Flutter Windows Embedder
flutter Namespace Reference




class  AccessibilityBridge
class  AccessibilityBridgeWindows
class  AccessibilityPlugin
class  AlertPlatformNodeDelegate
class  BasicMessageChannel
class  BinaryMessenger
class  BinaryMessengerImpl
class  ByteBufferStreamReader
class  ByteBufferStreamWriter
class  ByteStreamReader
class  ByteStreamWriter
class  Compositor
class  CompositorOpenGL
class  CompositorSoftware
class  CursorHandler
class  CustomEncodableValue
class  DartProject
class  DartProjectTest
class  DirectManipulationEventHandler
class  DirectManipulationOwner
class  EncodableValue
class  EngineMethodResult
class  EventChannel
class  EventSink
class  EventWatcher
class  ExternalTexture
class  ExternalTextureD3d
class  ExternalTexturePixelBuffer
class  FlutterDesktopMessenger
class  FlutterEngine
class  FlutterPlatformNodeDelegate
class  FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateWindows
class  FlutterProjectBundle
class  FlutterView
class  FlutterViewController
class  FlutterWindow
class  FlutterWindowsEngine
class  FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrar
class  FlutterWindowsView
class  FlutterWindowsViewController
 Controls a view that displays Flutter content. More...
class  GpuSurfaceTexture
class  ImmContext
class  IncomingMessageDispatcher
class  JsonMessageCodec
class  JsonMethodCodec
class  KeyboardHandlerBase
class  KeyboardKeyChannelHandler
class  KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandler
class  KeyboardKeyHandler
class  KeyboardManager
struct  LanguageInfo
class  MessageCodec
class  MethodCall
class  MethodChannel
class  MethodCodec
class  MethodResult
class  MethodResultFunctions
struct  PhysicalWindowBounds
class  PixelBufferTexture
class  PlatformHandler
class  PlatformViewManager
class  PlatformViewPlugin
class  Plugin
class  PluginRegistrar
class  PluginRegistrarManager
class  PluginRegistrarWindows
class  PluginRegistry
class  Point
struct  PointerLocation
class  Rect
class  ScopedClipboardInterface
class  SequentialIdGenerator
class  SettingsPlugin
class  Size
class  StandardCodecSerializer
class  StandardMessageCodec
class  StandardMethodCodec
class  StreamHandler
struct  StreamHandlerError
class  StreamHandlerFunctions
class  TaskRunner
class  TaskRunnerWindow
class  TestAccessibilityBridge
class  TestCustomValue
struct  TextEditingDelta
 A change in the state of an input field. More...
class  TextInputManager
class  TextInputModel
class  TextInputPlugin
class  TextRange
class  TextureRegistrar
class  TextureRegistrarImpl
class  ThreadSnapshot
class  WindowBindingHandler
class  WindowBindingHandlerDelegate
class  WindowProcDelegateManager
class  WindowsLifecycleManager
class  WindowsProcTable


using FlutterViewId = int64_t
using WindowProcDelegate = std::function< std::optional< LRESULT >(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)>
using UniqueAotDataPtr = std::unique_ptr< _FlutterEngineAOTData, FlutterEngineCollectAOTDataFnPtr >
typedef uint64_t(* CurrentTimeProc) ()
template<typename T >
using MessageReply = std::function< void(const T &reply)>
template<typename T >
using MessageHandler = std::function< void(const T &message, const MessageReply< T > &reply)>
typedef std::function< void(const uint8_t *reply, size_t reply_size)> BinaryReply
typedef std::function< void(const uint8_t *message, size_t message_size, BinaryReply reply)> BinaryMessageHandler
using EncodableList = std::vector< EncodableValue >
using EncodableMap = std::map< EncodableValue, EncodableValue >
template<typename T >
using StreamHandlerListen = std::function< std::unique_ptr< StreamHandlerError< T > >(const T *arguments, std::unique_ptr< EventSink< T > > &&events)>
template<typename T >
using StreamHandlerCancel = std::function< std::unique_ptr< StreamHandlerError< T > >(const T *arguments)>
template<typename T >
using MethodCallHandler = std::function< void(const MethodCall< T > &call, std::unique_ptr< MethodResult< T > > result)>
template<typename T >
using ResultHandlerSuccess = std::function< void(const T *result)>
template<typename T >
using ResultHandlerError = std::function< void(const std::string &error_code, const std::string &error_message, const T *error_details)>
template<typename T >
using ResultHandlerNotImplemented = std::function< void()>
typedef std::variant< PixelBufferTexture, GpuSurfaceTextureTextureVariant
typedef ui::AXNode::AXID AccessibilityNodeId


enum  AppExitType {
enum  FocusChangeDirection {
enum  WindowStateEvent {
 An event representing a change in window state that may update the. More...
enum  AppLifecycleState {
enum  PlatformProvidedMenu {


 TEST_F (DartProjectTest, StandardProjectFormat)
 TEST_F (DartProjectTest, ProjectWithCustomPaths)
 TEST_F (DartProjectTest, DartEntrypointArguments)
 TEST (FlutterEngineTest, CreateDestroy)
 TEST (FlutterEngineTest, CreateDestroyWithCustomEntrypoint)
 TEST (FlutterEngineTest, ExplicitShutDown)
 TEST (FlutterEngineTest, ProcessMessages)
 TEST (FlutterEngineTest, ReloadFonts)
 TEST (FlutterEngineTest, GetMessenger)
 TEST (FlutterEngineTest, DartEntrypointArgs)
 TEST (FlutterEngineTest, SetNextFrameCallback)
 TEST (FlutterEngineTest, ProcessExternalWindowMessage)
 TEST (FlutterViewControllerTest, CreateDestroy)
 TEST (FlutterViewControllerTest, GetViewId)
 TEST (FlutterViewControllerTest, GetEngine)
 TEST (FlutterViewControllerTest, GetView)
 TEST (FlutterViewControllerTest, ForceRedraw)
 TEST (FlutterViewTest, HwndAccessPassesThrough)
 TEST (FlutterViewTest, GraphicsAdapterAccessPassesThrough)
 TEST (PluginRegistrarWindowsTest, GetView)
 TEST (PluginRegistrarWindowsTest, GetViewById)
 TEST (PluginRegistrarWindowsTest, PluginDestroyedBeforeRegistrar)
 TEST (PluginRegistrarWindowsTest, RegisterUnregister)
 TEST (PluginRegistrarWindowsTest, CallsRegisteredDelegates)
 TEST (PluginRegistrarWindowsTest, StopsOnceHandled)
HCURSOR GetCursorFromBuffer (const std::vector< uint8_t > &buffer, double hot_x, double hot_y, int width, int height)
void GetMaskBitmaps (HBITMAP bitmap, HBITMAP &mask_bitmap)
UINT GetDpiForHWND (HWND hwnd)
UINT GetDpiForMonitor (HMONITOR monitor)
static void WindowsPlatformThreadPrioritySetter (FlutterThreadPriority priority)
std::string ConvertChar32ToUtf8 (char32_t ch)
static bool isEasciiPrintable (int codeUnit)
static uint64_t toLower (uint64_t n)
static uint16_t normalizeScancode (int windowsScanCode, bool extended)
std::u16string EncodeUtf16 (char32_t character)
uint32_t UndeadChar (uint32_t ch)
static AppExitType StringToAppExitType (const std::string &string)
std::vector< LanguageInfoGetPreferredLanguageInfo (const WindowsProcTable &windows_proc_table)
std::wstring GetPreferredLanguagesFromMUI (const WindowsProcTable &windows_proc_table)
std::vector< std::wstring > GetPreferredLanguages (const WindowsProcTable &windows_proc_table)
LanguageInfo ParseLanguageName (std::wstring language_name)
std::wstring GetUserTimeFormat ()
bool Prefer24HourTime (std::wstring time_format)
static int64_t NumWindowsForThread (const THREADENTRY32 &thread)
constexpr const char * AppLifecycleStateToString (AppLifecycleState state)
 TEST (BasicMessageChannelTest, Registration)
 TEST (BasicMessageChannelTest, Unregistration)
 TEST (BasicMessageChannelTest, Resize)
 TEST (BasicMessageChannelTest, SetWarnsOnOverflow)
 TEST (EncodableValueTest, Null)
 TEST (EncodableValueTest, Bool)
 TEST (EncodableValueTest, Int)
 TEST (EncodableValueTest, LongValue)
 TEST (EncodableValueTest, Long)
 TEST (EncodableValueTest, Double)
 TEST (EncodableValueTest, String)
 TEST (EncodableValueTest, CString)
 TEST (EncodableValueTest, UInt8List)
 TEST (EncodableValueTest, Int32List)
 TEST (EncodableValueTest, Int64List)
 TEST (EncodableValueTest, DoubleList)
 TEST (EncodableValueTest, List)
 TEST (EncodableValueTest, Map)
 TEST (EncodableValueTest, Comparison)
 TEST (EncodableValueTest, DeepCopy)
 TEST (EncodableValueTest, TypeIndexesCorrect)
 TEST (EventChannelTest, Registration)
 TEST (EventChannelTest, Unregistration)
 TEST (EventChannelTest, Cancel)
 TEST (EventChannelTest, ListenNotCancel)
 TEST (EventChannelTest, ReRegistration)
 TEST (EventChannelTest, HandlerOutlivesEventChannel)
 TEST (EventChannelTest, StreamHandlerErrorPassByValue)
 TEST (EventChannelTest, StreamHandlerErrorNullptr)
 TEST (MethodCallTest, Basic)
 TEST (MethodChannelTest, Registration)
 TEST (MethodChannelTest, Unregistration)
 TEST (MethodChannelTest, InvokeWithoutResponse)
 TEST (MethodChannelTest, InvokeWithResponse)
 TEST (MethodChannelTest, InvokeNotImplemented)
 TEST (MethodChannelTest, Resize)
 TEST (MethodChannelTest, SetWarnsOnOverflow)
 TEST (MethodChannelTest, NoHandlers)
 TEST (MethodChannelTest, Success)
 TEST (MethodChannelTest, Error)
 TEST (MethodChannelTest, NotImplemented)
 TEST (PluginRegistrarTest, PluginDestroyedBeforeRegistrar)
 TEST (PluginRegistrarTest, MessengerSend)
 TEST (PluginRegistrarTest, MessengerSetMessageHandler)
 TEST (PluginRegistrarTest, ManagerSameInstance)
 TEST (PluginRegistrarTest, ManagerDifferentInstances)
 TEST (PluginRegistrarTest, ManagerRemovesOnDestruction)
 TEST (PluginRegistrarTest, TextureRegistrarNotNull)
static void CheckEncodeDecode (const EncodableValue &value, const std::vector< uint8_t > &expected_encoding, const StandardCodecSerializer *serializer=nullptr, const std::function< bool(const EncodableValue &a, const EncodableValue &b)> &custom_comparator=nullptr)
static void CheckEncodeDecodeWithEncodePrefix (const EncodableValue &value, const std::vector< uint8_t > &expected_encoding_prefix, size_t expected_encoding_length)
 TEST (StandardMessageCodec, GetInstanceCachesInstance)
 TEST (StandardMessageCodec, CanEncodeAndDecodeNull)
 TEST (StandardMessageCodec, CanDecodeEmptyBytesAsNullWithoutCallingSerializer)
 TEST (StandardMessageCodec, CanEncodeAndDecodeTrue)
 TEST (StandardMessageCodec, CanEncodeAndDecodeFalse)
 TEST (StandardMessageCodec, CanEncodeAndDecodeInt32)
 TEST (StandardMessageCodec, CanEncodeAndDecodeInt64)
 TEST (StandardMessageCodec, CanEncodeAndDecodeDouble)
 TEST (StandardMessageCodec, CanEncodeAndDecodeString)
 TEST (StandardMessageCodec, CanEncodeAndDecodeStringWithNonAsciiCodePoint)
 TEST (StandardMessageCodec, CanEncodeAndDecodeStringWithNonBMPCodePoint)
 TEST (StandardMessageCodec, CanEncodeAndDecodeEmptyString)
 TEST (StandardMessageCodec, CanEncodeAndDecodeList)
 TEST (StandardMessageCodec, CanEncodeAndDecodeEmptyList)
 TEST (StandardMessageCodec, CanEncodeAndDecodeMap)
 TEST (StandardMessageCodec, CanEncodeAndDecodeByteArray)
 TEST (StandardMessageCodec, CanEncodeAndDecodeInt32Array)
 TEST (StandardMessageCodec, CanEncodeAndDecodeInt64Array)
 TEST (StandardMessageCodec, CanEncodeAndDecodeFloat32Array)
 TEST (StandardMessageCodec, CanEncodeAndDecodeFloat64Array)
 TEST (StandardMessageCodec, CanEncodeAndDecodeSimpleCustomType)
 TEST (StandardMessageCodec, CanEncodeAndDecodeVariableLengthCustomType)
 TEST (StandardMethodCodec, GetInstanceCachesInstance)
 TEST (StandardMethodCodec, HandlesMethodCallsWithNullArguments)
 TEST (StandardMethodCodec, HandlesMethodCallsWithArgument)
 TEST (StandardMethodCodec, HandlesSuccessEnvelopesWithNullResult)
 TEST (StandardMethodCodec, HandlesSuccessEnvelopesWithResult)
 TEST (StandardMethodCodec, HandlesErrorEnvelopesWithNulls)
 TEST (StandardMethodCodec, HandlesErrorEnvelopesWithDetails)
 TEST (StandardMethodCodec, HandlesCustomTypeArguments)
 TEST (TextureRegistrarTest, RegisterUnregisterTexture)
 TEST (TextureRegistrarTest, UnregisterInvalidTexture)
 TEST (TextureRegistrarTest, MarkFrameAvailableInvalidTexture)
std::vector< std::string > GetSwitchesFromEnvironment ()
 TEST (FlutterProjectBundle, SwitchesEmpty)
 TEST (FlutterProjectBundle, Switches)
 TEST (FlutterProjectBundle, SwitchesExtraValues)
 TEST (FlutterProjectBundle, SwitchesMissingValues)
 TEST (Point, SetsCoordinates)
 TEST (Size, SetsDimensions)
 TEST (Size, ClampsDimensionsPositive)
 TEST (Rect, SetsOriginAndSize)
 TEST (Rect, ReturnsLTRB)
 TEST (Rect, ReturnsWidthHeight)
 TEST (IncomingMessageDispatcher, SetHandle)
 TEST (IncomingMessageDispatcher, BlockInputFalse)
 TEST (IncomingMessageDispatcher, BlockInputTrue)
 TEST (JsonMessageCodec, EncodeDecode)
 TEST (JsonMethodCodec, HandlesMethodCallsWithNullArguments)
 TEST (JsonMethodCodec, HandlesMethodCallsWithArgument)
 TEST (JsonMethodCodec, HandlesSuccessEnvelopesWithNullResult)
 TEST (JsonMethodCodec, HandlesSuccessEnvelopesWithResult)
 TEST (JsonMethodCodec, HandlesErrorEnvelopesWithNulls)
 TEST (JsonMethodCodec, HandlesErrorEnvelopesWithDetails)
std::filesystem::path GetExecutableDirectory ()
 TEST (PathUtilsTest, ExecutableDirector)
 TEST (TextEditingDeltaTest, TestTextEditingDeltaConstructor)
 TEST (TextEditingDeltaTest, TestTextEditingDeltaNonTextConstructor)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SetText)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SetTextWideCharacters)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SetTextEmpty)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SetTextReplaceText)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SetTextResetsSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SetSelectionStart)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SetSelectionComposingStart)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SetSelectionMiddle)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SetSelectionComposingMiddle)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SetSelectionEnd)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SetSelectionComposingEnd)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SetSelectionWthExtent)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SetSelectionWthExtentComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SetSelectionReverseExtent)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SetSelectionReverseExtentComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SetSelectionOutsideString)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SetSelectionOutsideComposingRange)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SetComposingRangeStart)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SetComposingRangeMiddle)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SetComposingRangeEnd)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SetComposingRangeWithExtent)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SetComposingRangeReverseExtent)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SetComposingRangeOutsideString)
 TEST (TextInputModel, CommitComposingNoTextWithNoSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, CommitComposingNoTextWithSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, CommitComposingTextWithNoSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, CommitComposingTextWithSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, UpdateComposingRemovesLastComposingCharacter)
 TEST (TextInputModel, UpdateSelectionWhileComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, AddCodePoint)
 TEST (TextInputModel, AddCodePointSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, AddCodePointReverseSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, AddCodePointSelectionWideCharacter)
 TEST (TextInputModel, AddCodePointReverseSelectionWideCharacter)
 TEST (TextInputModel, AddText)
 TEST (TextInputModel, AddTextSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, AddTextReverseSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, AddTextSelectionWideCharacter)
 TEST (TextInputModel, AddTextReverseSelectionWideCharacter)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteStart)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteMiddle)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteEnd)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteWideCharacters)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteReverseSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteStartComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteStartReverseComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteMiddleComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteMiddleReverseComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteEndComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteEndReverseComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteSurroundingAtCursor)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteSurroundingAtCursorComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteSurroundingAtCursorAll)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteSurroundingAtCursorAllComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteSurroundingAtCursorGreedy)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteSurroundingAtCursorGreedyComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteSurroundingBeforeCursor)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteSurroundingBeforeCursorComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteSurroundingBeforeCursorAll)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteSurroundingBeforeCursorAllComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteSurroundingBeforeCursorGreedy)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteSurroundingBeforeCursorGreedyComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteSurroundingAfterCursor)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteSurroundingAfterCursorComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteSurroundingAfterCursorAll)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteSurroundingAfterCursorAllComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteSurroundingAfterCursorGreedy)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteSurroundingAfterCursorGreedyComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteSurroundingSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, DeleteSurroundingReverseSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, BackspaceStart)
 TEST (TextInputModel, BackspaceMiddle)
 TEST (TextInputModel, BackspaceEnd)
 TEST (TextInputModel, BackspaceWideCharacters)
 TEST (TextInputModel, BackspaceSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, BackspaceReverseSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, BackspaceStartComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, BackspaceStartReverseComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, BackspaceMiddleComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, BackspaceMiddleReverseComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, BackspaceEndComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, BackspaceEndReverseComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorForwardStart)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorForwardMiddle)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorForwardEnd)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorForwardWideCharacters)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorForwardSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorForwardReverseSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorForwardStartComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorForwardStartReverseComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorForwardMiddleComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorForwardMiddleReverseComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorForwardEndComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorForwardEndReverseComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorBackStart)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorBackMiddle)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorBackEnd)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorBackWideCharacters)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorBackSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorBackReverseSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorBackStartComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorBackStartReverseComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorBackMiddleComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorBackMiddleReverseComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorBackEndComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorBackEndReverseComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorToBeginningStart)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SelectToBeginningStart)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorToBeginningMiddle)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SelectToBeginningMiddle)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorToBeginningEnd)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SelectToBeginningEnd)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorToBeginningSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SelectToBeginningSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorToBeginningReverseSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SelectToBeginningReverseSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorToBeginningStartComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SelectToBeginningStartComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorToBeginningStartReverseComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SelectToBeginningStartReverseComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorToBeginningMiddleComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SelectToBeginningMiddleComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorToBeginningMiddleReverseComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SelectToBeginningMiddleReverseComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorToBeginningEndComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SelectToBeginningEndComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorToBeginningEndReverseComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SelectToBeginningEndReverseComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorToEndStart)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SelectToEndStart)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorToEndMiddle)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SelectToEndMiddle)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorToEndEnd)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SelectToEndEnd)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorToEndSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SelectToEndSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorToEndReverseSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SelectToEndReverseSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorToEndStartComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SelectToEndStartComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorToEndStartReverseComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SelectToEndStartReverseComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorToEndMiddleComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SelectToEndMiddleComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorToEndMiddleReverseComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SelectToEndMiddleReverseComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorToEndEndComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SelectToEndEndComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, MoveCursorToEndEndReverseComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, SelectToEndEndReverseComposing)
 TEST (TextInputModel, GetCursorOffset)
 TEST (TextInputModel, GetCursorOffsetSelection)
 TEST (TextInputModel, GetCursorOffsetReverseSelection)
 TEST (TextRange, TextRangeFromPositionZero)
 TEST (TextRange, TextRangeFromPositionNonZero)
 TEST (TextRange, TextRangeFromRange)
 TEST (TextRange, TextRangeFromReversedRange)
 TEST (TextRange, SetBase)
 TEST (TextRange, SetBaseReversed)
 TEST (TextRange, SetExtent)
 TEST (TextRange, SetExtentReversed)
 TEST (TextRange, SetStart)
 TEST (TextRange, SetStartReversed)
 TEST (TextRange, SetEnd)
 TEST (TextRange, SetEndReversed)
 TEST (TextRange, ContainsPreStartPosition)
 TEST (TextRange, ContainsStartPosition)
 TEST (TextRange, ContainsMiddlePosition)
 TEST (TextRange, ContainsEndPosition)
 TEST (TextRange, ContainsPostEndPosition)
 TEST (TextRange, ContainsPreStartPositionReversed)
 TEST (TextRange, ContainsStartPositionReversed)
 TEST (TextRange, ContainsMiddlePositionReversed)
 TEST (TextRange, ContainsEndPositionReversed)
 TEST (TextRange, ContainsPostEndPositionReversed)
 TEST (TextRange, ContainsRangePreStartPosition)
 TEST (TextRange, ContainsRangeSpanningStartPosition)
 TEST (TextRange, ContainsRangeStartPosition)
 TEST (TextRange, ContainsRangeMiddlePosition)
 TEST (TextRange, ContainsRangeEndPosition)
 TEST (TextRange, ContainsRangeSpanningEndPosition)
 TEST (TextRange, ContainsRangePostEndPosition)
 TEST (TextRange, ContainsRangePreStartPositionReversed)
 TEST (TextRange, ContainsRangeSpanningStartPositionReversed)
 TEST (TextRange, ContainsRangeStartPositionReversed)
 TEST (TextRange, ContainsRangeMiddlePositionReversed)
 TEST (TextRange, ContainsRangeSpanningEndPositionReversed)
 TEST (TextRange, ContainsRangeEndPositionReversed)
 TEST (TextRange, ContainsRangePostEndPositionReversed)
 TEST (TextRange, ReversedForwardRange)
 TEST (TextRange, ReversedCollapsedRange)
 TEST (TextRange, ReversedReversedRange)


