PaginatedDataTable constructor

  1. {Key? key,
  2. Widget? header,
  3. List<Widget>? actions,
  4. required List<DataColumn> columns,
  5. int? sortColumnIndex,
  6. bool sortAscending = true,
  7. ValueSetter<bool?>? onSelectAll,
  8. @Deprecated('Migrate to use dataRowMinHeight and dataRowMaxHeight instead. ' 'This feature was deprecated after v3.7.0-5.0.pre.') double? dataRowHeight,
  9. double? dataRowMinHeight,
  10. double? dataRowMaxHeight,
  11. double headingRowHeight = 56.0,
  12. double horizontalMargin = 24.0,
  13. double columnSpacing = 56.0,
  14. bool showCheckboxColumn = true,
  15. bool showFirstLastButtons = false,
  16. int? initialFirstRowIndex = 0,
  17. ValueChanged<int>? onPageChanged,
  18. int rowsPerPage = defaultRowsPerPage,
  19. List<int> availableRowsPerPage = const <int>[defaultRowsPerPage, defaultRowsPerPage * 2, defaultRowsPerPage * 5, defaultRowsPerPage * 10],
  20. ValueChanged<int?>? onRowsPerPageChanged,
  21. DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start,
  22. Color? arrowHeadColor,
  23. required DataTableSource source,
  24. double? checkboxHorizontalMargin,
  25. ScrollController? controller,
  26. bool? primary,
  27. MaterialStateProperty<Color?>? headingRowColor,
  28. bool showEmptyRows = true}

Creates a widget describing a paginated DataTable on a Card.

The header should give the card's header, typically a Text widget.

The columns argument must be a list of as many DataColumn objects as the table is to have columns, ignoring the leading checkbox column if any. The columns argument must have a length greater than zero and cannot be null.

If the table is sorted, the column that provides the current primary key should be specified by index in sortColumnIndex, 0 meaning the first column in columns, 1 being the next one, and so forth.

The actual sort order can be specified using sortAscending; if the sort order is ascending, this should be true (the default), otherwise it should be false.

The source should be a long-lived DataTableSource. The same source should be provided each time a particular PaginatedDataTable widget is created; avoid creating a new DataTableSource with each new instance of the PaginatedDataTable widget unless the data table really is to now show entirely different data from a new source.

Themed by DataTableTheme. DataTableThemeData.decoration is ignored. To modify the border or background color of the PaginatedDataTable, use CardTheme, since a Card wraps the inner DataTable.


  required this.columns,
  this.sortAscending = true,
    'Migrate to use dataRowMinHeight and dataRowMaxHeight instead. '
    'This feature was deprecated after v3.7.0-5.0.pre.',
  double? dataRowHeight,
  double? dataRowMinHeight,
  double? dataRowMaxHeight,
  this.headingRowHeight = 56.0,
  this.horizontalMargin = 24.0,
  this.columnSpacing = 56.0,
  this.showCheckboxColumn = true,
  this.showFirstLastButtons = false,
  this.initialFirstRowIndex = 0,
  this.rowsPerPage = defaultRowsPerPage,
  this.availableRowsPerPage = const <int>[defaultRowsPerPage, defaultRowsPerPage * 2, defaultRowsPerPage * 5, defaultRowsPerPage * 10],
  this.dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start,
  required this.source,
  this.showEmptyRows = true,
}) : assert(actions == null || (header != null)),
     assert(sortColumnIndex == null || (sortColumnIndex >= 0 && sortColumnIndex < columns.length)),
     assert(dataRowMinHeight == null || dataRowMaxHeight == null || dataRowMaxHeight >= dataRowMinHeight),
     assert(dataRowHeight == null || (dataRowMinHeight == null && dataRowMaxHeight == null),
       'dataRowHeight ($dataRowHeight) must not be set if dataRowMinHeight ($dataRowMinHeight) or dataRowMaxHeight ($dataRowMaxHeight) are set.'),
     dataRowMinHeight = dataRowHeight ?? dataRowMinHeight,
     dataRowMaxHeight = dataRowHeight ?? dataRowMaxHeight,
     assert(rowsPerPage > 0),
     assert(() {
       if (onRowsPerPageChanged != null) {
       return true;
     assert(!(controller != null && (primary ?? false)),
        'Primary ScrollViews obtain their ScrollController via inheritance from a PrimaryScrollController widget. '
        'You cannot both set primary to true and pass an explicit controller.',