MaterialLocalizations class abstract

Defines the localized resource values used by the Material widgets.

See also:





alertDialogLabel String
Label read out by accessibility tools (TalkBack or VoiceOver) when an alert dialog widget is opened.
no setter
anteMeridiemAbbreviation String
The abbreviation for ante meridiem (before noon) shown in the time picker.
no setter
backButtonTooltip String
The BackButton's tooltip.
no setter
bottomSheetLabel String
Label for a BottomSheet, used as the modalRouteContentName of the scrimOnTapHint.
no setter
calendarModeButtonLabel String
Tooltip used for the calendar mode button of the date pickers.
no setter
cancelButtonLabel String
Label for "cancel" buttons and menu items.
no setter
clearButtonTooltip String
The tooltip for the clear button to clear text on SearchAnchor's search view.
no setter
closeButtonLabel String
Label for "close" buttons and menu items.
no setter
closeButtonTooltip String
The CloseButton's tooltip.
no setter
collapsedHint String
The semantics hint to describe the ExpansionTile collapsed state.
no setter
collapsedIconTapHint String
The semantics hint to describe the tap action on a collapsed ExpandIcon.
no setter
continueButtonLabel String
Label for "continue" buttons and menu items.
no setter
copyButtonLabel String
Label for "copy" edit buttons and menu items.
no setter
currentDateLabel String
Label indicating that a given date is the current date.
no setter
cutButtonLabel String
Label for "cut" edit buttons and menu items.
no setter
dateHelpText String
The help text used on an empty InputDatePickerFormField to indicate to the user the date format being asked for.
no setter
dateInputLabel String
The label used to describe the text field used in an InputDatePickerFormField.
no setter
dateOutOfRangeLabel String
Error message displayed to the user when they have entered a date that is outside the valid range for the date picker. showDateRangePicker.
no setter
datePickerHelpText String
Label used in the header of the date picker dialog created with showDatePicker.
no setter
dateRangeEndLabel String
The label used for the ending date input field in the date range picker created with showDateRangePicker.
no setter
dateRangePickerHelpText String
Label used in the header of the date range picker dialog created with showDateRangePicker.
no setter
dateRangeStartLabel String
The label used for the starting date input field in the date range picker created with showDateRangePicker.
no setter
dateSeparator String
The character string used to separate the parts of a compact date format (i.e. mm/dd/yyyy has a separator of '/').
no setter
deleteButtonTooltip String
The tooltip for the delete button on a Chip.
no setter
dialModeButtonLabel String
Tooltip used to put the time picker into TimePickerEntryMode.dial.
no setter
dialogLabel String
Label read out by accessibility tools (TalkBack or VoiceOver) when a dialog widget is opened.
no setter
drawerLabel String
Label read out by accessibility tools (TalkBack or VoiceOver) when a drawer widget is opened.
no setter
expandedHint String
The semantics hint to describe the ExpansionTile expanded state.
no setter
expandedIconTapHint String
The semantics hint to describe the tap action on an expanded ExpandIcon.
no setter
expansionTileCollapsedHint String
The semantics hint to describe the tap action on a collapsed ExpansionTile on iOS and macOS. This is appended to the expandedHint hint to provide a more detailed description of the action, e.g. "Collapsed double tap to expand".
no setter
expansionTileCollapsedTapHint String
The semantics hint to describe the tap action on a collapsed ExpansionTile.
no setter
expansionTileExpandedHint String
The semantics hint to describe the tap action on an expanded ExpansionTile on iOS and macOS. This is appended to the collapsedHint hint to provide a more detailed description of the action, e.g. "Expanded double tap to collapse".
no setter
expansionTileExpandedTapHint String
The semantics hint to describe the tap action on an expanded ExpansionTile.
no setter
firstDayOfWeekIndex int
Index of the first day of week, where 0 points to Sunday, and 6 points to Saturday.
no setter
firstPageTooltip String
The tooltip for the PaginatedDataTable's "first page" button.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hideAccountsLabel String
The semantics label used for the button on UserAccountsDrawerHeader that hides the list of accounts.
no setter
inputDateModeButtonLabel String
Tooltip used for the text input mode button of the date pickers.
no setter
inputTimeModeButtonLabel String
Tooltip used to put the time picker into TimePickerEntryMode.input.
no setter
invalidDateFormatLabel String
Error message displayed to the user when they have entered a text string in an InputDatePickerFormField that is not in a valid date format.
no setter
invalidDateRangeLabel String
Error message displayed to the user when they have entered an invalid date range in the input mode of the date range picker created with showDateRangePicker.
no setter
invalidTimeLabel String
Error message for the time picker dialog created with showTimePicker when in TimePickerEntryMode.input.
no setter
keyboardKeyAlt String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.alt.
no setter
keyboardKeyAltGraph String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.altGraph.
no setter
keyboardKeyBackspace String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.backspace.
no setter
keyboardKeyCapsLock String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.capsLock.
no setter
keyboardKeyChannelDown String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.channelDown.
no setter
keyboardKeyChannelUp String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.channelUp.
no setter
keyboardKeyControl String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.control.
no setter
keyboardKeyDelete String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.delete.
no setter
keyboardKeyEject String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.eject.
no setter
keyboardKeyEnd String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.end.
no setter
keyboardKeyEscape String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.escape.
no setter
keyboardKeyFn String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.fn.
no setter
keyboardKeyHome String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.home.
no setter
keyboardKeyInsert String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.insert.
no setter
keyboardKeyMeta String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.meta.
no setter
keyboardKeyMetaMacOs String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.meta on macOS.
no setter
keyboardKeyMetaWindows String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.meta on Windows.
no setter
keyboardKeyNumLock String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.numLock.
no setter
keyboardKeyNumpad0 String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.numpad0.
no setter
keyboardKeyNumpad1 String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.numpad1.
no setter
keyboardKeyNumpad2 String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.numpad2.
no setter
keyboardKeyNumpad3 String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.numpad3.
no setter
keyboardKeyNumpad4 String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.numpad4.
no setter
keyboardKeyNumpad5 String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.numpad5.
no setter
keyboardKeyNumpad6 String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.numpad6.
no setter
keyboardKeyNumpad7 String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.numpad7.
no setter
keyboardKeyNumpad8 String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.numpad8.