constexpr int kOpaqueBlack = 0xff000000
constexpr FlutterViewId kImplicitViewId = 0
constexpr int kShift = 1 << 0
constexpr int kControl = 1 << 3
constexpr int kScanCodeShiftLeft = 0x2a
constexpr int kScanCodeShiftRight = 0x36
constexpr int kKeyCodeShiftLeft = 0xa0
constexpr int kScanCodeControlLeft = 0x1d
constexpr int kScanCodeControlRight = 0xe01d
constexpr int kKeyCodeControlLeft = 0xa2
constexpr int kDeadKeyCharMask = 0x80000000
static constexpr const char * kExitTypeNames []
constexpr const wchar_t kGetPreferredLanguageRegKey []
constexpr const wchar_t kGetPreferredLanguageRegValue [] = L"Languages"
constexpr int kHasScrollingAction

Typedef Documentation

◆ AccessibilityNodeId

typedef ui::AXNode::AXID flutter::AccessibilityNodeId

Definition at line 15 of file flutter_platform_node_delegate.h.

◆ BinaryMessageHandler

typedef std::function< void(const uint8_t* message, size_t message_size, BinaryReply reply)> flutter::BinaryMessageHandler

Definition at line 24 of file binary_messenger.h.

◆ BinaryReply

typedef std::function<void(const uint8_t* reply, size_t reply_size)> flutter::BinaryReply

Definition at line 17 of file binary_messenger.h.

◆ CurrentTimeProc

typedef uint64_t(* flutter::CurrentTimeProc) ()

Definition at line 21 of file task_runner.h.

◆ EncodableList

using flutter::EncodableList = typedef std::vector<EncodableValue>

Definition at line 94 of file encodable_value.h.

◆ EncodableMap

Definition at line 95 of file encodable_value.h.

◆ FlutterViewId

typedef int64_t flutter::FlutterViewId

Definition at line 13 of file flutter_view.h.

◆ MessageHandler

template<typename T >
using flutter::MessageHandler = typedef std::function<void(const T& message, const MessageReply<T>& reply)>

Definition at line 51 of file basic_message_channel.h.

◆ MessageReply

template<typename T >
using flutter::MessageReply = typedef std::function<void(const T& reply)>

Definition at line 43 of file basic_message_channel.h.

◆ MethodCallHandler

template<typename T >
using flutter::MethodCallHandler = typedef std::function<void(const MethodCall<T>& call, std::unique_ptr<MethodResult<T> > result)>

Definition at line 29 of file method_channel.h.

◆ ResultHandlerError

template<typename T >
using flutter::ResultHandlerError = typedef std::function<void(const std::string& error_code, const std::string& error_message, const T* error_details)>

Definition at line 24 of file method_result_functions.h.

◆ ResultHandlerNotImplemented

template<typename T >
using flutter::ResultHandlerNotImplemented = typedef std::function<void()>

Definition at line 26 of file method_result_functions.h.

◆ ResultHandlerSuccess

template<typename T >
using flutter::ResultHandlerSuccess = typedef std::function<void(const T* result)>

Definition at line 20 of file method_result_functions.h.

◆ StreamHandlerCancel

template<typename T >
using flutter::StreamHandlerCancel = typedef std::function<std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<T> >(const T* arguments)>

Definition at line 27 of file event_stream_handler_functions.h.

◆ StreamHandlerListen

template<typename T >
using flutter::StreamHandlerListen = typedef std::function<std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<T> >( const T* arguments, std::unique_ptr<EventSink<T> >&& events)>

Definition at line 23 of file event_stream_handler_functions.h.

◆ TextureVariant

Definition at line 79 of file texture_registrar.h.

◆ UniqueAotDataPtr

using flutter::UniqueAotDataPtr = typedef std::unique_ptr<_FlutterEngineAOTData, FlutterEngineCollectAOTDataFnPtr>

Definition at line 18 of file flutter_project_bundle.h.

◆ WindowProcDelegate

using flutter::WindowProcDelegate = typedef std::function<std::optional< LRESULT>(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)>

Definition at line 24 of file plugin_registrar_windows.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ AppExitType

enum flutter::AppExitType

Definition at line 27 of file platform_handler.h.

27  {
28  required,
29  cancelable,
30 };

◆ AppLifecycleState

These constants describe the possible lifecycle states of the application. They must be kept up to date with changes in the framework's AppLifecycleState enum. They are passed to the embedder's |SetLifecycleState| function.

States not supported on a platform will be synthesized by the framework when transitioning between states which are supported, so that all implementations share the same state machine.

Here is the state machine:

+-----------+                               +-----------+
| detached  |------------------------------>|  resumed  |
+-----------+                               +-----------+
     ^                                              ^
     |                                              |
     |                                              v
+-----------+        +--------------+       +-----------+
| paused    |<------>|    hidden    |<----->|  inactive |
+-----------+        +--------------+       +-----------+

Corresponds to the Framework's AppLifecycleState.detached: The initial state of the state machine. On Android, iOS, and web, also the final state of the state machine when all views are detached. Other platforms do not re-enter this state after initially leaving it.


Corresponds to the Framework's AppLifecycleState.resumed: The nominal "running" state of the application. The application is visible, has input focus, and is running.


Corresponds to the Framework's AppLifecycleState.inactive: At least one view of the application is visible, but none have input focus. The application is otherwise running normally.


Corresponds to the Framework's AppLifecycleState.hidden: All views of an application are hidden, either because the application is being stopped (on iOS and Android), or because it is being minimized or on a desktop that is no longer visible (on desktop), or on a tab that is no longer visible (on web).


Corresponds to the Framework's AppLifecycleState.paused: The application is not running, and can be detached or started again at any time. This state is typically only entered into on iOS and Android.

Definition at line 32 of file app_lifecycle_state.h.

32  {
33  /**
34  * Corresponds to the Framework's AppLifecycleState.detached: The initial
35  * state of the state machine. On Android, iOS, and web, also the final state
36  * of the state machine when all views are detached. Other platforms do not
37  * re-enter this state after initially leaving it.
38  */
39  kDetached,
41  /**
42  * Corresponds to the Framework's AppLifecycleState.resumed: The nominal
43  * "running" state of the application. The application is visible, has input
44  * focus, and is running.
45  */
46  kResumed,
48  /**
49  * Corresponds to the Framework's AppLifecycleState.inactive: At least one
50  * view of the application is visible, but none have input focus. The
51  * application is otherwise running normally.
52  */
53  kInactive,
55  /**
56  * Corresponds to the Framework's AppLifecycleState.hidden: All views of an
57  * application are hidden, either because the application is being stopped (on
58  * iOS and Android), or because it is being minimized or on a desktop that is
59  * no longer visible (on desktop), or on a tab that is no longer visible (on
60  * web).
61  */
62  kHidden,
64  /**
65  * Corresponds to the Framework's AppLifecycleState.paused: The application is
66  * not running, and can be detached or started again at any time. This state
67  * is typically only entered into on iOS and Android.
68  */
69  kPaused,
70 };

◆ FocusChangeDirection


Definition at line 17 of file platform_view_manager.h.

17  {
18  kProgrammatic, // Un-directed focus change.
19  kForward, // Keyboard focus moves forwards, e.g. TAB key.
20  kBackward // Keyboard focus moves backwards, e.g. Shift+TAB.
21 };

◆ PlatformProvidedMenu


Definition at line 12 of file platform_provided_menu.h.

12  {
13  // orderFrontStandardAboutPanel macOS provided menu
14  kAbout,
16  // terminate macOS provided menu
17  kQuit,
19  // Services macOS provided submenu.
22  // hide macOS provided menu
23  kHide,
25  // hideOtherApplications macOS provided menu
28  // unhideAllApplications macOS provided menu
31  // startSpeaking macOS provided menu
34  // stopSpeaking macOS provided menu
37  // toggleFullScreen macOS provided menu
40  // performMiniaturize macOS provided menu
43  // performZoom macOS provided menu
46  // arrangeInFront macOS provided menu
48 };

◆ WindowStateEvent

An event representing a change in window state that may update the.


