fetchSpellCheckSuggestions method
Facilitates a spell check request.
Returns a Future that resolves with a List of SuggestionSpans for all misspelled words in the given String for the given Locale.
Future<List<SuggestionSpan>?> fetchSpellCheckSuggestions(
Locale locale, String text) async {
final List<dynamic> rawResults;
final String languageTag = locale.toLanguageTag();
try {
rawResults = await spellCheckChannel.invokeMethod(
<String>[languageTag, text],
) as List<dynamic>;
} catch (e) {
// Spell check request canceled due to pending request.
return null;
List<SuggestionSpan> suggestionSpans = <SuggestionSpan>[
for (final Map<dynamic, dynamic> resultMap in rawResults.cast<Map<dynamic, dynamic>>())
TextRange(start: resultMap['startIndex'] as int, end: resultMap['endIndex'] as int),
(resultMap['suggestions'] as List<Object?>).cast<String>(),
if (lastSavedResults != null) {
// Merge current and previous spell check results if between requests,
// the text has not changed but the spell check results have.
final bool textHasNotChanged = lastSavedResults!.spellCheckedText == text;
final bool spansHaveChanged =
listEquals(lastSavedResults!.suggestionSpans, suggestionSpans);
if (textHasNotChanged && spansHaveChanged) {
suggestionSpans = mergeResults(lastSavedResults!.suggestionSpans, suggestionSpans);
lastSavedResults = SpellCheckResults(text, suggestionSpans);
return suggestionSpans;