no setter
keyboardKeyNumpad9 String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.numpad9.
no setter
keyboardKeyNumpadAdd String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.numpadAdd.
no setter
keyboardKeyNumpadComma String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.numpadComma.
no setter
keyboardKeyNumpadDecimal String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.numpadDecimal.
no setter
keyboardKeyNumpadDivide String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.numpadDivide.
no setter
keyboardKeyNumpadEnter String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.numpadEnter.
no setter
keyboardKeyNumpadEqual String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.numpadEqual.
no setter
keyboardKeyNumpadMultiply String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.numpadMultiply.
no setter
keyboardKeyNumpadParenLeft String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.numpadParenLeft.
no setter
keyboardKeyNumpadParenRight String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.numpadParenRight.
no setter
keyboardKeyNumpadSubtract String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.numpadSubtract.
no setter
keyboardKeyPageDown String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.pageDown.
no setter
keyboardKeyPageUp String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.pageUp.
no setter
keyboardKeyPower String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.power.
no setter
keyboardKeyPowerOff String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.powerOff.
no setter
keyboardKeyPrintScreen String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.printScreen.
no setter
keyboardKeyScrollLock String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.scrollLock.
no setter
keyboardKeySelect String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key
no setter
keyboardKeyShift String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key LogicalKeyboardKey.shift.
no setter
keyboardKeySpace String
The shortcut label for the keyboard key
no setter
lastPageTooltip String
The tooltip for the PaginatedDataTable's "last page" button.
no setter
licensesPageTitle String
Title for the LicensePage widget.
no setter
lookUpButtonLabel String
Label for "look up" edit buttons and menu items.
no setter
Label read out by accessibility tools (TalkBack or VoiceOver) when a MenuBarMenu widget is opened.
no setter
Label read out by accessibility tools (TalkBack or VoiceOver) for a context menu to indicate that a tap dismisses the context menu.
no setter
modalBarrierDismissLabel String
Label read out by accessibility tools (TalkBack or VoiceOver) for a modal barrier to indicate that a tap dismisses the barrier.
no setter
moreButtonTooltip String
The tooltip for the more button on an overflowing text selection menu.
no setter
narrowWeekdays List<String>
List of week day names in narrow format, usually 1- or 2-letter abbreviations of full names.
no setter
nextMonthTooltip String
The tooltip for the CalendarDatePicker's "next month" button.
no setter
nextPageTooltip String
The tooltip for the PaginatedDataTable's "next page" button.
no setter
okButtonLabel String
Label for OK buttons and menu items.
no setter
openAppDrawerTooltip String
The tooltip for the leading AppBar menu (a.k.a. 'hamburger') button.
no setter
pasteButtonLabel String
Label for "paste" edit buttons and menu items.
no setter
popupMenuLabel String
Label read out by accessibility tools (TalkBack or VoiceOver) when a popup menu widget is opened.
no setter
postMeridiemAbbreviation String
The abbreviation for post meridiem (after noon) shown in the time picker.
no setter
previousMonthTooltip String
The tooltip for the CalendarDatePicker's "previous month" button.
no setter
previousPageTooltip String
The tooltip for the PaginatedDataTable's "previous page" button.
no setter
refreshIndicatorSemanticLabel String
The default semantics label for a RefreshIndicator.
no setter
reorderItemDown String
The semantics label used for ReorderableListView to reorder an item in the list one space down the list.
no setter
reorderItemLeft String
The semantics label used for ReorderableListView to reorder an item in the list one space left in the list.
no setter
reorderItemRight String
The semantics label used for ReorderableListView to reorder an item in the list one space right in the list.
no setter
reorderItemToEnd String
The semantics label used for ReorderableListView to reorder an item in the list to the end of the list.
no setter
reorderItemToStart String
The semantics label used for ReorderableListView to reorder an item in the list to the start of the list.
no setter
reorderItemUp String
The semantics label used for ReorderableListView to reorder an item in the list one space up the list.
no setter
rowsPerPageTitle String
Title for the PaginatedDataTable's "rows per page" footer.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
saveButtonLabel String
Label for a 'SAVE' button. Currently used by the full screen mode of the date range picker.
no setter
scanTextButtonLabel String
Label for "scan text" OCR edit buttons and menu items.
no setter
scrimLabel String
Label for the scrim rendered underneath a BottomSheet.
no setter
scriptCategory ScriptCategory
Defines the localized TextStyle geometry for ThemeData.textTheme.
no setter
searchFieldLabel String
Label indicating that a text field is a search field. This will be used as a hint text in the text field.
no setter
searchWebButtonLabel String
Label for "search web" edit buttons and menu items.
no setter
selectAllButtonLabel String
Label for "select all" edit buttons and menu items.
no setter
selectedDateLabel String
The semantics label to describe the selected date in the calendar picker invoked using showDatePicker.
no setter
selectYearSemanticsLabel String
The semantic label used to announce when the user has entered the year selection mode of the CalendarDatePicker which is used in the data picker dialog created with showDatePicker.
no setter
shareButtonLabel String
Label for "share" edit buttons and menu items.
no setter
showAccountsLabel String
The semantics label used for the button on UserAccountsDrawerHeader that shows the list of accounts.
no setter
showMenuTooltip String
The default PopupMenuButton tooltip.
no setter
signedInLabel String
The semantics label used to indicate which account is signed in the UserAccountsDrawerHeader widget.
no setter
timePickerDialHelpText String
Label used in the header of the time picker dialog created with showTimePicker when in TimePickerEntryMode.dial.
no setter
timePickerHourLabel String
Label used below the hour text field of the time picker dialog created with showTimePicker when in TimePickerEntryMode.input.
no setter
timePickerHourModeAnnouncement String
The text-to-speech announcement made when a time picker invoked using showTimePicker is set to the hour picker mode.
no setter
timePickerInputHelpText String
Label used in the header of the time picker dialog created with showTimePicker when in TimePickerEntryMode.input.
no setter
timePickerMinuteLabel String
Label used below the minute text field of the time picker dialog created with showTimePicker when in TimePickerEntryMode.input.
no setter
timePickerMinuteModeAnnouncement String
The text-to-speech announcement made when a time picker invoked using showTimePicker is set to the minute picker mode.
no setter
unspecifiedDate String
The label used to indicate a date that has not been entered or selected yet in the date picker.
no setter
unspecifiedDateRange String
The label used to indicate a date range that has not been entered or selected yet in the date range picker.
no setter
viewLicensesButtonLabel String
Label for the AboutDialog button that shows the LicensePage.
no setter


