GlyphSet class abstract
A class that provides access to every configurable glyph.
This is provided as a class so that individual chunks of code can choose
between ascii
and unicode
glyphs. For example:
import 'package:term_glyph/term_glyph.dart' as glyph;
/// Adds a vertical line to the left of [text].
/// If [unicode] is `true`, this uses Unicode for the line. If it's
/// `false`, this uses plain ASCII characters. If it's `null`, it
/// defaults to [glyph.ascii].
void addVerticalLine(String text, {bool unicode}) {
var glyphs =
(unicode ?? !glyph.ascii) ? glyph.unicodeGlyphs : glyph.asciiGlyphs;
return text
.map((line) => '${glyphs.verticalLine} $line')
- GlyphSet()
- bottomLeftCorner → String
The lower left-hand corner of a box.
no setter
- bottomLeftCornerBold → String
The bold lower left-hand corner of a box.
no setter
- bottomLeftCornerDouble → String
The double lower left-hand corner of a box.
no setter
- bottomRightCorner → String
The lower right-hand corner of a box.
no setter
- bottomRightCornerBold → String
The bold lower right-hand corner of a box.
no setter
- bottomRightCornerDouble → String
The double lower right-hand corner of a box.
no setter
- bullet → String
A bullet point.
no setter
- cross → String
An intersection of vertical and horizontal box lines.
no setter
- crossBold → String
An intersection of bold vertical and horizontal box lines.
no setter
- crossDouble → String
An intersection of double vertical and horizontal box lines.
no setter
- downArrow → String
A downwards-pointing arrow.
no setter
- downEnd → String
The bottom half of a vertical box line.
no setter
- downEndBold → String
The bottom half of a bold vertical box line.
no setter
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- horizontalLine → String
A horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
no setter
- horizontalLineBold → String
A bold horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
no setter
- horizontalLineDouble → String
A double horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
no setter
- horizontalLineDoubleDash → String
A dashed horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
no setter
- horizontalLineDoubleDashBold → String
A bold dashed horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
no setter
- horizontalLineQuadrupleDash → String
A dashed horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
no setter
- horizontalLineQuadrupleDashBold → String
A bold dashed horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
no setter
- horizontalLineTripleDash → String
A dashed horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
no setter
- horizontalLineTripleDashBold → String
A bold dashed horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
no setter
- leftArrow → String
A left-pointing arrow.
no setter
- leftEnd → String
The left half of a horizontal box line.
no setter
- leftEndBold → String
The left half of a bold horizontal box line.
no setter
- longLeftArrow → String
A two-character left-pointing arrow.
no setter
- longRightArrow → String
A two-character right-pointing arrow.
no setter
- rightArrow → String
A right-pointing arrow.
no setter
- rightEnd → String
The right half of a horizontal box line.
no setter
- rightEndBold → String
The right half of a bold horizontal box line.
no setter
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- teeDown → String
A horizontal box line with a vertical line going down from the middle.
no setter
- teeDownBold → String
A bold horizontal box line with a vertical line going down from the
no setter
- teeDownDouble → String
A double horizontal box line with a vertical line going down from the
no setter
- teeLeft → String
A vertical box line with a horizontal line going left from the middle.
no setter
- teeLeftBold → String
A bold vertical box line with a horizontal line going left from the
no setter
- teeLeftDouble → String
A double vertical box line with a horizontal line going left from the
no setter
- teeRight → String
A vertical box line with a horizontal line going right from the middle.
no setter
- teeRightBold → String
A bold vertical box line with a horizontal line going right from the
no setter
- teeRightDouble → String
A double vertical box line with a horizontal line going right from the
no setter
- teeUp → String
A horizontal box line with a vertical line going up from the middle.
no setter
- teeUpBold → String
A bold horizontal box line with a vertical line going up from the middle.
no setter
- teeUpDouble → String
A double horizontal box line with a vertical line going up from the
no setter
- topLeftCorner → String
The upper left-hand corner of a box.
no setter
- topLeftCornerBold → String
The bold upper left-hand corner of a box.
no setter
- topLeftCornerDouble → String
The double upper left-hand corner of a box.
no setter
- topRightCorner → String
The upper right-hand corner of a box.
no setter
- topRightCornerBold → String
The bold upper right-hand corner of a box.
no setter
- topRightCornerDouble → String
The double upper right-hand corner of a box.
no setter
- upArrow → String
An upwards-pointing arrow.
no setter
- upEnd → String
The top half of a vertical box line.
no setter
- upEndBold → String
The top half of a bold vertical box line.
no setter
- verticalLine → String
A vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
no setter
- verticalLineBold → String
A bold vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
no setter
- verticalLineDouble → String
A double vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
no setter
- verticalLineDoubleDash → String
A dashed vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
no setter
- verticalLineDoubleDashBold → String
A bold dashed vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
no setter
- verticalLineQuadrupleDash → String
A dashed vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
no setter
- verticalLineQuadrupleDashBold → String
A bold dashed vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
no setter
- verticalLineTripleDash → String
A dashed vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
no setter
- verticalLineTripleDashBold → String
A bold dashed vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
no setter
String glyph, String alternative) → String -
supports Unicode glyphs andalternative
otherwise. -
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.