Definition at line 24 of file windows_lifecycle_manager.h.

24  {
25  kShow,
26  kHide,
27  kFocus,
28  kUnfocus,
29 };

Function Documentation

◆ AppLifecycleStateToString()

constexpr const char* flutter::AppLifecycleStateToString ( AppLifecycleState  state)

Definition at line 72 of file app_lifecycle_state.h.

72  {
73  switch (state) {
74  case AppLifecycleState::kDetached:
75  return "AppLifecycleState.detached";
76  case AppLifecycleState::kResumed:
77  return "AppLifecycleState.resumed";
78  case AppLifecycleState::kInactive:
79  return "AppLifecycleState.inactive";
80  case AppLifecycleState::kHidden:
81  return "AppLifecycleState.hidden";
82  case AppLifecycleState::kPaused:
83  return "AppLifecycleState.paused";
84  }
85 }

References kDetached, kHidden, kInactive, kPaused, and kResumed.

◆ CheckEncodeDecode()

static void flutter::CheckEncodeDecode ( const EncodableValue value,
const std::vector< uint8_t > &  expected_encoding,
const StandardCodecSerializer serializer = nullptr,
const std::function< bool(const EncodableValue &a, const EncodableValue &b)> &  custom_comparator = nullptr 

Definition at line 37 of file standard_message_codec_unittests.cc.

42  {
43  const StandardMessageCodec& codec =
44  StandardMessageCodec::GetInstance(serializer);
45  auto encoded = codec.EncodeMessage(value);
46  ASSERT_TRUE(encoded);
47  EXPECT_EQ(*encoded, expected_encoding);
49  auto decoded = codec.DecodeMessage(*encoded);
50  if (custom_comparator) {
51  EXPECT_TRUE(custom_comparator(value, *decoded));
52  } else {
53  EXPECT_EQ(value, *decoded);
54  }
55 }

References flutter::MessageCodec< T >::DecodeMessage(), flutter::MessageCodec< T >::EncodeMessage(), and flutter::StandardMessageCodec::GetInstance().

Referenced by TEST().

◆ CheckEncodeDecodeWithEncodePrefix()

static void flutter::CheckEncodeDecodeWithEncodePrefix ( const EncodableValue value,
const std::vector< uint8_t > &  expected_encoding_prefix,
size_t  expected_encoding_length 

Definition at line 62 of file standard_message_codec_unittests.cc.

65  {
66  EXPECT_TRUE(std::holds_alternative<EncodableMap>(value));
67  const StandardMessageCodec& codec = StandardMessageCodec::GetInstance();
68  auto encoded = codec.EncodeMessage(value);
69  ASSERT_TRUE(encoded);
71  EXPECT_EQ(encoded->size(), expected_encoding_length);
72  ASSERT_GT(encoded->size(), expected_encoding_prefix.size());
73  EXPECT_TRUE(std::equal(
74  encoded->begin(), encoded->begin() + expected_encoding_prefix.size(),
75  expected_encoding_prefix.begin(), expected_encoding_prefix.end()));
77  auto decoded = codec.DecodeMessage(*encoded);
79  EXPECT_EQ(value, *decoded);
80 }

References flutter::MessageCodec< T >::DecodeMessage(), flutter::MessageCodec< T >::EncodeMessage(), and flutter::StandardMessageCodec::GetInstance().

Referenced by TEST().

◆ ConvertChar32ToUtf8()

std::string flutter::ConvertChar32ToUtf8 ( char32_t  ch)

Definition at line 38 of file keyboard_key_embedder_handler.cc.

38  {
39  std::string result;
40  FML_DCHECK(0 <= ch && ch <= 0x10FFFF) << "Character out of range";
41  if (ch <= 0x007F) {
42  result.push_back(ch);
43  } else if (ch <= 0x07FF) {
44  result.push_back(0b11000000 + _GetBit(ch, 11, 6));
45  result.push_back(0b10000000 + _GetBit(ch, 6, 0));
46  } else if (ch <= 0xFFFF) {
47  result.push_back(0b11100000 + _GetBit(ch, 16, 12));
48  result.push_back(0b10000000 + _GetBit(ch, 12, 6));
49  result.push_back(0b10000000 + _GetBit(ch, 6, 0));
50  } else {
51  result.push_back(0b11110000 + _GetBit(ch, 21, 18));
52  result.push_back(0b10000000 + _GetBit(ch, 18, 12));
53  result.push_back(0b10000000 + _GetBit(ch, 12, 6));
54  result.push_back(0b10000000 + _GetBit(ch, 6, 0));
55  }
56  return result;
57 }

Referenced by flutter::testing::TEST().

◆ EncodeUtf16()

std::u16string flutter::EncodeUtf16 ( char32_t  character)

Definition at line 11 of file keyboard_utils.cc.

11  {
12  // Algorithm: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-16#Description
13  std::u16string result;
14  // Invalid value.
15  FML_DCHECK(!(character >= 0xD800 && character <= 0xDFFF) &&
16  !(character > 0x10FFFF));
17  if ((character >= 0xD800 && character <= 0xDFFF) || (character > 0x10FFFF)) {
18  return result;
19  }
20  if (character <= 0xD7FF || (character >= 0xE000 && character <= 0xFFFF)) {
21  result.push_back((char16_t)character);
22  return result;
23  }
24  uint32_t remnant = character - 0x10000;
25  result.push_back((remnant >> 10) + 0xD800);
26  result.push_back((remnant & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00);
27  return result;
28 }

References character.

Referenced by flutter::testing::TEST().

◆ GetCursorFromBuffer()

HCURSOR flutter::GetCursorFromBuffer ( const std::vector< uint8_t > &  buffer,
double  hot_x,
double  hot_y,
int  width,
int  height 

Definition at line 205 of file cursor_handler.cc.

209  {
210  HCURSOR cursor = nullptr;
211  HDC display_dc = GetDC(NULL);
212  // Flutter should returns rawBGRA, which has 8bits * 4channels.
213  BITMAPINFO bmi;
214  memset(&bmi, 0, sizeof(bmi));
215  bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
216  bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = width;
217  bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = -height;
218  bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
219  bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
220  bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
221  bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = width * height * 4;
222  // Create the pixmap DIB section
223  uint8_t* pixels = 0;
224  HBITMAP bitmap =
225  CreateDIBSection(display_dc, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void**)&pixels, 0, 0);
226  ReleaseDC(0, display_dc);
227  if (!bitmap || !pixels) {
228  return nullptr;
229  }
230  int bytes_per_line = width * 4;
231  for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
232  memcpy(pixels + y * bytes_per_line, &buffer[bytes_per_line * y],
233  bytes_per_line);
234  }
235  HBITMAP mask;
236  GetMaskBitmaps(bitmap, mask);
237  ICONINFO icon_info;
238  icon_info.fIcon = 0;
239  icon_info.xHotspot = hot_x;
240  icon_info.yHotspot = hot_y;
241  icon_info.hbmMask = mask;
242  icon_info.hbmColor = bitmap;
243  cursor = CreateIconIndirect(&icon_info);
244  DeleteObject(mask);
245  DeleteObject(bitmap);
246  return cursor;
247 }

References GetMaskBitmaps().

◆ GetDpiForHWND()

UINT flutter::GetDpiForHWND ( HWND  hwnd)

Returns the DPI for |hwnd|. Supports all DPI awareness modes, and is backward compatible down to Windows Vista. If |hwnd| is nullptr, returns the DPI for the primary monitor. If Per-Monitor DPI awareness is not available, returns the system's DPI.

Definition at line 130 of file dpi_utils.cc.

130  {
131  return GetHelper()->GetDpiForWindow(hwnd);
132 }

Referenced by FlutterDesktopGetDpiForHWND(), flutter::FlutterWindow::FlutterWindow(), flutter::FlutterWindow::HandleMessage(), and flutter::testing::TEST().

◆ GetDpiForMonitor()

UINT flutter::GetDpiForMonitor ( HMONITOR  monitor)

Returns the DPI of a given monitor. Defaults to 96 if the API is not available.

Definition at line 134 of file dpi_utils.cc.

134  {
135  return GetHelper()->GetDpiForMonitor(monitor);
136 }

Referenced by FlutterDesktopGetDpiForMonitor(), and flutter::testing::TEST().

◆ GetExecutableDirectory()

std::filesystem::path flutter::GetExecutableDirectory ( )

Definition at line 16 of file path_utils.cc.

16  {
17 #if defined(_WIN32)
18  wchar_t buffer[MAX_PATH];
19  if (GetModuleFileName(nullptr, buffer, MAX_PATH) == 0) {
20  return std::filesystem::path();
21  }
22  std::filesystem::path executable_path(buffer);
23  return executable_path.remove_filename();
24 #elif defined(__linux__)
25  char buffer[PATH_MAX + 1];
26  ssize_t length = readlink("/proc/self/exe", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
27  if (length > PATH_MAX) {
28  return std::filesystem::path();
29  }
30  std::filesystem::path executable_path(std::string(buffer, length));
31  return executable_path.remove_filename();
32 #else
33  return std::filesystem::path();
34 #endif
35 }

Referenced by flutter::FlutterProjectBundle::FlutterProjectBundle(), and TEST().

◆ GetMaskBitmaps()

void flutter::GetMaskBitmaps ( HBITMAP  bitmap,
HBITMAP &  mask_bitmap 

Definition at line 249 of file cursor_handler.cc.

249  {
250  HDC h_dc = ::GetDC(NULL);
251  HDC h_main_dc = ::CreateCompatibleDC(h_dc);
252  HDC h_and_mask_dc = ::CreateCompatibleDC(h_dc);
254  // Get the dimensions of the source bitmap
255  BITMAP bm;
256  ::GetObject(bitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), &bm);
257  mask_bitmap = ::CreateCompatibleBitmap(h_dc, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight);
259  // Select the bitmaps to DC
260  HBITMAP h_old_main_bitmap = (HBITMAP)::SelectObject(h_main_dc, bitmap);
261  HBITMAP h_old_and_mask_bitmap =
262  (HBITMAP)::SelectObject(h_and_mask_dc, mask_bitmap);
264  // Scan each pixel of the souce bitmap and create the masks
265  COLORREF main_bit_pixel;
266  for (int x = 0; x < bm.bmWidth; ++x) {
267  for (int y = 0; y < bm.bmHeight; ++y) {
268  main_bit_pixel = ::GetPixel(h_main_dc, x, y);
269  if (main_bit_pixel == RGB(0, 0, 0)) {
270  ::SetPixel(h_and_mask_dc, x, y, RGB(255, 255, 255));
271  } else {
272  ::SetPixel(h_and_mask_dc, x, y, RGB(0, 0, 0));
273  }
274  }
275  }
276  ::SelectObject(h_main_dc, h_old_main_bitmap);
277  ::SelectObject(h_and_mask_dc, h_old_and_mask_bitmap);
279  ::DeleteDC(h_and_mask_dc);
280  ::DeleteDC(h_main_dc);
282  ::ReleaseDC(NULL, h_dc);
283 }

Referenced by GetCursorFromBuffer().

◆ GetPreferredLanguageInfo()

std::vector< LanguageInfo > flutter::GetPreferredLanguageInfo ( const WindowsProcTable windows_proc_table)

Definition at line 15 of file system_utils.cc.

16  {
17  std::vector<std::wstring> languages =
18  GetPreferredLanguages(windows_proc_table);
19  std::vector<LanguageInfo> language_info;
20  language_info.reserve(languages.size());
22  for (auto language : languages) {
23  language_info.push_back(ParseLanguageName(language));
24  }
25  return language_info;
26 }

References GetPreferredLanguages(), and ParseLanguageName().

Referenced by flutter::testing::TEST().

◆ GetPreferredLanguages()

std::vector< std::wstring > flutter::GetPreferredLanguages ( const WindowsProcTable windows_proc_table)

Definition at line 45 of file system_utils.cc.

46  {
47  std::vector<std::wstring> languages;
49  // Initialize the buffer
50  std::wstring buffer = GetPreferredLanguagesFromMUI(windows_proc_table);
52  // Extract the individual languages from the buffer.
53  size_t start = 0;
54  while (true) {
55  // The buffer is terminated by an empty string (i.e., a double null).
56  if (buffer[start] == L'\0') {
57  break;
58  }
59  // Read the next null-terminated language.
60  std::wstring language(buffer.c_str() + start);
61  if (language.empty()) {
62  break;
63  }
64  languages.push_back(language);
65  // Skip past that language and its terminating null in the buffer.
66  start += language.size() + 1;
67  }
68  return languages;
69 }

References GetPreferredLanguagesFromMUI().

Referenced by GetPreferredLanguageInfo(), and flutter::testing::TEST().

◆ GetPreferredLanguagesFromMUI()

std::wstring flutter::GetPreferredLanguagesFromMUI ( const WindowsProcTable windows_proc_table)

Definition at line 28 of file system_utils.cc.

29  {
30  ULONG buffer_size = 0;
31  ULONG count = 0;
33  if (!windows_proc_table.GetThreadPreferredUILanguages(flags, &count, nullptr,
34  &buffer_size)) {
35  return std::wstring();
36  }
37  std::wstring buffer(buffer_size, '\0');
38  if (!windows_proc_table.GetThreadPreferredUILanguages(
39  flags, &count, buffer.data(), &buffer_size)) {
40  return std::wstring();
41  }
42  return buffer;
43 }

References flutter::WindowsProcTable::GetThreadPreferredUILanguages().

Referenced by GetPreferredLanguages().

◆ GetSwitchesFromEnvironment()

std::vector< std::string > flutter::GetSwitchesFromEnvironment ( )

Definition at line 14 of file engine_switches.cc.

14  {
15  std::vector<std::string> switches;
16  // Read engine switches from the environment in debug/profile. If release mode
17  // support is needed in the future, it should likely use a whitelist.
19  const char* switch_count_key = "FLUTTER_ENGINE_SWITCHES";
20  const int kMaxSwitchCount = 50;
21  const char* switch_count_string = std::getenv(switch_count_key);
22  if (!switch_count_string) {
23  return switches;
24  }
25  int switch_count = std::min(kMaxSwitchCount, atoi(switch_count_string));
26  for (int i = 1; i <= switch_count; ++i) {
27  std::ostringstream switch_key;
28  switch_key << "FLUTTER_ENGINE_SWITCH_" << i;
29  const char* switch_value = std::getenv(switch_key.str().c_str());
30  if (switch_value) {
31  std::ostringstream switch_value_as_flag;
32  switch_value_as_flag << "--" << switch_value;
33  switches.push_back(switch_value_as_flag.str());
34  } else {
35  std::cerr << switch_count << " keys expected from " << switch_count_key
36  << ", but " << switch_key.str() << " is missing." << std::endl;
37  }
38  }
39 #endif // !FLUTTER_RELEASE
40  return switches;
41 }

Referenced by flutter::FlutterProjectBundle::GetSwitches(), and TEST().

◆ GetUserTimeFormat()

std::wstring flutter::GetUserTimeFormat ( )

Definition at line 101 of file system_utils.cc.

101  {
102  // Rather than do the call-allocate-call-free dance, just use a sufficiently
103  // large buffer to handle any reasonable time format string.
104  const int kBufferSize = 100;
105  wchar_t buffer[kBufferSize];
107  kBufferSize) == 0) {
108  return std::wstring();
109  }
110  return std::wstring(buffer, kBufferSize);
111 }

Referenced by flutter::SettingsPlugin::GetAlwaysUse24HourFormat(), and flutter::testing::TEST().

