defaultStyleOf method

ButtonStyle defaultStyleOf(
  1. BuildContext context

Defines the button's default appearance.

The button child's Text and Icon widgets are rendered with the ButtonStyle's foreground color. The button's InkWell adds the style's overlay color when the button is focused, hovered or pressed. The button's background color becomes its Material color and is transparent by default.

All of the ButtonStyle's defaults appear below.

In this list "" is shorthand for Theme.of(context).foo. Color scheme values like "onSurface(0.38)" are shorthand for onSurface.withOpacity(0.38). WidgetStateProperty valued properties that are not followed by a sublist have the same value for all states, otherwise the values are as specified for each state and "others" means all other states.

The "default font size" below refers to the font size specified in the defaultStyleOf method (or 14.0 if unspecified), scaled by the MediaQuery.textScalerOf(context).scale method. And the names of the EdgeInsets constructors and EdgeInsetsGeometry.lerp have been abbreviated for readability.

The color of the ButtonStyle.textStyle is not used, the ButtonStyle.foregroundColor color is used instead.

  • textStyle - Theme.textTheme.labelLarge
  • backgroundColor - transparent
  • foregroundColor
    • disabled - Theme.colorScheme.onSurface(0.38)
    • others - Theme.colorScheme.primary
  • overlayColor
    • hovered - Theme.colorScheme.primary(0.08)
    • focused or pressed - Theme.colorScheme.primary(0.1)
    • others - null
  • shadowColor - Colors.transparent,
  • surfaceTintColor - null
  • elevation - 0
  • padding
    • default font size <= 14 - lerp(horizontal(12), horizontal(4))
    • 14 < default font size <= 28 - lerp(all(8), horizontal(8))
    • 28 < default font size <= 36 - lerp(horizontal(8), horizontal(4))
    • 36 < default font size - horizontal(4)
  • minimumSize - Size(64, 40)
  • fixedSize - null
  • maximumSize - Size.infinite
  • side - null
  • shape - StadiumBorder()
  • mouseCursor
    • disabled - SystemMouseCursors.basic
    • others -
  • visualDensity - theme.visualDensity
  • tapTargetSize - theme.materialTapTargetSize
  • animationDuration - kThemeChangeDuration
  • enableFeedback - true
  • alignment -
  • splashFactory - Theme.splashFactory

For the TextButton.icon factory, the end (generally the right) value of padding is increased from 12 to 16.


ButtonStyle defaultStyleOf(BuildContext context) {
  return _MenuButtonDefaultsM3(context);