getModifierSide abstract method

  1. @Deprecated('No longer available. ' 'This feature was deprecated after v3.18.0-2.0.pre.')
KeyboardSide? getModifierSide(
  1. ModifierKey key

Returns a KeyboardSide enum value that describes which side or sides of the given keyboard modifier key were pressed at the time of this event.

This method is deprecated and will be removed.

If the modifier key wasn't pressed at the time of this event, returns null. If the given key only appears in one place on the keyboard, returns KeyboardSide.all if pressed. If the given platform does not specify the side, return KeyboardSide.any.


  'No longer available. '
  'This feature was deprecated after v3.18.0-2.0.pre.',
KeyboardSide? getModifierSide(ModifierKey key);