◆ isEasciiPrintable()

static bool flutter::isEasciiPrintable ( int  codeUnit)

Definition at line 71 of file keyboard_key_embedder_handler.cc.

71  {
72  return (codeUnit <= 0x7f && codeUnit >= 0x20) ||
73  (codeUnit <= 0xff && codeUnit >= 0x80);
74 }

◆ normalizeScancode()

static uint16_t flutter::normalizeScancode ( int  windowsScanCode,
bool  extended 

Definition at line 104 of file keyboard_key_embedder_handler.cc.

104  {
105  // In Chromium spec the extended bit is shown as 0xe000 bit,
106  // e.g. PageUp is represented as 0xe049.
107  return (windowsScanCode & 0xff) | (extended ? 0xe000 : 0);
108 }

References extended.

◆ NumWindowsForThread()

static int64_t flutter::NumWindowsForThread ( const THREADENTRY32 &  thread)

Definition at line 149 of file windows_lifecycle_manager.cc.

149  {
150  int64_t num_windows = 0;
151  ::EnumThreadWindows(
152  thread.th32ThreadID,
153  [](HWND hwnd, LPARAM lparam) {
154  int64_t* windows_ptr = reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(lparam);
155  if (::GetParent(hwnd) == nullptr) {
156  (*windows_ptr)++;
157  }
158  return *windows_ptr <= 1 ? TRUE : FALSE;
159  },
160  reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&num_windows));
161  return num_windows;
162 }

Referenced by flutter::WindowsLifecycleManager::IsLastWindowOfProcess().

◆ ParseLanguageName()

LanguageInfo flutter::ParseLanguageName ( std::wstring  language_name)

Definition at line 71 of file system_utils.cc.

71  {
72  LanguageInfo info;
74  // Split by '-', discarding any suplemental language info (-x-foo).
75  std::vector<std::string> components;
76  std::istringstream stream(fml::WideStringToUtf8(language_name));
77  std::string component;
78  while (getline(stream, component, '-')) {
79  if (component == "x") {
80  break;
81  }
82  components.push_back(component);
83  }
85  // Determine which components are which.
86  info.language = components[0];
87  if (components.size() == 3) {
88  info.script = components[1];
89  info.region = components[2];
90  } else if (components.size() == 2) {
91  // A script code will always be four characters long.
92  if (components[1].size() == 4) {
93  info.script = components[1];
94  } else {
95  info.region = components[1];
96  }
97  }
98  return info;
99 }

References flutter::LanguageInfo::language, flutter::LanguageInfo::region, and flutter::LanguageInfo::script.

Referenced by GetPreferredLanguageInfo(), and flutter::testing::TEST().

◆ Prefer24HourTime()

bool flutter::Prefer24HourTime ( std::wstring  time_format)

Definition at line 113 of file system_utils.cc.

113  {
114  return time_format.find(L"H") != std::wstring::npos;
115 }

Referenced by flutter::SettingsPlugin::GetAlwaysUse24HourFormat(), and flutter::testing::TEST().

◆ StringToAppExitType()

static AppExitType flutter::StringToAppExitType ( const std::string &  string)

Definition at line 212 of file platform_handler.cc.

212  {
213  if (string.compare(PlatformHandler::kExitTypeRequired) == 0) {
214  return AppExitType::required;
215  } else if (string.compare(PlatformHandler::kExitTypeCancelable) == 0) {
216  return AppExitType::cancelable;
217  }
218  FML_LOG(ERROR) << string << " is not recognized as a valid exit type.";
219  return AppExitType::required;
220 }

References cancelable, flutter::PlatformHandler::kExitTypeCancelable, flutter::PlatformHandler::kExitTypeRequired, and required.

◆ TEST() [1/319]

flutter::TEST ( BasicMessageChannelTest  ,

Definition at line 58 of file basic_message_channel_unittests.cc.

58  {
59  TestBinaryMessenger messenger;
60  const std::string channel_name("some_channel");
61  const StandardMessageCodec& codec = StandardMessageCodec::GetInstance();
62  BasicMessageChannel channel(&messenger, channel_name, &codec);
64  bool callback_called = false;
65  const std::string message_value("hello");
66  channel.SetMessageHandler(
67  [&callback_called, message_value](const auto& message, auto reply) {
68  callback_called = true;
69  // Ensure that the wrapper received a correctly decoded message and a
70  // reply.
71  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<std::string>(message), message_value);
72  EXPECT_NE(reply, nullptr);
73  });
74  EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message_handler_channel(), channel_name);
75  EXPECT_NE(messenger.last_message_handler(), nullptr);
76  // Send a test message to trigger the handler test assertions.
77  auto message = codec.EncodeMessage(EncodableValue(message_value));
79  messenger.last_message_handler()(
80  message->data(), message->size(),
81  [](const uint8_t* reply, const size_t reply_size) {});
82  EXPECT_EQ(callback_called, true);
83 }

References flutter::MessageCodec< T >::EncodeMessage(), flutter::StandardMessageCodec::GetInstance(), message, and flutter::BasicMessageChannel< T >::SetMessageHandler().

◆ TEST() [2/319]

flutter::TEST ( BasicMessageChannelTest  ,

Definition at line 103 of file basic_message_channel_unittests.cc.

103  {
104  TestBinaryMessenger messenger;
105  const std::string channel_name("flutter/test");
106  BasicMessageChannel channel(&messenger, channel_name,
109  channel.Resize(3);
111  // Because the Dart implementation for the control channel implements its own
112  // custom deserialization logic, this test compares the generated bytes array
113  // to the expected one (for instance, the deserialization logic expects the
114  // size parameter of the resize method call to be an uint32).
115  //
116  // The expected content was created from the following Dart code:
117  // MethodCall call = MethodCall('resize', ['flutter/test',3]);
118  // StandardMethodCodec().encodeMethodCall(call).buffer.asUint8List();
119  const int expected_message_size = 29;
121  EXPECT_EQ(messenger.send_called(), true);
122  EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(messenger.last_message().size()),
123  expected_message_size);
125  int expected[expected_message_size] = {
126  7, 6, 114, 101, 115, 105, 122, 101, 12, 2, 7, 12, 102, 108, 117,
127  116, 116, 101, 114, 47, 116, 101, 115, 116, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0};
128  for (int i = 0; i < expected_message_size; i++) {
129  EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message()[i], expected[i]);
130  }
131 }

References flutter::StandardMessageCodec::GetInstance(), and flutter::BasicMessageChannel< T >::Resize().

◆ TEST() [3/319]

flutter::TEST ( BasicMessageChannelTest  ,

Definition at line 135 of file basic_message_channel_unittests.cc.

135  {
136  TestBinaryMessenger messenger;
138  const std::string channel_name("flutter/test");
139  BasicMessageChannel channel(&messenger, channel_name,
142  channel.SetWarnsOnOverflow(false);
144  // Because the Dart implementation for the control channel implements its own
145  // custom deserialization logic, this test compares the generated bytes array
146  // to the expected one.
147  //
148  // The expected content was created from the following Dart code:
149  // MethodCall call = MethodCall('overflow',['flutter/test', true]);
150  // StandardMethodCodec().encodeMethodCall(call).buffer.asUint8List();
151  const int expected_message_size = 27;
153  EXPECT_EQ(messenger.send_called(), true);
154  EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(messenger.last_message().size()),
155  expected_message_size);
157  int expected[expected_message_size] = {
158  7, 8, 111, 118, 101, 114, 102, 108, 111, 119, 12, 2, 7, 12,
159  102, 108, 117, 116, 116, 101, 114, 47, 116, 101, 115, 116, 1};
160  for (int i = 0; i < expected_message_size; i++) {
161  EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message()[i], expected[i]);
162  }
163 }

References flutter::StandardMessageCodec::GetInstance(), and flutter::BasicMessageChannel< T >::SetWarnsOnOverflow().

◆ TEST() [4/319]

flutter::TEST ( BasicMessageChannelTest  ,

Definition at line 86 of file basic_message_channel_unittests.cc.

86  {
87  TestBinaryMessenger messenger;
88  const std::string channel_name("some_channel");
89  BasicMessageChannel channel(&messenger, channel_name,
92  channel.SetMessageHandler([](const auto& message, auto reply) {});
93  EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message_handler_channel(), channel_name);
94  EXPECT_NE(messenger.last_message_handler(), nullptr);
96  channel.SetMessageHandler(nullptr);
97  EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message_handler_channel(), channel_name);
98  EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message_handler(), nullptr);
99 }

References flutter::StandardMessageCodec::GetInstance(), message, and flutter::BasicMessageChannel< T >::SetMessageHandler().

◆ TEST() [5/319]

flutter::TEST ( EncodableValueTest  ,

Definition at line 18 of file encodable_value_unittests.cc.

18  {
19  EncodableValue value(false);
21  EXPECT_FALSE(std::get<bool>(value));
22  value = true;
23  EXPECT_TRUE(std::get<bool>(value));
24 }

◆ TEST() [6/319]

flutter::TEST ( EncodableValueTest  ,

Definition at line 177 of file encodable_value_unittests.cc.

177  {
178  EncodableList values = {
179  // Null
180  EncodableValue(),
181  // Bool
182  EncodableValue(true),
183  EncodableValue(false),
184  // Int
185  EncodableValue(-7),
186  EncodableValue(0),
187  EncodableValue(100),
188  // Long
189  EncodableValue(INT64_C(-7)),
190  EncodableValue(INT64_C(0)),
191  EncodableValue(INT64_C(100)),
192  // Double
193  EncodableValue(-7.0),
194  EncodableValue(0.0),
195  EncodableValue(100.0),
196  // String
197  EncodableValue("one"),
198  EncodableValue("two"),
199  // ByteList
200  EncodableValue(std::vector<uint8_t>{0, 1}),
201  EncodableValue(std::vector<uint8_t>{0, 10}),
202  // IntList
203  EncodableValue(std::vector<int32_t>{0, 1}),
204  EncodableValue(std::vector<int32_t>{0, 100}),
205  // LongList
206  EncodableValue(std::vector<int64_t>{0, INT64_C(1)}),
207  EncodableValue(std::vector<int64_t>{0, INT64_C(100)}),
208  // DoubleList
209  EncodableValue(std::vector<double>{0, INT64_C(1)}),
210  EncodableValue(std::vector<double>{0, INT64_C(100)}),
211  // List
212  EncodableValue(EncodableList{EncodableValue(), EncodableValue(true)}),
213  EncodableValue(EncodableList{EncodableValue(), EncodableValue(1.0)}),
214  // Map
215  EncodableValue(EncodableMap{{EncodableValue(), EncodableValue(true)},
216  {EncodableValue(7), EncodableValue(7.0)}}),
217  EncodableValue(
218  EncodableMap{{EncodableValue(), EncodableValue(1.0)},
219  {EncodableValue("key"), EncodableValue("value")}}),
220  // FloatList
221  EncodableValue(std::vector<float>{0, 1}),
222  EncodableValue(std::vector<float>{0, 100}),
223  };
225  for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
226  const auto& a = values[i];
227  for (size_t j = 0; j < values.size(); ++j) {
228  const auto& b = values[j];
229  if (i == j) {
230  // Identical objects should always be equal.
231  EXPECT_FALSE(a < b);
232  EXPECT_FALSE(b < a);
233  } else {
234  // All other comparisons should be consistent, but the direction doesn't
235  // matter.
236  EXPECT_NE(a < b, b < a) << "Indexes: " << i << ", " << j;
237  }
238  }
240  // Copies should always be equal.
241  EncodableValue copy(a);
242  EXPECT_FALSE(a < copy || copy < a);
243  }
244 }

◆ TEST() [7/319]

flutter::TEST ( EncodableValueTest  ,

Definition at line 68 of file encodable_value_unittests.cc.

68  {
69  const char* hello = "Hello, world!";
70  EncodableValue value(hello);
72  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<std::string>(value), hello);
73  value = "Goodbye";
74  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<std::string>(value), "Goodbye");
75 }

◆ TEST() [8/319]

flutter::TEST ( EncodableValueTest  ,

Definition at line 247 of file encodable_value_unittests.cc.

247  {
248  EncodableList original = {
249  EncodableValue(EncodableMap{
250  {EncodableValue(), EncodableValue(std::vector<int32_t>{1, 2, 3})},
251  {EncodableValue(1), EncodableValue(INT64_C(0000))},
252  {EncodableValue("two"), EncodableValue(7)},
253  }),
254  EncodableValue(EncodableList{
255  EncodableValue(),
256  EncodableValue(),
257  EncodableValue(
258  EncodableMap{{EncodableValue("a"), EncodableValue("b")}}),
259  }),
260  };
262  EncodableValue copy(original);
263  ASSERT_TRUE(std::holds_alternative<EncodableList>(copy));
265  // Spot-check innermost collection values.
266  auto& root_list = std::get<EncodableList>(copy);
267  auto& first_child = std::get<EncodableMap>(root_list[0]);
268  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<int32_t>(first_child[EncodableValue("two")]), 7);
269  auto& second_child = std::get<EncodableList>(root_list[1]);
270  auto& innermost_map = std::get<EncodableMap>(second_child[2]);
271  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<std::string>(innermost_map[EncodableValue("a")]), "b");
273  // Modify those values in the original structure.
274  first_child[EncodableValue("two")] = EncodableValue();
275  innermost_map[EncodableValue("a")] = 99;
277  // Re-check innermost collection values of the original to ensure that they
278  // haven't changed.
279  first_child = std::get<EncodableMap>(original[0]);
280  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<int32_t>(first_child[EncodableValue("two")]), 7);
281  second_child = std::get<EncodableList>(original[1]);
282  innermost_map = std::get<EncodableMap>(second_child[2]);
283  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<std::string>(innermost_map[EncodableValue("a")]), "b");
284 }

◆ TEST() [9/319]

flutter::TEST ( EncodableValueTest  ,

Definition at line 50 of file encodable_value_unittests.cc.

50  {
51  EncodableValue value(3.14);
53  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<double>(value), 3.14);
54  value = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
55  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<double>(value), std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
56 }

◆ TEST() [10/319]

flutter::TEST ( EncodableValueTest  ,

Definition at line 119 of file encodable_value_unittests.cc.

119  {
120  std::vector<double> data = {-10.0, 2.0};
121  EncodableValue value(data);
123  auto& list_value = std::get<std::vector<double>>(value);
124  list_value.push_back(std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
125  EXPECT_EQ(list_value[0], -10.0);
126  EXPECT_EQ(list_value[1], 2.0);
128  ASSERT_EQ(list_value.size(), 3u);
129  EXPECT_EQ(data.size(), 2u);
130  EXPECT_EQ(list_value[2], std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
131 }

◆ TEST() [11/319]

flutter::TEST ( EncodableValueTest  ,

Definition at line 26 of file encodable_value_unittests.cc.

26  {
27  EncodableValue value(42);
29  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<int32_t>(value), 42);
30  value = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max();
31  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<int32_t>(value), std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
32 }

◆ TEST() [12/319]

flutter::TEST ( EncodableValueTest  ,

Definition at line 91 of file encodable_value_unittests.cc.

