Interface TextureRegistry.SurfaceProducer.Callback

Enclosing interface:

public static interface TextureRegistry.SurfaceProducer.Callback
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Invoked when a previous surface is now invalid and a new surface is now available.
    Invoked when a previous surface is now invalid.
  • Method Details

    • onSurfaceCreated

      void onSurfaceCreated()
      Invoked when a previous surface is now invalid and a new surface is now available.

      Typically plugins will use this callback as a signal to redraw, such as due to the texture being resized, the format being changed, or the application being resumed after being suspended in the background.

    • onSurfaceDestroyed

      void onSurfaceDestroyed()
      Invoked when a previous surface is now invalid.

      Typically plugins will use this callback as a signal to release resources.