everything abstract method

void everything(
  1. PaintPatternPredicate predicate

Provides a custom matcher.

Each method call after the last matched call (if any) will be passed to the given predicate, along with the values of its (positional) arguments.

For each one, the predicate must either return a boolean or throw a String.

The predicate will be applied to each Canvas call until it returns false or all of the method calls have been tested.

If the predicate returns false, then the paints Matcher is considered to have failed. If all calls are tested without failing, then the paints Matcher is considered a success.

If the predicate throws a String, then the paints Matcher is considered to have failed. The thrown string is used in the message displayed from the test framework and should be complete sentence describing the problem.


void everything(PaintPatternPredicate predicate);