copyWith method
- int? viewId,
- Duration? timeStamp,
- int? pointer,
- PointerDeviceKind? kind,
- int? device,
- Offset? position,
- Offset? delta,
- int? buttons,
- bool? obscured,
- double? pressure,
- double? pressureMin,
- double? pressureMax,
- double? distance,
- double? distanceMax,
- double? size,
- double? radiusMajor,
- double? radiusMinor,
- double? radiusMin,
- double? radiusMax,
- double? orientation,
- double? tilt,
- bool? synthesized,
- int? embedderId,
- Offset? pan,
- Offset? localPan,
- Offset? panDelta,
- Offset? localPanDelta,
- double? scale,
- double? rotation,
Creates a copy of event with the specified properties replaced.
Calling this method on a transformed event will return a new transformed event based on the current transform and the provided properties.
PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent copyWith({
int? viewId,
Duration? timeStamp,
int? pointer,
PointerDeviceKind? kind,
int? device,
Offset? position,
Offset? delta,
int? buttons,
bool? obscured,
double? pressure,
double? pressureMin,
double? pressureMax,
double? distance,
double? distanceMax,
double? size,
double? radiusMajor,
double? radiusMinor,
double? radiusMin,
double? radiusMax,
double? orientation,
double? tilt,
bool? synthesized,
int? embedderId,
Offset? pan,
Offset? localPan,
Offset? panDelta,
Offset? localPanDelta,
double? scale,
double? rotation,
}) {
assert(kind == null || identical(kind, PointerDeviceKind.trackpad));
return PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent(
viewId: viewId ?? this.viewId,
timeStamp: timeStamp ?? this.timeStamp,
device: device ?? this.device,
position: position ?? this.position,
embedderId: embedderId ?? this.embedderId,
pan: pan ?? this.pan,
panDelta: panDelta ?? this.panDelta,
scale: scale ?? this.scale,
rotation: rotation ?? this.rotation,