↔ bool
Should we stop parsing before hitting the end of the string.
getter/setter pair
→ NumberFormat
The format for which we are parsing.
↔ bool
Did we see something that indicates this is, or at least might be,
a negative number.
getter/setter pair
↔ bool
Did we see the required negative suffix at the end. Should
match gotNegative .
getter/setter pair
↔ bool
Did we see something that indicates this is, or at least might be,
a positive number.
getter/setter pair
↔ bool
Did we see the required positive suffix at the end. Should
match gotPositive .
getter/setter pair
→ bool
Determine if a space is a valid character in the number. See
handleSpace .
no setter
→ int
The hash code for this object.
no setter inherited
→ StringStack
What we use to iterate over the input text.
↔ bool
Have we already skipped over any required prefixes.
getter/setter pair
→ Map <String , Function >
The strings we might replace with functions that return the replacement
values. They are functions because we might need to check something
in the context. Note that the ordering is important here. For example,
might be " %", and we must handle that before we
look at an individual space.
no setter
→ Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setter inherited
↔ int
If the number is percent or permill, what do we divide by at the end.
getter/setter pair
→ NumberSymbols
The symbols used by our format.
no setter
→ String
The text we are parsing.
↔ R?
The result of parsing text according to format . Automatically
populated in the constructor.
getter/setter pair
asDigit (String char )
→ int ?
Turn char
into a number representing a digit, or null if it doesn't
represent a digit in this locale.
checkPrefixes ({bool skip = false })
→ void
Check to see if the input begins with either the positive or negative
prefixes. Set the gotPositive and gotNegative variables accordingly.
checkSuffixes ()
→ void
If the rest of our input is either the positive or negative suffix,
set gotPositiveSuffix or gotNegativeSuffix accordingly.
fromNormalized (String normalizedText )
→ R
handleSpace ()
→ void
Replace a space in the number with the normalized form. If space is not
a significant character (normally grouping) then it's just invalid. If it
is the grouping character, then it's only valid if it's followed by a
digit. e.g. '$12 345.00'
invalidFormat ()
→ void
invalidNumber ()
→ void
The number is invalid, throw a FormatException .
nan ()
→ R
negativeInfinity ()
→ R
noSuchMethod (Invocation invocation )
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
parse ()
→ R
Parse text and return the resulting number. Throws FormatException
if we can't parse it.
parseNumber (StringStack input )
→ R
Parse the number portion of the input, i.e. not any prefixes or suffixes,
and assuming NaN and Infinity are already handled.
positiveInfinity ()
→ R
processNonDigit ()
→ void
We've encountered a character that's not a digit. Go through our
replacement rules looking for how to handle it. If we see something
that's not a digit and doesn't have a replacement, then we're done
and the number is probably invalid.
scaled (R parsed , int scale )
→ R
toString ()
→ String
A string representation of this object.
Flutter 3.29.2 • 2025-03-14 07:03 • c236373904 • stable