TabBarTheme constructor

const TabBarTheme({
  1. Key? key,
  2. Decoration? indicator,
  3. Color? indicatorColor,
  4. TabBarIndicatorSize? indicatorSize,
  5. Color? dividerColor,
  6. double? dividerHeight,
  7. Color? labelColor,
  8. EdgeInsetsGeometry? labelPadding,
  9. TextStyle? labelStyle,
  10. Color? unselectedLabelColor,
  11. TextStyle? unselectedLabelStyle,
  12. WidgetStateProperty<Color?>? overlayColor,
  13. InteractiveInkFeatureFactory? splashFactory,
  14. WidgetStateProperty<MouseCursor?>? mouseCursor,
  15. TabAlignment? tabAlignment,
  16. TextScaler? textScaler,
  17. TabIndicatorAnimation? indicatorAnimation,
  18. TabBarThemeData? data,
  19. Widget? child,

Creates a tab bar theme that can be used with ThemeData.tabBarTheme.


const TabBarTheme({
  Decoration? indicator,
  Color? indicatorColor,
  TabBarIndicatorSize? indicatorSize,
  Color? dividerColor,
  double? dividerHeight,
  Color? labelColor,
  EdgeInsetsGeometry? labelPadding,
  TextStyle? labelStyle,
  Color? unselectedLabelColor,
  TextStyle? unselectedLabelStyle,
  WidgetStateProperty<Color?>? overlayColor,
  InteractiveInkFeatureFactory? splashFactory,
  WidgetStateProperty<MouseCursor?>? mouseCursor,
  TabAlignment? tabAlignment,
  TextScaler? textScaler,
  TabIndicatorAnimation? indicatorAnimation,
  TabBarThemeData? data,
  Widget? child,
}) : assert(
       data == null ||
           (indicator ??
                   indicatorColor ??
                   indicatorSize ??
                   dividerColor ??
                   dividerHeight ??
                   labelColor ??
                   labelPadding ??
                   labelStyle ??
                   unselectedLabelColor ??
                   unselectedLabelStyle ??
                   overlayColor ??
                   splashFactory ??
                   mouseCursor ??
                   tabAlignment ??
                   textScaler ??
                   indicatorAnimation) ==
     _indicator = indicator,
     _indicatorColor = indicatorColor,
     _indicatorSize = indicatorSize,
     _dividerColor = dividerColor,
     _dividerHeight = dividerHeight,
     _labelColor = labelColor,
     _labelPadding = labelPadding,
     _labelStyle = labelStyle,
     _unselectedLabelColor = unselectedLabelColor,
     _unselectedLabelStyle = unselectedLabelStyle,
     _overlayColor = overlayColor,
     _splashFactory = splashFactory,
     _mouseCursor = mouseCursor,
     _tabAlignment = tabAlignment,
     _textScaler = textScaler,
     _indicatorAnimation = indicatorAnimation,
     _data = data,
     super(child: child ?? const SizedBox());