91  {
92  std::vector<int32_t> data = {-10, 2};
93  EncodableValue value(data);
95  auto& list_value = std::get<std::vector<int32_t>>(value);
96  list_value.push_back(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
97  EXPECT_EQ(list_value[0], -10);
98  EXPECT_EQ(list_value[1], 2);
100  ASSERT_EQ(list_value.size(), 3u);
101  EXPECT_EQ(data.size(), 2u);
102  EXPECT_EQ(list_value[2], std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
103 }

◆ TEST() [13/319]

flutter::TEST ( EncodableValueTest  ,

Definition at line 105 of file encodable_value_unittests.cc.

105  {
106  std::vector<int64_t> data = {-10, 2};
107  EncodableValue value(data);
109  auto& list_value = std::get<std::vector<int64_t>>(value);
110  list_value.push_back(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max());
111  EXPECT_EQ(list_value[0], -10);
112  EXPECT_EQ(list_value[1], 2);
114  ASSERT_EQ(list_value.size(), 3u);
115  EXPECT_EQ(data.size(), 2u);
116  EXPECT_EQ(list_value[2], std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max());
117 }

◆ TEST() [14/319]

flutter::TEST ( EncodableValueTest  ,

Definition at line 133 of file encodable_value_unittests.cc.

133  {
134  EncodableList encodables = {
135  EncodableValue(1),
136  EncodableValue(2.0),
137  EncodableValue("Three"),
138  };
139  EncodableValue value(encodables);
141  auto& list_value = std::get<EncodableList>(value);
142  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<int32_t>(list_value[0]), 1);
143  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<double>(list_value[1]), 2.0);
144  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<std::string>(list_value[2]), "Three");
146  // Ensure that it's a modifiable copy of the original array.
147  list_value.push_back(EncodableValue(true));
148  ASSERT_EQ(list_value.size(), 4u);
149  EXPECT_EQ(encodables.size(), 3u);
150  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<bool>(std::get<EncodableList>(value)[3]), true);
151 }

◆ TEST() [15/319]

flutter::TEST ( EncodableValueTest  ,

Definition at line 42 of file encodable_value_unittests.cc.

42  {
43  EncodableValue value(INT64_C(42));
45  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<int64_t>(value), 42);
46  value = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
47  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<int64_t>(value), std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max());
48 }

◆ TEST() [16/319]

flutter::TEST ( EncodableValueTest  ,

Definition at line 35 of file encodable_value_unittests.cc.

35  {
36  const EncodableValue int_value(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
37  EXPECT_EQ(int_value.LongValue(), std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
38  const EncodableValue long_value(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max());
39  EXPECT_EQ(long_value.LongValue(), std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max());
40 }

References flutter::EncodableValue::LongValue().

◆ TEST() [17/319]

flutter::TEST ( EncodableValueTest  ,

Definition at line 153 of file encodable_value_unittests.cc.

153  {
154  EncodableMap encodables = {
155  {EncodableValue(), EncodableValue(std::vector<int32_t>{1, 2, 3})},
156  {EncodableValue(1), EncodableValue(INT64_C(10000))},
157  {EncodableValue("two"), EncodableValue(7)},
158  };
159  EncodableValue value(encodables);
161  auto& map_value = std::get<EncodableMap>(value);
163  std::holds_alternative<std::vector<int32_t>>(map_value[EncodableValue()]),
164  true);
165  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<int64_t>(map_value[EncodableValue(1)]), INT64_C(10000));
166  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<int32_t>(map_value[EncodableValue("two")]), 7);
168  // Ensure that it's a modifiable copy of the original map.
169  map_value[EncodableValue(true)] = EncodableValue(false);
170  ASSERT_EQ(map_value.size(), 4u);
171  EXPECT_EQ(encodables.size(), 3u);
172  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<bool>(map_value[EncodableValue(true)]), false);
173 }

◆ TEST() [18/319]

flutter::TEST ( EncodableValueTest  ,

Definition at line 13 of file encodable_value_unittests.cc.

13  {
14  EncodableValue value;
15  value.IsNull();
16 }

References flutter::EncodableValue::IsNull().

◆ TEST() [19/319]

flutter::TEST ( EncodableValueTest  ,

Definition at line 58 of file encodable_value_unittests.cc.

58  {
59  std::string hello("Hello, world!");
60  EncodableValue value(hello);
62  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<std::string>(value), hello);
63  value = std::string("Goodbye");
64  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<std::string>(value), "Goodbye");
65 }

◆ TEST() [20/319]

flutter::TEST ( EncodableValueTest  ,

Definition at line 301 of file encodable_value_unittests.cc.

301  {
302  // Null
303  EXPECT_EQ(EncodableValue().index(), 0u);
304  // Bool
305  EXPECT_EQ(EncodableValue(true).index(), 1u);
306  // Int32
307  EXPECT_EQ(EncodableValue(100).index(), 2u);
308  // Int64
309  EXPECT_EQ(EncodableValue(INT64_C(100)).index(), 3u);
310  // Double
311  EXPECT_EQ(EncodableValue(7.0).index(), 4u);
312  // String
313  EXPECT_EQ(EncodableValue("one").index(), 5u);
314  // ByteList
315  EXPECT_EQ(EncodableValue(std::vector<uint8_t>()).index(), 6u);
316  // IntList
317  EXPECT_EQ(EncodableValue(std::vector<int32_t>()).index(), 7u);
318  // LongList
319  EXPECT_EQ(EncodableValue(std::vector<int64_t>()).index(), 8u);
320  // DoubleList
321  EXPECT_EQ(EncodableValue(std::vector<double>()).index(), 9u);
322  // List
323  EXPECT_EQ(EncodableValue(EncodableList()).index(), 10u);
324  // Map
325  EXPECT_EQ(EncodableValue(EncodableMap()).index(), 11u);
326  // Custom type
327  TestCustomValue customValue;
328  EXPECT_EQ(((EncodableValue)CustomEncodableValue(customValue)).index(), 12u);
329  // FloatList
330  EXPECT_EQ(EncodableValue(std::vector<float>()).index(), 13u);
331 } // namespace flutter

◆ TEST() [21/319]

flutter::TEST ( EncodableValueTest  ,

Definition at line 77 of file encodable_value_unittests.cc.

77  {
78  std::vector<uint8_t> data = {0, 2};
79  EncodableValue value(data);
81  auto& list_value = std::get<std::vector<uint8_t>>(value);
82  list_value.push_back(std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max());
83  EXPECT_EQ(list_value[0], 0);
84  EXPECT_EQ(list_value[1], 2);
86  ASSERT_EQ(list_value.size(), 3u);
87  EXPECT_EQ(data.size(), 2u);
88  EXPECT_EQ(list_value[2], std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max());
89 }

◆ TEST() [22/319]

flutter::TEST ( EventChannelTest  ,

Definition at line 102 of file event_channel_unittests.cc.

102  {
103  TestBinaryMessenger messenger;
104  const std::string channel_name("some_channel");
105  const StandardMethodCodec& codec = StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance();
106  EventChannel channel(&messenger, channel_name, &codec);
108  bool on_listen_called = false;
109  bool on_cancel_called = false;
110  auto handler = std::make_unique<StreamHandlerFunctions<>>(
111  [&on_listen_called](const EncodableValue* arguments,
112  std::unique_ptr<EventSink<>>&& events)
113  -> std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> {
114  on_listen_called = true;
115  return nullptr;
116  },
117  [&on_cancel_called](const EncodableValue* arguments)
118  -> std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> {
119  on_cancel_called = true;
120  return nullptr;
121  });
122  channel.SetStreamHandler(std::move(handler));
123  EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message_handler_channel(), channel_name);
124  EXPECT_NE(messenger.last_message_handler(), nullptr);
126  // Send test listen message.
127  MethodCall<> call_listen("listen", nullptr);
128  auto message = codec.EncodeMethodCall(call_listen);
129  messenger.last_message_handler()(
130  message->data(), message->size(),
131  [](const uint8_t* reply, const size_t reply_size) {});
132  EXPECT_EQ(on_listen_called, true);
134  // Send test cancel message.
135  MethodCall<> call_cancel("cancel", nullptr);
136  message = codec.EncodeMethodCall(call_cancel);
137  messenger.last_message_handler()(
138  message->data(), message->size(),
139  [](const uint8_t* reply, const size_t reply_size) {});
141  // Check results.
142  EXPECT_EQ(on_cancel_called, true);
143 }

References flutter::MethodCodec< T >::EncodeMethodCall(), flutter::StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance(), message, and flutter::EventChannel< T >::SetStreamHandler().

◆ TEST() [23/319]

flutter::TEST ( EventChannelTest  ,

Definition at line 232 of file event_channel_unittests.cc.

232  {
233  TestBinaryMessenger messenger;
234  const std::string channel_name("some_channel");
235  const StandardMethodCodec& codec = StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance();
237  bool on_listen_called = false;
238  bool on_cancel_called = false;
239  {
240  EventChannel channel(&messenger, channel_name, &codec);
241  auto handler = std::make_unique<StreamHandlerFunctions<>>(
242  [&on_listen_called](const EncodableValue* arguments,
243  std::unique_ptr<EventSink<>>&& events)
244  -> std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> {
245  on_listen_called = true;
246  return nullptr;
247  },
248  [&on_cancel_called](const EncodableValue* arguments)
249  -> std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> {
250  on_cancel_called = true;
251  return nullptr;
252  });
253  channel.SetStreamHandler(std::move(handler));
254  }
256  // The event channel was destroyed but the handler should still be alive.
257  EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message_handler_channel(), channel_name);
258  EXPECT_NE(messenger.last_message_handler(), nullptr);
260  // Send test listen message.
261  MethodCall<> call_listen("listen", nullptr);
262  auto message = codec.EncodeMethodCall(call_listen);
263  messenger.last_message_handler()(
264  message->data(), message->size(),
265  [](const uint8_t* reply, const size_t reply_size) {});
266  EXPECT_EQ(on_listen_called, true);
268  // Send test cancel message.
269  MethodCall<> call_cancel("cancel", nullptr);
270  message = codec.EncodeMethodCall(call_cancel);
271  messenger.last_message_handler()(
272  message->data(), message->size(),
273  [](const uint8_t* reply, const size_t reply_size) {});
274  EXPECT_EQ(on_cancel_called, true);
275 }

References flutter::MethodCodec< T >::EncodeMethodCall(), flutter::StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance(), message, and flutter::EventChannel< T >::SetStreamHandler().

◆ TEST() [24/319]

flutter::TEST ( EventChannelTest  ,

Definition at line 146 of file event_channel_unittests.cc.

146  {
147  TestBinaryMessenger messenger;
148  const std::string channel_name("some_channel");
149  const StandardMethodCodec& codec = StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance();
150  EventChannel channel(&messenger, channel_name, &codec);
152  bool on_listen_called = false;
153  bool on_cancel_called = false;
154  auto handler = std::make_unique<StreamHandlerFunctions<>>(
155  [&on_listen_called](const EncodableValue* arguments,
156  std::unique_ptr<EventSink<>>&& events)
157  -> std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> {
158  on_listen_called = true;
159  return nullptr;
160  },
161  [&on_cancel_called](const EncodableValue* arguments)
162  -> std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> {
163  on_cancel_called = true;
164  return nullptr;
165  });
166  channel.SetStreamHandler(std::move(handler));
167  EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message_handler_channel(), channel_name);
168  EXPECT_NE(messenger.last_message_handler(), nullptr);
170  // Send test listen message.
171  MethodCall<> call_listen("listen", nullptr);
172  auto message = codec.EncodeMethodCall(call_listen);
173  messenger.last_message_handler()(
174  message->data(), message->size(),
175  [](const uint8_t* reply, const size_t reply_size) {});
177  // Check results.
178  EXPECT_EQ(on_listen_called, true);
179  EXPECT_EQ(on_cancel_called, false);
180 }

References flutter::MethodCodec< T >::EncodeMethodCall(), flutter::StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance(), message, and flutter::EventChannel< T >::SetStreamHandler().

◆ TEST() [25/319]

flutter::TEST ( EventChannelTest  ,

Definition at line 49 of file event_channel_unittests.cc.

49  {
50  TestBinaryMessenger messenger;
51  const std::string channel_name("some_channel");
52  const StandardMethodCodec& codec = StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance();
53  EventChannel channel(&messenger, channel_name, &codec);
55  bool on_listen_called = false;
56  auto handler = std::make_unique<StreamHandlerFunctions<>>(
57  [&on_listen_called](const EncodableValue* arguments,
58  std::unique_ptr<EventSink<>>&& events)
59  -> std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> {
60  on_listen_called = true;
61  return nullptr;
62  },
63  [](const EncodableValue* arguments)
64  -> std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> { return nullptr; });
65  channel.SetStreamHandler(std::move(handler));
66  EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message_handler_channel(), channel_name);
67  EXPECT_NE(messenger.last_message_handler(), nullptr);
69  // Send test listen message.
70  MethodCall<> call("listen", nullptr);
71  auto message = codec.EncodeMethodCall(call);
72  messenger.last_message_handler()(
73  message->data(), message->size(),
74  [](const uint8_t* reply, const size_t reply_size) {});
76  // Check results.
77  EXPECT_EQ(on_listen_called, true);
78 }

References flutter::MethodCodec< T >::EncodeMethodCall(), flutter::StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance(), message, and flutter::EventChannel< T >::SetStreamHandler().

◆ TEST() [26/319]

flutter::TEST ( EventChannelTest  ,

Definition at line 186 of file event_channel_unittests.cc.

186  {
187  TestBinaryMessenger messenger;
188  const std::string channel_name("some_channel");
189  const StandardMethodCodec& codec = StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance();
190  EventChannel channel(&messenger, channel_name, &codec);
192  bool on_listen_called = false;
193  bool on_cancel_called = false;
194  auto handler = std::make_unique<StreamHandlerFunctions<>>(
195  [&on_listen_called](const EncodableValue* arguments,
196  std::unique_ptr<EventSink<>>&& events)
197  -> std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> {
198  on_listen_called = true;
199  return nullptr;
200  },
201  [&on_cancel_called](const EncodableValue* arguments)
202  -> std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> {
203  on_cancel_called = true;
204  return nullptr;
205  });
206  channel.SetStreamHandler(std::move(handler));
207  EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message_handler_channel(), channel_name);
208  EXPECT_NE(messenger.last_message_handler(), nullptr);
210  // Send test listen message.
211  MethodCall<> call("listen", nullptr);
212  auto message = codec.EncodeMethodCall(call);
213  messenger.last_message_handler()(
214  message->data(), message->size(),
215  [](const uint8_t* reply, const size_t reply_size) {});
216  EXPECT_EQ(on_listen_called, true);
218  // Send second test message to test StreamHandler's OnCancel
219  // method is called before OnListen method is called.
220  on_listen_called = false;
221  message = codec.EncodeMethodCall(call);
222  messenger.last_message_handler()(
223  message->data(), message->size(),
224  [](const uint8_t* reply, const size_t reply_size) {});
226  // Check results.
227  EXPECT_EQ(on_cancel_called, true);
228  EXPECT_EQ(on_listen_called, true);
229 }

References flutter::MethodCodec< T >::EncodeMethodCall(), flutter::StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance(), message, and flutter::EventChannel< T >::SetStreamHandler().

