversal of the widget tree.
firstRenderObject<T extends RenderObject>(FinderBase<Element> finder) → T
The render object of the first matching widget according to a depth-first pre-order traversal of the widget tree.
firstState<T extends State<StatefulWidget>>(FinderBase<Element> finder) → T
The first matching state according to a depth-first pre-order traversal of the widget tree.
firstWidget<T extends Widget>(FinderBase<Element> finder) → T
The first matching widget according to a depth-first pre-order traversal of the widget tree.
fling(FinderBase<Element> finder, Offset offset, double speed, {int? pointer, int buttons = kPrimaryButton, Duration frameInterval = const Duration(milliseconds: 16), Offset initialOffset =, Duration initialOffsetDelay = const Duration(seconds: 1), bool warnIfMissed = true, PointerDeviceKind deviceKind = PointerDeviceKind.touch}) Future<void>
Attempts a fling gesture starting from the center of the given widget, moving the given distance, reaching the given speed.
flingFrom(Offset startLocation, Offset offset, double speed, {int? pointer, int buttons = kPrimaryButton, Duration frameInterval = const Duration(milliseconds: 16), Offset initialOffset =, Duration initialOffsetDelay = const Duration(seconds: 1), PointerDeviceKind deviceKind = PointerDeviceKind.touch}) Future<void>
Attempts a fling gesture starting from the given location, moving the given distance, reaching the given speed.
getBottomLeft(FinderBase<Element> finder, {bool warnIfMissed = false, String callee = 'getBottomLeft'}) Offset
Returns the point at the bottom left of the given widget. This point is not inside the object's hit test area.
getBottomRight(FinderBase<Element> finder, {bool warnIfMissed = false, String callee = 'getBottomRight'}) Offset
Returns the point at the bottom right of the given widget. This point is not inside the object's hit test area.
getCenter(FinderBase<Element> finder, {bool warnIfMissed = false, String callee = 'getCenter'}) Offset
Returns the point at the center of the given widget.
getRect(FinderBase<Element> finder) Rect
Returns the rect of the given widget. This is only valid once the widget's render object has been laid out at least once.
getSemantics(FinderBase<Element> finder) SemanticsNode
Attempts to find the SemanticsNode of first result from finder.
getSize(FinderBase<Element> finder) Size
Returns the size of the given widget. This is only valid once the widget's render object has been laid out at least once.
getTopLeft(FinderBase<Element> finder, {bool warnIfMissed = false, String callee = 'getTopLeft'}) Offset
Returns the point at the top left of the given widget.
getTopRight(FinderBase<Element> finder, {bool warnIfMissed = false, String callee = 'getTopRight'}) Offset
Returns the point at the top right of the given widget. This point is not inside the object's hit test area.
handlePointerEventRecord(List<PointerEventRecord> records) Future<List<Duration>>
A simulator of how the framework handles a series of PointerEvents received from the Flutter engine.
hitTestOnBinding(Offset location, {int? viewId}) HitTestResult
Forwards the given location to the binding's hitTest logic.
layerListOf(FinderBase<Element> finder) Iterable<Layer>
Find all layers that are children of the provided finder.
longPress(FinderBase<Element> finder, {int? pointer, int buttons = kPrimaryButton, bool warnIfMissed = true, PointerDeviceKind kind = PointerDeviceKind.touch}) Future<void>
Dispatch a pointer down / pointer up sequence (with a delay of kLongPressTimeout + kPressTimeout between the two events) at the center of the given widget, assuming it is exposed.
longPressAt(Offset location, {int? pointer, int buttons = kPrimaryButton, PointerDeviceKind kind = PointerDeviceKind.touch}) Future<void>
Dispatch a pointer down / pointer up sequence at the given location with a delay of kLongPressTimeout + kPressTimeout between the two events.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
press(FinderBase<Element> finder, {int? pointer, int buttons = kPrimaryButton, bool warnIfMissed = true, PointerDeviceKind kind = PointerDeviceKind.touch}) Future<TestGesture>
Dispatch a pointer down at the center of the given widget, assuming it is exposed.
printToConsole(String message) → void
Calls debugPrint with the given message.
pump([Duration? duration]) Future<void>
Called to indicate that there should be a new frame after an optional delay.
pumpAndSettle([Duration duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 100)]) Future<int>
Repeatedly calls pump with the given duration until there are no longer any frames scheduled. This will call pump at least once, even if no frames are scheduled when the function is called, to flush any pending microtasks which may themselves schedule a frame.
renderObject<T extends RenderObject>(FinderBase<Element> finder) → T
The render object of the matching widget in the widget tree.