aboutListTileTitle(String applicationName) String
The default title for AboutListTile.
dateRangeEndDateSemanticLabel(String formattedDate) String
The semantics label used for the selected end date in the date range picker's day grid.
dateRangeStartDateSemanticLabel(String formattedDate) String
The semantics label used for the selected start date in the date range picker's day grid.
formatCompactDate(DateTime date) String
Formats the date in a compact format.
formatDecimal(int number) String
Formats number as a decimal, inserting locale-appropriate thousands separators as necessary.
formatFullDate(DateTime date) String
Formats day of week, month, day of month and year in a long-width format.
formatHour(TimeOfDay timeOfDay, {bool alwaysUse24HourFormat = false}) String
Formats TimeOfDay.hour in the given time of day according to the value of timeOfDayFormat.
formatMediumDate(DateTime date) String
Formats the date using a medium-width format.
formatMinute(TimeOfDay timeOfDay) String
Formats TimeOfDay.minute in the given time of day according to the value of timeOfDayFormat.
formatMonthYear(DateTime date) String
Formats the month and the year of the given date.
formatShortDate(DateTime date) String
Formats the date using a short-width format.
formatShortMonthDay(DateTime date) String
Formats the month and day of the given date.
formatTimeOfDay(TimeOfDay timeOfDay, {bool alwaysUse24HourFormat = false}) String
Formats timeOfDay according to the value of timeOfDayFormat.
formatYear(DateTime date) String
Full unabbreviated year format, e.g. 2017 rather than 17.
licensesPackageDetailText(int licenseCount) String
Subtitle for a package in the LicensePage widget.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pageRowsInfoTitle(int firstRow, int lastRow, int rowCount, bool rowCountIsApproximate) String
Title for the PaginatedDataTable's row info footer.
parseCompactDate(String? inputString) DateTime?
Converts the given compact date formatted string into a DateTime.
remainingTextFieldCharacterCount(int remaining) String
The label for the TextField's character counter.
scrimOnTapHint(String modalRouteContentName) String
Hint text announced when tapping on the scrim underneath the content of a modal route.
selectedRowCountTitle(int selectedRowCount) String
Title for the PaginatedDataTable's selected row count header.
tabLabel({required int tabIndex, required int tabCount}) String
The accessibility label used on a tab in a TabBar.
timeOfDayFormat({bool alwaysUse24HourFormat = false}) TimeOfDayFormat
The format used to lay out the time picker.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

of(BuildContext context) MaterialLocalizations
The MaterialLocalizations from the closest Localizations instance that encloses the given context.