◆ TEST() [27/319]

flutter::TEST ( EventChannelTest  ,

Definition at line 295 of file event_channel_unittests.cc.

295  {
296  std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> error =
297  std::make_unique<StreamHandlerError<>>("Code", "Message", nullptr);
299  ASSERT_NE(error.get(), nullptr);
300  EXPECT_FALSE(error->error_details);
301 }

◆ TEST() [28/319]

flutter::TEST ( EventChannelTest  ,

Definition at line 277 of file event_channel_unittests.cc.

277  {
278  std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> error = nullptr;
280  {
281  std::string code = "Code";
282  std::string msg = "Message";
283  std::unique_ptr<EncodableValue> details =
284  std::make_unique<EncodableValue>("Details");
285  error =
286  std::make_unique<StreamHandlerError<>>(code, msg, std::move(details));
287  }
289  ASSERT_NE(error.get(), nullptr);
290  EXPECT_EQ(error->error_code, "Code");
291  EXPECT_EQ(error->error_message, "Message");
292  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<std::string>(*error->error_details), "Details");
293 }

◆ TEST() [29/319]

flutter::TEST ( EventChannelTest  ,

Definition at line 81 of file event_channel_unittests.cc.

81  {
82  TestBinaryMessenger messenger;
83  const std::string channel_name("some_channel");
84  const StandardMethodCodec& codec = StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance();
85  EventChannel channel(&messenger, channel_name, &codec);
87  auto handler = std::make_unique<StreamHandlerFunctions<>>(
88  [](const EncodableValue* arguments, std::unique_ptr<EventSink<>>&& events)
89  -> std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> { return nullptr; },
90  [](const EncodableValue* arguments)
91  -> std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> { return nullptr; });
92  channel.SetStreamHandler(std::move(handler));
93  EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message_handler_channel(), channel_name);
94  EXPECT_NE(messenger.last_message_handler(), nullptr);
96  channel.SetStreamHandler(nullptr);
97  EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message_handler_channel(), channel_name);
98  EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message_handler(), nullptr);
99 }

References flutter::StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance(), and flutter::EventChannel< T >::SetStreamHandler().

◆ TEST() [30/319]

flutter::TEST ( FlutterEngineTest  ,

Definition at line 103 of file flutter_engine_unittests.cc.

103  {
104  testing::ScopedStubFlutterWindowsApi scoped_api_stub(
105  std::make_unique<TestFlutterWindowsApi>());
106  auto test_api = static_cast<TestFlutterWindowsApi*>(scoped_api_stub.stub());
107  {
108  FlutterEngine engine(DartProject(L"fake/project/path"));
109  engine.Run();
110  EXPECT_EQ(test_api->create_called(), true);
111  EXPECT_EQ(test_api->run_called(), true);
112  EXPECT_EQ(test_api->destroy_called(), false);
113  }
114  // Destroying should implicitly shut down if it hasn't been done manually.
115  EXPECT_EQ(test_api->destroy_called(), true);
116 }

References flutter::FlutterEngine::Run().

◆ TEST() [31/319]

flutter::TEST ( FlutterEngineTest  ,

Definition at line 118 of file flutter_engine_unittests.cc.

118  {
119  testing::ScopedStubFlutterWindowsApi scoped_api_stub(
120  std::make_unique<TestFlutterWindowsApi>());
121  auto test_api = static_cast<TestFlutterWindowsApi*>(scoped_api_stub.stub());
122  {
123  DartProject project(L"fake/project/path");
124  project.set_dart_entrypoint("customEntrypoint");
125  FlutterEngine engine(project);
126  engine.Run();
127  EXPECT_EQ(test_api->create_called(), true);
128  EXPECT_EQ(test_api->run_called(), true);
129  EXPECT_EQ(test_api->destroy_called(), false);
130  }
131  // Destroying should implicitly shut down if it hasn't been done manually.
132  EXPECT_EQ(test_api->destroy_called(), true);
133 }

References flutter::FlutterEngine::Run(), and flutter::DartProject::set_dart_entrypoint().

◆ TEST() [32/319]

flutter::TEST ( FlutterEngineTest  ,

Definition at line 183 of file flutter_engine_unittests.cc.

183  {
184  testing::ScopedStubFlutterWindowsApi scoped_api_stub(
185  std::make_unique<TestFlutterWindowsApi>());
186  auto test_api = static_cast<TestFlutterWindowsApi*>(scoped_api_stub.stub());
188  DartProject project(L"data");
189  std::vector<std::string> arguments = {"one", "two"};
190  project.set_dart_entrypoint_arguments(arguments);
192  FlutterEngine engine(project);
193  const std::vector<std::string>& arguments_ref =
194  test_api->dart_entrypoint_arguments();
195  ASSERT_EQ(2, arguments_ref.size());
196  EXPECT_TRUE(arguments[0] == arguments_ref[0]);
197  EXPECT_TRUE(arguments[1] == arguments_ref[1]);
198 }

References flutter::DartProject::set_dart_entrypoint_arguments().

◆ TEST() [33/319]

flutter::TEST ( FlutterEngineTest  ,

Definition at line 135 of file flutter_engine_unittests.cc.

135  {
136  testing::ScopedStubFlutterWindowsApi scoped_api_stub(
137  std::make_unique<TestFlutterWindowsApi>());
138  auto test_api = static_cast<TestFlutterWindowsApi*>(scoped_api_stub.stub());
140  FlutterEngine engine(DartProject(L"fake/project/path"));
141  engine.Run();
142  EXPECT_EQ(test_api->create_called(), true);
143  EXPECT_EQ(test_api->run_called(), true);
144  EXPECT_EQ(test_api->destroy_called(), false);
145  engine.ShutDown();
146  EXPECT_EQ(test_api->destroy_called(), true);
147 }

References flutter::FlutterEngine::Run(), and flutter::FlutterEngine::ShutDown().

◆ TEST() [34/319]

flutter::TEST ( FlutterEngineTest  ,

Definition at line 173 of file flutter_engine_unittests.cc.

173  {
174  DartProject project(L"data");
175  testing::ScopedStubFlutterWindowsApi scoped_api_stub(
176  std::make_unique<TestFlutterWindowsApi>());
177  auto test_api = static_cast<TestFlutterWindowsApi*>(scoped_api_stub.stub());
179  FlutterEngine engine(DartProject(L"fake/project/path"));
180  EXPECT_NE(engine.messenger(), nullptr);
181 }

References flutter::FlutterEngine::messenger().

◆ TEST() [35/319]

flutter::TEST ( FlutterEngineTest  ,

Definition at line 218 of file flutter_engine_unittests.cc.

218  {
219  testing::ScopedStubFlutterWindowsApi scoped_api_stub(
220  std::make_unique<TestFlutterWindowsApi>());
221  auto test_api = static_cast<TestFlutterWindowsApi*>(scoped_api_stub.stub());
223  FlutterEngine engine(DartProject(L"fake/project/path"));
225  engine.ProcessExternalWindowMessage(reinterpret_cast<HWND>(1), 1234, 0, 0);
227  EXPECT_EQ(test_api->last_external_message(), 1234);
228 }

References flutter::FlutterEngine::ProcessExternalWindowMessage().

◆ TEST() [36/319]

flutter::TEST ( FlutterEngineTest  ,

Definition at line 149 of file flutter_engine_unittests.cc.

149  {
150  testing::ScopedStubFlutterWindowsApi scoped_api_stub(
151  std::make_unique<TestFlutterWindowsApi>());
152  auto test_api = static_cast<TestFlutterWindowsApi*>(scoped_api_stub.stub());
154  FlutterEngine engine(DartProject(L"fake/project/path"));
155  engine.Run();
157  std::chrono::nanoseconds next_event_time = engine.ProcessMessages();
158  EXPECT_EQ(next_event_time.count(), 99);
159 }

References flutter::FlutterEngine::ProcessMessages(), and flutter::FlutterEngine::Run().

◆ TEST() [37/319]

flutter::TEST ( FlutterEngineTest  ,

Definition at line 161 of file flutter_engine_unittests.cc.

161  {
162  testing::ScopedStubFlutterWindowsApi scoped_api_stub(
163  std::make_unique<TestFlutterWindowsApi>());
164  auto test_api = static_cast<TestFlutterWindowsApi*>(scoped_api_stub.stub());
166  FlutterEngine engine(DartProject(L"fake/project/path"));
167  engine.Run();
169  engine.ReloadSystemFonts();
170  EXPECT_TRUE(test_api->reload_fonts_called());
171 }

References flutter::FlutterEngine::ReloadSystemFonts(), and flutter::FlutterEngine::Run().

◆ TEST() [38/319]

flutter::TEST ( FlutterEngineTest  ,

Definition at line 200 of file flutter_engine_unittests.cc.

200  {
201  DartProject project(L"data");
202  testing::ScopedStubFlutterWindowsApi scoped_api_stub(
203  std::make_unique<TestFlutterWindowsApi>());
204  auto test_api = static_cast<TestFlutterWindowsApi*>(scoped_api_stub.stub());
206  FlutterEngine engine(DartProject(L"fake/project/path"));
208  bool success = false;
209  engine.SetNextFrameCallback([&success]() { success = true; });
211  EXPECT_TRUE(test_api->has_next_frame_callback());
213  test_api->run_next_frame_callback();
215  EXPECT_TRUE(success);
216 }

References flutter::FlutterEngine::SetNextFrameCallback().

◆ TEST() [39/319]

flutter::TEST ( FlutterProjectBundle  ,

Definition at line 50 of file engine_switches_unittests.cc.

50  {
51  SetEnvironmentVariable("FLUTTER_ENGINE_SWITCHES", "2");
52  SetEnvironmentVariable("FLUTTER_ENGINE_SWITCH_1", "abc");
53  SetEnvironmentVariable("FLUTTER_ENGINE_SWITCH_2", "foo=\"bar, baz\"");
55  std::vector<std::string> switches = GetSwitchesFromEnvironment();
56  EXPECT_EQ(switches.size(), 2U);
57  EXPECT_EQ(switches[0], "--abc");
58  EXPECT_EQ(switches[1], "--foo=\"bar, baz\"");
59 }

References GetSwitchesFromEnvironment().

◆ TEST() [40/319]

flutter::TEST ( FlutterProjectBundle  ,

Definition at line 31 of file engine_switches_unittests.cc.

31  {
32  // Clear the main environment variable, since test order is not guaranteed.
33  ClearEnvironmentVariable("FLUTTER_ENGINE_SWITCHES");
35  EXPECT_EQ(GetSwitchesFromEnvironment().size(), 0U);
36 }

References GetSwitchesFromEnvironment().

◆ TEST() [41/319]

flutter::TEST ( FlutterProjectBundle  ,

Definition at line 61 of file engine_switches_unittests.cc.

61  {
62  SetEnvironmentVariable("FLUTTER_ENGINE_SWITCHES", "1");
63  SetEnvironmentVariable("FLUTTER_ENGINE_SWITCH_1", "abc");
64  SetEnvironmentVariable("FLUTTER_ENGINE_SWITCH_2", "foo=\"bar, baz\"");
66  std::vector<std::string> switches = GetSwitchesFromEnvironment();
67  EXPECT_EQ(switches.size(), 1U);
68  EXPECT_EQ(switches[0], "--abc");
69 }

References GetSwitchesFromEnvironment().

◆ TEST() [42/319]

flutter::TEST ( FlutterProjectBundle  ,

Definition at line 71 of file engine_switches_unittests.cc.

71  {
72  SetEnvironmentVariable("FLUTTER_ENGINE_SWITCHES", "4");
73  SetEnvironmentVariable("FLUTTER_ENGINE_SWITCH_1", "abc");
74  SetEnvironmentVariable("FLUTTER_ENGINE_SWITCH_2", "foo=\"bar, baz\"");
75  ClearEnvironmentVariable("FLUTTER_ENGINE_SWITCH_3");
76  SetEnvironmentVariable("FLUTTER_ENGINE_SWITCH_4", "oops");
78  std::vector<std::string> switches = GetSwitchesFromEnvironment();
79  EXPECT_EQ(switches.size(), 3U);
80  EXPECT_EQ(switches[0], "--abc");
81  EXPECT_EQ(switches[1], "--foo=\"bar, baz\"");
82  // The missing switch should be skipped, leaving SWITCH_4 as the third
83  // switch in the array.
84  EXPECT_EQ(switches[2], "--oops");
85 }

References GetSwitchesFromEnvironment().

◆ TEST() [43/319]

flutter::TEST ( FlutterViewControllerTest  ,

Definition at line 61 of file flutter_view_controller_unittests.cc.

61  {
62  DartProject project(L"data");
63  testing::ScopedStubFlutterWindowsApi scoped_api_stub(
64  std::make_unique<TestWindowsApi>());
65  auto test_api = static_cast<TestWindowsApi*>(scoped_api_stub.stub());
66  { FlutterViewController controller(100, 100, project); }
67  EXPECT_TRUE(test_api->view_controller_destroyed());
68  // Per the C API, once a view controller has taken ownership of an engine
69  // the engine destruction method should not be called.
70  EXPECT_FALSE(test_api->engine_destroyed());
71 }

◆ TEST() [44/319]

flutter::TEST ( FlutterViewControllerTest  ,

Definition at line 100 of file flutter_view_controller_unittests.cc.

100  {
101  DartProject project(L"data");
102  testing::ScopedStubFlutterWindowsApi scoped_api_stub(
103  std::make_unique<TestWindowsApi>());
104  auto test_api = static_cast<TestWindowsApi*>(scoped_api_stub.stub());
105  FlutterViewController controller(100, 100, project);
107  controller.ForceRedraw();
108  EXPECT_TRUE(test_api->view_controller_force_redrawed());
109 }

References flutter::FlutterViewController::ForceRedraw().

◆ TEST() [45/319]

flutter::TEST ( FlutterViewControllerTest  ,

Definition at line 82 of file flutter_view_controller_unittests.cc.

82  {
83  DartProject project(L"data");
84  testing::ScopedStubFlutterWindowsApi scoped_api_stub(
85  std::make_unique<TestWindowsApi>());
86  auto test_api = static_cast<TestWindowsApi*>(scoped_api_stub.stub());
87  FlutterViewController controller(100, 100, project);
88  EXPECT_NE(controller.engine(), nullptr);
89 }

References flutter::FlutterViewController::engine().

◆ TEST() [46/319]

flutter::TEST ( FlutterViewControllerTest  ,

Definition at line 91 of file flutter_view_controller_unittests.cc.

91  {
92  DartProject project(L"data");
93  testing::ScopedStubFlutterWindowsApi scoped_api_stub(
94  std::make_unique<TestWindowsApi>());
95  auto test_api = static_cast<TestWindowsApi*>(scoped_api_stub.stub());
96  FlutterViewController controller(100, 100, project);
97  EXPECT_NE(controller.view(), nullptr);
98 }

References flutter::FlutterViewController::view().

◆ TEST() [47/319]

flutter::TEST ( FlutterViewControllerTest  ,

Definition at line 73 of file flutter_view_controller_unittests.cc.

73  {
74  DartProject project(L"data");
75  testing::ScopedStubFlutterWindowsApi scoped_api_stub(
76  std::make_unique<TestWindowsApi>());
77  auto test_api = static_cast<TestWindowsApi*>(scoped_api_stub.stub());
78  FlutterViewController controller(100, 100, project);
79  EXPECT_EQ(controller.view_id(), 1);
80 }

References flutter::FlutterViewController::view_id().

