ButtonThemeData class

Used with ButtonTheme to configure the color and geometry of buttons.

This class is planned to be deprecated in a future release. Please use one or more of these buttons and associated themes instead:

A button theme can be specified as part of the overall Material theme using ThemeData.buttonTheme. The Material theme's button theme data can be overridden with ButtonTheme.

Mixed-in types


ButtonThemeData({ButtonTextTheme textTheme = ButtonTextTheme.normal, double minWidth = 88.0, double height = 36.0, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, ShapeBorder? shape, ButtonBarLayoutBehavior layoutBehavior = ButtonBarLayoutBehavior.padded, bool alignedDropdown = false, Color? buttonColor, Color? disabledColor, Color? focusColor, Color? hoverColor, Color? highlightColor, Color? splashColor, ColorScheme? colorScheme, MaterialTapTargetSize? materialTapTargetSize})
Create a button theme object that can be used with ButtonTheme or ThemeData.


alignedDropdown bool
If true, then a DropdownButton menu's width will match the button's width.
colorScheme ColorScheme?
A set of thirteen colors that can be used to derive the button theme's colors.
constraints BoxConstraints
Convenience that returns minWidth and height as a BoxConstraints object.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
height double
The minimum height for buttons.
layoutBehavior ButtonBarLayoutBehavior
Defines whether a ButtonBar should size itself with a minimum size constraint or with padding.
minWidth double
The minimum width for buttons.
padding EdgeInsetsGeometry
Padding for a button's child (typically the button's label).
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
shape ShapeBorder
The shape of a button's material.
no setter
textTheme ButtonTextTheme
Defines a button's base colors, and the defaults for the button's minimum size, internal padding, and shape.


copyWith({ButtonTextTheme? textTheme, ButtonBarLayoutBehavior? layoutBehavior, double? minWidth, double? height, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, ShapeBorder? shape, bool? alignedDropdown, Color? buttonColor, Color? disabledColor, Color? focusColor, Color? hoverColor, Color? highlightColor, Color? splashColor, ColorScheme? colorScheme, MaterialTapTargetSize? materialTapTargetSize}) ButtonThemeData
Creates a copy of this button theme data object with the matching fields replaced with the non-null parameter values.
debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) → void
Add additional properties associated with the node.
getAnimationDuration(MaterialButton button) Duration
The duration of the button's highlight animation.
getBrightness(MaterialButton button) Brightness
The button's overall brightness.
getConstraints(MaterialButton button) BoxConstraints
The BoxConstraints that the define the button's size.
getDisabledElevation(MaterialButton button) double
The button's elevation when MaterialButton.onPressed is null (when MaterialButton.enabled is false).
getDisabledFillColor(MaterialButton button) Color
The button's background color when MaterialButton.onPressed is null (when MaterialButton.enabled is false).
getDisabledTextColor(MaterialButton button) Color
The foreground color of the button's text and icon when MaterialButton.onPressed is null (when MaterialButton.enabled is false).
getElevation(MaterialButton button) double
The button's elevation when it is enabled and has not been pressed.
getFillColor(MaterialButton button) Color?
The button's background fill color or null for buttons that don't have a background color.
getFocusColor(MaterialButton button) Color
The fill color of the button when it has input focus.
getFocusElevation(MaterialButton button) double
The button's elevation when it is enabled and has focus.
getHighlightColor(MaterialButton button) Color
The color of the overlay that appears when the button is pressed.
getHighlightElevation(MaterialButton button) double
The button's elevation when it is enabled and has been pressed.
getHoverColor(MaterialButton button) Color
The fill color of the button when it has input focus.
getHoverElevation(MaterialButton button) double
The button's elevation when it is enabled and has focus.
getMaterialTapTargetSize(MaterialButton button) MaterialTapTargetSize
The minimum size of the button's tap target.
getPadding(MaterialButton button) EdgeInsetsGeometry
Padding for the button's child (typically the button's label).
getShape(MaterialButton button) ShapeBorder
The shape of the button's Material.
getSplashColor(MaterialButton button) Color
The color of the ink "splash" overlay that appears when the (enabled) button is tapped.
getTextColor(MaterialButton button) Color
The foreground color of the button's text and icon.
getTextTheme(MaterialButton button) ButtonTextTheme
Defines the button's base colors, and the defaults for the button's minimum size, internal padding, and shape.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toDiagnosticsNode({String? name, DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style}) DiagnosticsNode
Returns a debug representation of the object that is used by debugging tools and by DiagnosticsNode.toStringDeep.
toString({DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.info}) String
A string representation of this object.
toStringShort() String
A brief description of this object, usually just the runtimeType and the hashCode.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.