renderObjectList<T extends RenderObject>(FinderBase<Element> finder) Iterable<T>
The render objects of the matching widgets in the widget tree.
scrollUntilVisible(FinderBase<Element> finder, double delta, {FinderBase<Element>? scrollable, int maxScrolls = 50, Duration duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 50)}) Future<void>
Repeatedly scrolls a Scrollable by delta in the Scrollable.axisDirection direction until a widget matching finder is visible.
sendEventToBinding(PointerEvent event) Future<void>
Forwards the given pointer event to the binding.
sendKeyDownEvent(LogicalKeyboardKey key, {String? platform, String? character, PhysicalKeyboardKey? physicalKey}) Future<bool>
Simulates sending a physical key down event.
sendKeyEvent(LogicalKeyboardKey key, {String? platform, String? character, PhysicalKeyboardKey? physicalKey}) Future<bool>
Simulates sending physical key down and up events.
sendKeyRepeatEvent(LogicalKeyboardKey key, {String? platform, String? character, PhysicalKeyboardKey? physicalKey}) Future<bool>
Simulates sending a key repeat event from a physical keyboard.
sendKeyUpEvent(LogicalKeyboardKey key, {String? platform, PhysicalKeyboardKey? physicalKey}) Future<bool>
Simulates sending a physical key up event through the system channel.
startGesture(Offset downLocation, {int? pointer, PointerDeviceKind kind = PointerDeviceKind.touch, int buttons = kPrimaryButton}) Future<TestGesture>
Creates a gesture with an initial appropriate starting gesture at a particular point, and returns the TestGesture object which you can use to continue the gesture. Usually, the starting gesture will be a down event, but if kind is set to PointerDeviceKind.trackpad, the gesture will start with a panZoomStart gesture.
state<T extends State<StatefulWidget>>(FinderBase<Element> finder) → T
The matching state in the widget tree.
stateList<T extends State<StatefulWidget>>(FinderBase<Element> finder) Iterable<T>
The matching states in the widget tree.
tap(FinderBase<Element> finder, {int? pointer, int buttons = kPrimaryButton, bool warnIfMissed = true, PointerDeviceKind kind = PointerDeviceKind.touch}) Future<void>
Dispatch a pointer down / pointer up sequence at the center of the given widget, assuming it is exposed.
tapAt(Offset location, {int? pointer, int buttons = kPrimaryButton, PointerDeviceKind kind = PointerDeviceKind.touch}) Future<void>
Dispatch a pointer down / pointer up sequence at the given location.
tapOnText(FinderBase<TextRangeContext> textRangeFinder, {int? pointer, int buttons = kPrimaryButton}) Future<void>
Dispatch a pointer down / pointer up sequence at a hit-testable InlineSpan (typically a TextSpan) within the given text range.
timedDrag(FinderBase<Element> finder, Offset offset, Duration duration, {int? pointer, int buttons = kPrimaryButton, double frequency = 60.0, bool warnIfMissed = true}) Future<void>
Attempts to drag the given widget by the given offset in the duration time, starting in the middle of the widget.
timedDragFrom(Offset startLocation, Offset offset, Duration duration, {int? pointer, int buttons = kPrimaryButton, double frequency = 60.0}) Future<void>
Attempts a series of PointerEvents to simulate a drag operation in the duration time.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
trackpadFling(FinderBase<Element> finder, Offset offset, double speed, {int? pointer, int buttons = kPrimaryButton, Duration frameInterval = const Duration(milliseconds: 16), Offset initialOffset =, Duration initialOffsetDelay = const Duration(seconds: 1), bool warnIfMissed = true}) Future<void>
Attempts a trackpad fling gesture starting from the center of the given widget, moving the given distance, reaching the given speed. A trackpad fling sends PointerPanZoom events instead of a sequence of touch events.
trackpadFlingFrom(Offset startLocation, Offset offset, double speed, {int? pointer, int buttons = kPrimaryButton, Duration frameInterval = const Duration(milliseconds: 16), Offset initialOffset =, Duration initialOffsetDelay = const Duration(seconds: 1)}) Future<void>
Attempts a fling gesture starting from the given location, moving the given distance, reaching the given speed. A trackpad fling sends PointerPanZoom events instead of a sequence of touch events.
viewOf(FinderBase<Element> finder) TestFlutterView
Finds the TestFlutterView that is the closest ancestor of the widget found by finder.
widget<T extends Widget>(FinderBase<Element> finder) → T
The matching widget in the widget tree.
widgetList<T extends Widget>(FinderBase<Element> finder) Iterable<T>
The matching widgets in the widget tree.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.