◆ TEST() [48/319]

flutter::TEST ( FlutterViewTest  ,

Definition at line 35 of file flutter_view_unittests.cc.

35  {
36  testing::ScopedStubFlutterWindowsApi scoped_api_stub(
37  std::make_unique<TestWindowsApi>());
38  auto test_api = static_cast<TestWindowsApi*>(scoped_api_stub.stub());
39  FlutterView view(reinterpret_cast<FlutterDesktopViewRef>(2));
41  IDXGIAdapter* adapter = view.GetGraphicsAdapter();
42  EXPECT_EQ(adapter, reinterpret_cast<IDXGIAdapter*>(8));
43 }

References flutter::FlutterView::GetGraphicsAdapter().

◆ TEST() [49/319]

flutter::TEST ( FlutterViewTest  ,

Definition at line 27 of file flutter_view_unittests.cc.

27  {
28  testing::ScopedStubFlutterWindowsApi scoped_api_stub(
29  std::make_unique<TestWindowsApi>());
30  auto test_api = static_cast<TestWindowsApi*>(scoped_api_stub.stub());
31  FlutterView view(reinterpret_cast<FlutterDesktopViewRef>(2));
32  EXPECT_EQ(view.GetNativeWindow(), reinterpret_cast<HWND>(7));
33 }

References flutter::FlutterView::GetNativeWindow().

◆ TEST() [50/319]

flutter::TEST ( IncomingMessageDispatcher  ,

Definition at line 39 of file incoming_message_dispatcher_unittests.cc.

39  {
40  FlutterDesktopMessengerRef messenger = nullptr;
41  auto dispatcher = std::make_unique<IncomingMessageDispatcher>(messenger);
42  bool did_call[3] = {false, false, false};
43  dispatcher->SetMessageCallback(
44  "hello",
45  [](FlutterDesktopMessengerRef messenger,
47  void* user_data) { reinterpret_cast<bool*>(user_data)[0] = true; },
48  &did_call);
50  .struct_size = sizeof(FlutterDesktopMessage),
51  .channel = "hello",
52  .message = nullptr,
53  .message_size = 0,
54  .response_handle = nullptr,
55  };
56  dispatcher->HandleMessage(
57  message, [&did_call] { did_call[1] = true; },
58  [&did_call] { did_call[2] = true; });
59  EXPECT_TRUE(did_call[0]);
60  EXPECT_FALSE(did_call[1]);
61  EXPECT_FALSE(did_call[2]);
62 }

References message, and user_data.

◆ TEST() [51/319]

flutter::TEST ( IncomingMessageDispatcher  ,

Definition at line 64 of file incoming_message_dispatcher_unittests.cc.

64  {
65  FlutterDesktopMessengerRef messenger = nullptr;
66  auto dispatcher = std::make_unique<IncomingMessageDispatcher>(messenger);
67  static int counter = 0;
68  int did_call[3] = {-1, -1, -1};
69  dispatcher->EnableInputBlockingForChannel("hello");
70  dispatcher->SetMessageCallback(
71  "hello",
72  [](FlutterDesktopMessengerRef messenger,
74  void* user_data) { reinterpret_cast<int*>(user_data)[counter++] = 1; },
75  &did_call);
77  .struct_size = sizeof(FlutterDesktopMessage),
78  .channel = "hello",
79  .message = nullptr,
80  .message_size = 0,
81  .response_handle = nullptr,
82  };
83  dispatcher->HandleMessage(
84  message, [&did_call] { did_call[counter++] = 0; },
85  [&did_call] { did_call[counter++] = 2; });
86  EXPECT_EQ(did_call[0], 0);
87  EXPECT_EQ(did_call[1], 1);
88  EXPECT_EQ(did_call[2], 2);
89 }

References message, and user_data.

◆ TEST() [52/319]

flutter::TEST ( IncomingMessageDispatcher  ,

Definition at line 10 of file incoming_message_dispatcher_unittests.cc.

10  {
11  FlutterDesktopMessengerRef messenger =
12  reinterpret_cast<FlutterDesktopMessengerRef>(0xfeedface);
13  const uint8_t* message_data = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(0xcafebabe);
14  auto dispatcher = std::make_unique<IncomingMessageDispatcher>(messenger);
15  bool did_call = false;
16  dispatcher->SetMessageCallback(
17  "hello",
18  [](FlutterDesktopMessengerRef messenger,
19  const FlutterDesktopMessage* message, void* user_data) {
20  EXPECT_EQ(messenger,
21  reinterpret_cast<FlutterDesktopMessengerRef>(0xfeedface));
22  EXPECT_EQ(message->message,
23  reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(0xcafebabe));
24  EXPECT_EQ(message->message_size, 123u);
25  *reinterpret_cast<bool*>(user_data) = true;
26  },
27  &did_call);
29  .struct_size = sizeof(FlutterDesktopMessage),
30  .channel = "hello",
31  .message = message_data,
32  .message_size = 123,
33  .response_handle = nullptr,
34  };
35  dispatcher->HandleMessage(message);
36  EXPECT_TRUE(did_call);
37 }

References message, and user_data.

◆ TEST() [53/319]

flutter::TEST ( JsonMessageCodec  ,

Definition at line 29 of file json_message_codec_unittests.cc.

29  {
30  // NOLINTNEXTLINE(clang-analyzer-core.NullDereference)
31  rapidjson::Document array(rapidjson::kArrayType);
32  auto& allocator = array.GetAllocator();
34  array.PushBack("string", allocator);
36  rapidjson::Value map(rapidjson::kObjectType);
37  map.AddMember("a", -7, allocator);
38  map.AddMember("b", std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), allocator);
39  map.AddMember("c", 3.14159, allocator);
40  map.AddMember("d", true, allocator);
41  map.AddMember("e", rapidjson::Value(), allocator);
42  array.PushBack(map, allocator);
44  CheckEncodeDecode(array);
45 }

References CheckEncodeDecode().

◆ TEST() [54/319]

flutter::TEST ( JsonMethodCodec  ,

Definition at line 125 of file json_method_codec_unittests.cc.

125  {
126  const JsonMethodCodec& codec = JsonMethodCodec::GetInstance();
127  // NOLINTNEXTLINE(clang-analyzer-core.NullDereference)
128  rapidjson::Document details(rapidjson::kArrayType);
129  auto& allocator = details.GetAllocator();
130  details.PushBack("a", allocator);
131  details.PushBack(42, allocator);
132  auto encoded =
133  codec.EncodeErrorEnvelope("errorCode", "something failed", &details);
134  ASSERT_NE(encoded.get(), nullptr);
135  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {
136  '[', '"', 'e', 'r', 'r', 'o', 'r', 'C', 'o', 'd', 'e', '"', ',', '"',
137  's', 'o', 'm', 'e', 't', 'h', 'i', 'n', 'g', ' ', 'f', 'a', 'i', 'l',
138  'e', 'd', '"', ',', '[', '"', 'a', '"', ',', '4', '2', ']', ']',
139  };
140  EXPECT_EQ(*encoded, bytes);
142  bool decoded_successfully = false;
143  MethodResultFunctions<rapidjson::Document> result_handler(
144  nullptr,
145  [&decoded_successfully](const std::string& code,
146  const std::string& message,
147  const rapidjson::Document* details) {
148  decoded_successfully = true;
149  EXPECT_EQ(code, "errorCode");
150  EXPECT_EQ(message, "something failed");
151  EXPECT_TRUE(details->IsArray());
152  EXPECT_EQ(std::string((*details)[0].GetString()), "a");
153  EXPECT_EQ((*details)[1].GetInt(), 42);
154  },
155  nullptr);
156  codec.DecodeAndProcessResponseEnvelope(encoded->data(), encoded->size(),
157  &result_handler);
158  EXPECT_TRUE(decoded_successfully);
159 }

References flutter::MethodCodec< T >::DecodeAndProcessResponseEnvelope(), flutter::MethodCodec< T >::EncodeErrorEnvelope(), flutter::JsonMethodCodec::GetInstance(), and message.

◆ TEST() [55/319]

flutter::TEST ( JsonMethodCodec  ,

Definition at line 98 of file json_method_codec_unittests.cc.

98  {
99  const JsonMethodCodec& codec = JsonMethodCodec::GetInstance();
100  auto encoded = codec.EncodeErrorEnvelope("errorCode");
101  ASSERT_TRUE(encoded);
102  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {
103  '[', '"', 'e', 'r', 'r', 'o', 'r', 'C', 'o', 'd', 'e',
104  '"', ',', '"', '"', ',', 'n', 'u', 'l', 'l', ']',
105  };
106  EXPECT_EQ(*encoded, bytes);
108  bool decoded_successfully = false;
109  MethodResultFunctions<rapidjson::Document> result_handler(
110  nullptr,
111  [&decoded_successfully](const std::string& code,
112  const std::string& message,
113  const rapidjson::Document* details) {
114  decoded_successfully = true;
115  EXPECT_EQ(code, "errorCode");
116  EXPECT_EQ(message, "");
117  EXPECT_EQ(details, nullptr);
118  },
119  nullptr);
120  codec.DecodeAndProcessResponseEnvelope(encoded->data(), encoded->size(),
121  &result_handler);
122  EXPECT_TRUE(decoded_successfully);
123 }

References flutter::MethodCodec< T >::DecodeAndProcessResponseEnvelope(), flutter::MethodCodec< T >::EncodeErrorEnvelope(), flutter::JsonMethodCodec::GetInstance(), and message.

◆ TEST() [56/319]

flutter::TEST ( JsonMethodCodec  ,

Definition at line 42 of file json_method_codec_unittests.cc.

42  {
43  const JsonMethodCodec& codec = JsonMethodCodec::GetInstance();
45  auto arguments = std::make_unique<rapidjson::Document>(rapidjson::kArrayType);
46  auto& allocator = arguments->GetAllocator();
47  arguments->PushBack(42, allocator);
48  arguments->PushBack("world", allocator);
49  MethodCall<rapidjson::Document> call("hello", std::move(arguments));
50  auto encoded = codec.EncodeMethodCall(call);
51  ASSERT_TRUE(encoded);
52  std::unique_ptr<MethodCall<rapidjson::Document>> decoded =
53  codec.DecodeMethodCall(*encoded);
54  ASSERT_TRUE(decoded);
55  EXPECT_TRUE(MethodCallsAreEqual(call, *decoded));
56 }

References flutter::MethodCodec< T >::DecodeMethodCall(), flutter::MethodCodec< T >::EncodeMethodCall(), and flutter::JsonMethodCodec::GetInstance().

◆ TEST() [57/319]

flutter::TEST ( JsonMethodCodec  ,

Definition at line 31 of file json_method_codec_unittests.cc.

31  {
32  const JsonMethodCodec& codec = JsonMethodCodec::GetInstance();
33  MethodCall<rapidjson::Document> call("hello", nullptr);
34  auto encoded = codec.EncodeMethodCall(call);
35  ASSERT_TRUE(encoded);
36  std::unique_ptr<MethodCall<rapidjson::Document>> decoded =
37  codec.DecodeMethodCall(*encoded);
38  ASSERT_TRUE(decoded);
39  EXPECT_TRUE(MethodCallsAreEqual(call, *decoded));
40 }

References flutter::MethodCodec< T >::DecodeMethodCall(), flutter::MethodCodec< T >::EncodeMethodCall(), and flutter::JsonMethodCodec::GetInstance().

◆ TEST() [58/319]

flutter::TEST ( JsonMethodCodec  ,

Definition at line 58 of file json_method_codec_unittests.cc.

58  {
59  const JsonMethodCodec& codec = JsonMethodCodec::GetInstance();
60  auto encoded = codec.EncodeSuccessEnvelope();
61  ASSERT_TRUE(encoded);
62  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {'[', 'n', 'u', 'l', 'l', ']'};
63  EXPECT_EQ(*encoded, bytes);
65  bool decoded_successfully = false;
66  MethodResultFunctions<rapidjson::Document> result_handler(
67  [&decoded_successfully](const rapidjson::Document* result) {
68  decoded_successfully = true;
69  EXPECT_EQ(result, nullptr);
70  },
71  nullptr, nullptr);
72  codec.DecodeAndProcessResponseEnvelope(encoded->data(), encoded->size(),
73  &result_handler);
74  EXPECT_TRUE(decoded_successfully);
75 }

References flutter::MethodCodec< T >::DecodeAndProcessResponseEnvelope(), flutter::MethodCodec< T >::EncodeSuccessEnvelope(), and flutter::JsonMethodCodec::GetInstance().

◆ TEST() [59/319]

flutter::TEST ( JsonMethodCodec  ,

Definition at line 77 of file json_method_codec_unittests.cc.

77  {
78  const JsonMethodCodec& codec = JsonMethodCodec::GetInstance();
79  rapidjson::Document result;
80  result.SetInt(42);
81  auto encoded = codec.EncodeSuccessEnvelope(&result);
82  ASSERT_TRUE(encoded);
83  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {'[', '4', '2', ']'};
84  EXPECT_EQ(*encoded, bytes);
86  bool decoded_successfully = false;
87  MethodResultFunctions<rapidjson::Document> result_handler(
88  [&decoded_successfully](const rapidjson::Document* result) {
89  decoded_successfully = true;
90  EXPECT_EQ(result->GetInt(), 42);
91  },
92  nullptr, nullptr);
93  codec.DecodeAndProcessResponseEnvelope(encoded->data(), encoded->size(),
94  &result_handler);
95  EXPECT_TRUE(decoded_successfully);
96 }

References flutter::MethodCodec< T >::DecodeAndProcessResponseEnvelope(), flutter::MethodCodec< T >::EncodeSuccessEnvelope(), and flutter::JsonMethodCodec::GetInstance().

◆ TEST() [60/319]

flutter::TEST ( MethodCallTest  ,

Definition at line 14 of file method_call_unittests.cc.

14  {
15  const std::string method_name("method_name");
16  const int argument = 42;
17  MethodCall<int> method_call(method_name, std::make_unique<int>(argument));
18  EXPECT_EQ(method_call.method_name(), method_name);
19  ASSERT_NE(method_call.arguments(), nullptr);
20  EXPECT_EQ(*method_call.arguments(), 42);
21 }

References flutter::MethodCall< T >::arguments(), and flutter::MethodCall< T >::method_name().

◆ TEST() [61/319]

flutter::TEST ( MethodChannelTest  ,

Definition at line 37 of file method_result_functions_unittests.cc.

37  {
38  bool called = false;
39  std::string error_code = "a";
40  std::string error_message = "b";
41  int error_details = 1;
42  MethodResultFunctions<int> result(
43  nullptr,
44  [&called, error_code, error_message, error_details](
45  const std::string& code, const std::string& message,
46  const int* details) {
47  called = true;
48  EXPECT_EQ(code, error_code);
49  EXPECT_EQ(message, error_message);
50  EXPECT_EQ(*details, error_details);
51  },
52  nullptr);
53  result.Error(error_code, error_message, error_details);
54  EXPECT_TRUE(called);
55 }

References flutter::MethodResult< T >::Error(), and message.

◆ TEST() [62/319]

flutter::TEST ( MethodChannelTest  ,

Definition at line 145 of file method_channel_unittests.cc.

