style property
Customizes this button's appearance.
The following style properties apply to the entire segmented button:
- ButtonStyle.shadowColor
- ButtonStyle.elevation
- ButtonStyle.side - which is used for both the outer shape and dividers between segments.
- ButtonStyle.shape
The following style properties are applied to each of the individual button segments. For properties that are a WidgetStateProperty, they will be resolved with the current state of the segment:
- ButtonStyle.textStyle
- ButtonStyle.backgroundColor
- ButtonStyle.foregroundColor
- ButtonStyle.overlayColor
- ButtonStyle.surfaceTintColor
- ButtonStyle.elevation
- ButtonStyle.padding
- ButtonStyle.iconColor
- ButtonStyle.iconSize
- ButtonStyle.mouseCursor
- ButtonStyle.visualDensity
- ButtonStyle.tapTargetSize
- ButtonStyle.animationDuration
- ButtonStyle.enableFeedback
- ButtonStyle.alignment
- ButtonStyle.splashFactory
final ButtonStyle? style;