compute<M, R> function

Future<R> compute<M, R>(
  1. ComputeCallback<M, R> callback,
  2. M message, {
  3. String? debugLabel,

Asynchronously runs the given callback - with the provided message - in the background and completes with the result.

This is useful for operations that take longer than a few milliseconds, and which would therefore risk skipping frames. For tasks that will only take a few milliseconds, consider SchedulerBinding.scheduleTask instead.

The following code uses the compute function to check whether a given integer is a prime number.
Future<bool> isPrime(int value) {
  return compute(_calculate, value);

bool _calculate(int value) {
  if (value == 1) {
    return false;
  for (int i = 2; i < value; ++i) {
    if (value % i == 0) {
      return false;
  return true;

On web platforms this will run callback on the current eventloop. On native platforms this will run callback in a separate isolate.

The callback, the message given to it as well as the result have to be objects that can be sent across isolates (as they may be transitively copied if needed). The majority of objects can be sent across isolates.

See SendPort.send for more information about exceptions as well as a note of warning about sending closures, which can capture more state than needed.

On native platforms await compute(fun, message) is equivalent to await => fun(message)). See also

The debugLabel - if provided - is used as name for the isolate that executes callback. Timeline events produced by that isolate will have the name associated with them. This is useful when profiling an application.


Future<R> compute<M, R>(ComputeCallback<M, R> callback, M message, {String? debugLabel}) {
  return isolates.compute<M, R>(callback, message, debugLabel: debugLabel);