ReorderCallback typedef
A callback used by ReorderableList to report that a list item has moved to a new position in the list.
Implementations should remove the corresponding list item at oldIndex
and reinsert it at newIndex
If oldIndex
is before newIndex
, removing the item at oldIndex
from the
list will reduce the list's length by one. Implementations will need to
account for this when inserting before newIndex
final List<MyDataObject> backingList = <MyDataObject>[/* ... */];
void handleReorder(int oldIndex, int newIndex) {
if (oldIndex < newIndex) {
// removing the item at oldIndex will shorten the list by 1.
newIndex -= 1;
final MyDataObject element = backingList.removeAt(oldIndex);
backingList.insert(newIndex, element);
See also:
- ReorderableList, a widget list that allows the user to reorder its items.
- SliverReorderableList, a sliver list that allows the user to reorder its items.
- ReorderableListView, a Material Design list that allows the user to reorder its items.
typedef ReorderCallback = void Function(int oldIndex, int newIndex);