MapValueSet<K, V> class

Creates a modifiable Set view of the values of a Map.

The Set view assumes that the keys of the Map can be uniquely determined from the values. The keyForValue function passed to the constructor finds the key for a single value. The keyForValue function should be consistent with equality. If value1 == value2 then keyForValue(value1) and keyForValue(value2) should be considered equal keys by the underlying map, and vice versa.

Modifying the set will modify the underlying map based on the key returned by keyForValue.

If the Map contents are not compatible with the keyForValue function, the set will not work consistently, and may give meaningless responses or do inconsistent updates.

This set can, for example, be used on a map from database record IDs to the records. It exposes the records as a set, and allows for writing both recordSet.add(databaseRecord) and recordMap[id].

Effectively, the map will act as a kind of index for the set.

Implemented types
Available Extensions


MapValueSet(Map<K, V> _baseMap, K _keyForValue(V))
Creates a new MapValueSet based on _baseMap.


first → V
The first element.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isEmpty bool
Whether this collection has no elements.
no setter
isNotEmpty bool
Whether this collection has at least one element.
no setter
iterator Iterator<V>
A new Iterator that allows iterating the elements of this Iterable.
no setterinherited
last → V
The last element.
no setterinherited
length int
The number of elements in this Iterable.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
single → V
Checks that this iterable has only one element, and returns that element.
no setterinherited


add(V value) bool
Adds value to the set.
addAll(Iterable<V> elements) → void
Adds all elements to this set.
any(bool test(V)) bool
Checks whether any element of this iterable satisfies test.
cast<T>() Set<T>
A view of this iterable as an iterable of R instances.
clear() → void
Removes all elements from the set.
contains(Object? element) bool
Whether the collection contains an element equal to element.
containsAll(Iterable<Object?> other) bool
Whether this set contains all the elements of other.
difference(Set<Object?> other) Set<V>
Returns a new set with the the elements of this that are not in other.
elementAt(int index) → V
Returns the indexth element.
every(bool test(V)) bool
Checks whether every element of this iterable satisfies test.
expand<T>(Iterable<T> f(V)) Iterable<T>
Expands each element of this Iterable into zero or more elements.
firstWhere(bool test(V), {V orElse()?}) → V
The first element that satisfies the given predicate test.
fold<T>(T initialValue, T combine(T previousValue, V element)) → T
Reduces a collection to a single value by iteratively combining each element of the collection with an existing value
followedBy(Iterable<V> other) Iterable<V>
Creates the lazy concatenation of this iterable and other.
forEach(void f(V)) → void
Invokes action on each element of this iterable in iteration order.
intersection(Set<Object?> other) Set<V>
Returns a new set which is the intersection between this and other.
join([String separator = '']) String
Converts each element to a String and concatenates the strings.
lastWhere(bool test(V), {V orElse()?}) → V
The last element that satisfies the given predicate test.
lookup(Object? element) → V?
If an object equal to object is in the set, return it.
map<T>(T f(V)) Iterable<T>
The current elements of this iterable modified by toElement.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
reduce(V combine(V value, V element)) → V
Reduces a collection to a single value by iteratively combining elements of the collection using the provided function.
remove(Object? element) bool
Removes value from the set.
removeAll(Iterable<Object?> elements) → void
Removes each element of elements from this set.
removeWhere(bool test(V)) → void
Removes all elements of this set that satisfy test.
retainAll(Iterable<Object?> elements) → void
Removes all elements of this set that are not elements in elements.
retainWhere(bool test(V)) → void
Removes all elements of this set that fail to satisfy test.
retype<T>() Set<T>
singleWhere(bool test(V), {V orElse()?}) → V
The single element that satisfies test.
skip(int n) Iterable<V>
Creates an Iterable that provides all but the first count elements.
skipWhile(bool test(V)) Iterable<V>
Creates an Iterable that skips leading elements while test is satisfied.
take(int n) Iterable<V>
Creates a lazy iterable of the count first elements of this iterable.
takeWhile(bool test(V)) Iterable<V>
Creates a lazy iterable of the leading elements satisfying test.
toList({bool growable = true}) List<V>
Creates a List containing the elements of this Iterable.
toSet() Set<V>
Creates a Set containing the same elements as this iterable.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
union(Set<V> other) Set<V>
Returns a new set which contains all the elements of this and other.
where(bool test(V)) Iterable<V>
Creates a new lazy Iterable with all elements that satisfy the predicate test.
whereType<T>() Iterable<T>
Creates a new lazy Iterable with all elements that have type T.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.