145  {
146  TestBinaryMessenger messenger;
147  const std::string channel_name("some_channel");
148  MethodChannel channel(&messenger, channel_name,
149  &StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance());
151  bool received_not_implemented = false;
152  auto result_handler = std::make_unique<MethodResultFunctions<>>(
153  nullptr, nullptr,
154  [&received_not_implemented]() { received_not_implemented = true; });
156  channel.InvokeMethod("foo", nullptr, std::move(result_handler));
157  EXPECT_EQ(messenger.send_called(), true);
158  ASSERT_NE(messenger.last_reply_handler(), nullptr);
160  // Call the underlying reply handler to ensure it's reported as unimplemented.
161  messenger.last_reply_handler()(nullptr, 0);
162  EXPECT_TRUE(received_not_implemented);
163 }

References flutter::StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance(), and flutter::MethodChannel< T >::InvokeMethod().

◆ TEST() [63/319]

flutter::TEST ( MethodChannelTest  ,

Definition at line 107 of file method_channel_unittests.cc.

107  {
108  TestBinaryMessenger messenger;
109  const std::string channel_name("some_channel");
110  MethodChannel channel(&messenger, channel_name,
111  &StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance());
113  channel.InvokeMethod("foo", nullptr);
114  EXPECT_TRUE(messenger.send_called());
115  EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_reply_handler(), nullptr);
116 }

References flutter::StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance(), and flutter::MethodChannel< T >::InvokeMethod().

◆ TEST() [64/319]

flutter::TEST ( MethodChannelTest  ,

Definition at line 118 of file method_channel_unittests.cc.

118  {
119  TestBinaryMessenger messenger;
120  const std::string channel_name("some_channel");
121  MethodChannel channel(&messenger, channel_name,
122  &StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance());
124  bool received_reply = false;
125  const std::string reply = "bar";
126  auto result_handler = std::make_unique<MethodResultFunctions<>>(
127  [&received_reply, reply](const EncodableValue* success_value) {
128  received_reply = true;
129  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<std::string>(*success_value), reply);
130  },
131  nullptr, nullptr);
133  channel.InvokeMethod("foo", nullptr, std::move(result_handler));
134  EXPECT_TRUE(messenger.send_called());
135  ASSERT_NE(messenger.last_reply_handler(), nullptr);
137  // Call the underlying reply handler to ensure it's processed correctly.
138  EncodableValue reply_value(reply);
139  std::unique_ptr<std::vector<uint8_t>> encoded_reply =
140  StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance().EncodeSuccessEnvelope(&reply_value);
141  messenger.last_reply_handler()(encoded_reply->data(), encoded_reply->size());
142  EXPECT_TRUE(received_reply);
143 }

References flutter::MethodCodec< T >::EncodeSuccessEnvelope(), flutter::StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance(), and flutter::MethodChannel< T >::InvokeMethod().

◆ TEST() [65/319]

flutter::TEST ( MethodChannelTest  ,

Definition at line 15 of file method_result_functions_unittests.cc.

15  {
16  MethodResultFunctions<int> result(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
17  result.Success();
18  result.Error("error");
19  result.NotImplemented();
20 }

References flutter::MethodResult< EncodableValue >::Error(), flutter::MethodResult< EncodableValue >::NotImplemented(), and flutter::MethodResult< EncodableValue >::Success().

◆ TEST() [66/319]

flutter::TEST ( MethodChannelTest  ,

Definition at line 58 of file method_result_functions_unittests.cc.

58  {
59  bool called = false;
60  MethodResultFunctions<int> result(nullptr, nullptr,
61  [&called]() { called = true; });
62  result.NotImplemented();
63  EXPECT_TRUE(called);
64 }

References flutter::MethodResult< T >::NotImplemented().

◆ TEST() [67/319]

flutter::TEST ( MethodChannelTest  ,

Definition at line 62 of file method_channel_unittests.cc.

62  {
63  TestBinaryMessenger messenger;
64  const std::string channel_name("some_channel");
65  const StandardMethodCodec& codec = StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance();
66  MethodChannel channel(&messenger, channel_name, &codec);
68  bool callback_called = false;
69  const std::string method_name("hello");
70  channel.SetMethodCallHandler(
71  [&callback_called, method_name](const auto& call, auto result) {
72  callback_called = true;
73  // Ensure that the wrapper received a correctly decoded call and a
74  // result.
75  EXPECT_EQ(call.method_name(), method_name);
76  EXPECT_NE(result, nullptr);
77  result->Success();
78  });
79  EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message_handler_channel(), channel_name);
80  EXPECT_NE(messenger.last_message_handler(), nullptr);
81  // Send a test message to trigger the handler test assertions.
82  MethodCall<> call(method_name, nullptr);
83  auto message = codec.EncodeMethodCall(call);
85  messenger.last_message_handler()(
86  message->data(), message->size(),
87  [](const uint8_t* reply, size_t reply_size) {});
88  EXPECT_TRUE(callback_called);
89 }

References flutter::MethodCodec< T >::EncodeMethodCall(), flutter::StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance(), message, and flutter::MethodChannel< T >::SetMethodCallHandler().

◆ TEST() [68/319]

flutter::TEST ( MethodChannelTest  ,

Definition at line 167 of file method_channel_unittests.cc.

167  {
168  TestBinaryMessenger messenger;
169  const std::string channel_name("flutter/test");
170  MethodChannel channel(&messenger, channel_name,
171  &StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance());
173  channel.Resize(3);
175  // Because the Dart implementation for the control channel implements its own
176  // custom deserialization logic, this test compares the generated bytes array
177  // to the expected one (for instance, the deserialization logic expects the
178  // size parameter of the resize method call to be an uint32).
179  //
180  // The expected content was created from the following Dart code:
181  // MethodCall call = MethodCall('resize', ['flutter/test',3]);
182  // StandardMethodCodec().encodeMethodCall(call).buffer.asUint8List();
183  const int expected_message_size = 29;
185  EXPECT_EQ(messenger.send_called(), true);
186  EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(messenger.last_message().size()),
187  expected_message_size);
189  int expected[expected_message_size] = {
190  7, 6, 114, 101, 115, 105, 122, 101, 12, 2, 7, 12, 102, 108, 117,
191  116, 116, 101, 114, 47, 116, 101, 115, 116, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0};
192  for (int i = 0; i < expected_message_size; i++) {
193  EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message()[i], expected[i]);
194  }
195 }

References flutter::StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance(), and flutter::MethodChannel< T >::Resize().

◆ TEST() [69/319]

flutter::TEST ( MethodChannelTest  ,

Definition at line 199 of file method_channel_unittests.cc.

199  {
200  TestBinaryMessenger messenger;
202  const std::string channel_name("flutter/test");
203  MethodChannel channel(&messenger, channel_name,
204  &StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance());
206  channel.SetWarnsOnOverflow(false);
208  // The expected content was created from the following Dart code:
209  // MethodCall call = MethodCall('overflow',['flutter/test', true]);
210  // StandardMethodCodec().encodeMethodCall(call).buffer.asUint8List();
211  const int expected_message_size = 27;
213  EXPECT_EQ(messenger.send_called(), true);
214  EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(messenger.last_message().size()),
215  expected_message_size);
217  int expected[expected_message_size] = {
218  7, 8, 111, 118, 101, 114, 102, 108, 111, 119, 12, 2, 7, 12,
219  102, 108, 117, 116, 116, 101, 114, 47, 116, 101, 115, 116, 1};
220  for (int i = 0; i < expected_message_size; i++) {
221  EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message()[i], expected[i]);
222  }
223 }

References flutter::StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance(), and flutter::MethodChannel< T >::SetWarnsOnOverflow().

◆ TEST() [70/319]

flutter::TEST ( MethodChannelTest  ,

Definition at line 23 of file method_result_functions_unittests.cc.

23  {
24  bool called = false;
25  int value = 1;
26  MethodResultFunctions<int> result(
27  [&called, value](const int* i) {
28  called = true;
29  EXPECT_EQ(*i, value);
30  },
31  nullptr, nullptr);
32  result.Success(value);
33  EXPECT_TRUE(called);
34 }

References flutter::MethodResult< T >::Success().

◆ TEST() [71/319]

flutter::TEST ( MethodChannelTest  ,

Definition at line 92 of file method_channel_unittests.cc.

92  {
93  TestBinaryMessenger messenger;
94  const std::string channel_name("some_channel");
95  MethodChannel channel(&messenger, channel_name,
96  &StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance());
98  channel.SetMethodCallHandler([](const auto& call, auto result) {});
99  EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message_handler_channel(), channel_name);
100  EXPECT_NE(messenger.last_message_handler(), nullptr);
102  channel.SetMethodCallHandler(nullptr);
103  EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message_handler_channel(), channel_name);
104  EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message_handler(), nullptr);
105 }

References flutter::StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance(), and flutter::MethodChannel< T >::SetMethodCallHandler().

◆ TEST() [72/319]

flutter::TEST ( PathUtilsTest  ,

Definition at line 12 of file path_utils_unittests.cc.

12  {
13  std::filesystem::path exe_directory = GetExecutableDirectory();
14 #if defined(__linux__) || defined(_WIN32)
15  EXPECT_EQ(exe_directory.empty(), false);
16  EXPECT_EQ(exe_directory.is_absolute(), true);
17 #else
18  // On platforms where it's not implemented, it should indicate that
19  // by returning an empty path.
20  EXPECT_EQ(exe_directory.empty(), true);
21 #endif
22 }

References GetExecutableDirectory().

◆ TEST() [73/319]

flutter::TEST ( PluginRegistrarTest  ,

Definition at line 175 of file plugin_registrar_unittests.cc.

175  {
176  PluginRegistrarManager* manager = PluginRegistrarManager::GetInstance();
177  manager->Reset();
179  testing::ScopedStubFlutterApi scoped_api_stub(std::make_unique<TestApi>());
181  auto dummy_registrar_handle_a =
182  reinterpret_cast<FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef>(1);
183  auto dummy_registrar_handle_b =
184  reinterpret_cast<FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef>(2);
186  EXPECT_NE(manager->GetRegistrar<PluginRegistrar>(dummy_registrar_handle_a),
187  manager->GetRegistrar<PluginRegistrar>(dummy_registrar_handle_b));
188 }

References flutter::PluginRegistrarManager::GetInstance(), flutter::PluginRegistrarManager::GetRegistrar(), and flutter::PluginRegistrarManager::Reset().

◆ TEST() [74/319]

flutter::TEST ( PluginRegistrarTest  ,

Definition at line 192 of file plugin_registrar_unittests.cc.

192  {
193  PluginRegistrarManager* manager = PluginRegistrarManager::GetInstance();
194  manager->Reset();
196  testing::ScopedStubFlutterApi scoped_api_stub(std::make_unique<TestApi>());
197  auto test_api = static_cast<TestApi*>(scoped_api_stub.stub());
199  auto dummy_registrar_handle =
200  reinterpret_cast<FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef>(1);
201  auto* wrapper =
202  manager->GetRegistrar<TestPluginRegistrar>(dummy_registrar_handle);
204  // Simulate destruction of the reference, and ensure that the wrapper
205  // is destroyed.
206  EXPECT_NE(test_api->last_destruction_callback_set(), nullptr);
207  bool destroyed = false;
208  wrapper->SetDestructionCallback([&destroyed]() { destroyed = true; });
209  test_api->last_destruction_callback_set()(dummy_registrar_handle);
210  EXPECT_EQ(destroyed, true);
212  // Requesting the wrapper should now create a new object.
213  EXPECT_NE(manager->GetRegistrar<TestPluginRegistrar>(dummy_registrar_handle),
214  nullptr);
215 }

References flutter::PluginRegistrarManager::GetInstance(), flutter::PluginRegistrarManager::GetRegistrar(), and flutter::PluginRegistrarManager::Reset().

◆ TEST() [75/319]

flutter::TEST ( PluginRegistrarTest  ,

Definition at line 160 of file plugin_registrar_unittests.cc.

160  {
161  PluginRegistrarManager* manager = PluginRegistrarManager::GetInstance();
162  manager->Reset();
164  testing::ScopedStubFlutterApi scoped_api_stub(std::make_unique<TestApi>());
166  auto dummy_registrar_handle =
167  reinterpret_cast<FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef>(1);
169  EXPECT_EQ(manager->GetRegistrar<PluginRegistrar>(dummy_registrar_handle),
170  manager->GetRegistrar<PluginRegistrar>(dummy_registrar_handle));
171 }

References flutter::PluginRegistrarManager::GetInstance(), flutter::PluginRegistrarManager::GetRegistrar(), and flutter::PluginRegistrarManager::Reset().

◆ TEST() [76/319]

flutter::TEST ( PluginRegistrarTest  ,

Definition at line 120 of file plugin_registrar_unittests.cc.

120  {
121  testing::ScopedStubFlutterApi scoped_api_stub(std::make_unique<TestApi>());
122  auto test_api = static_cast<TestApi*>(scoped_api_stub.stub());
124  auto dummy_registrar_handle =
125  reinterpret_cast<FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef>(1);
126  PluginRegistrar registrar(dummy_registrar_handle);
127  BinaryMessenger* messenger = registrar.messenger();
129  std::vector<uint8_t> message = {1, 2, 3, 4};
130  messenger->Send("some_channel", &message[0], message.size());
131  EXPECT_EQ(test_api->last_data_sent(), &message[0]);
132 }

References message, flutter::PluginRegistrar::messenger(), and flutter::BinaryMessenger::Send().

◆ TEST() [77/319]

flutter::TEST ( PluginRegistrarTest  ,

Definition at line 136 of file plugin_registrar_unittests.cc.

136  {
137  testing::ScopedStubFlutterApi scoped_api_stub(std::make_unique<TestApi>());
138  auto test_api = static_cast<TestApi*>(scoped_api_stub.stub());
140  auto dummy_registrar_handle =
141  reinterpret_cast<FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef>(1);
142  PluginRegistrar registrar(dummy_registrar_handle);
143  BinaryMessenger* messenger = registrar.messenger();
144  const std::string channel_name("foo");
146  // Register.
147  BinaryMessageHandler binary_handler = [](const uint8_t* message,
148  const size_t message_size,
149  const BinaryReply& reply) {};
150  messenger->SetMessageHandler(channel_name, std::move(binary_handler));
151  EXPECT_NE(test_api->last_message_callback_set(), nullptr);
153  // Unregister.
154  messenger->SetMessageHandler(channel_name, nullptr);
155  EXPECT_EQ(test_api->last_message_callback_set(), nullptr);
156 }

References message, flutter::PluginRegistrar::messenger(), and flutter::BinaryMessenger::SetMessageHandler().

◆ TEST() [78/319]

flutter::TEST ( PluginRegistrarTest  ,

Definition at line 104 of file plugin_registrar_unittests.cc.

104  {
105  auto dummy_registrar_handle =
106  reinterpret_cast<FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef>(1);
107  bool registrar_valid_at_destruction = false;
108  {
109  PluginRegistrar registrar(dummy_registrar_handle);
111  auto plugin = std::make_unique<TestPlugin>(&registrar,
112  &registrar_valid_at_destruction);
113  registrar.AddPlugin(std::move(plugin));
114  }
115  EXPECT_TRUE(registrar_valid_at_destruction);
116 }

References flutter::PluginRegistrar::AddPlugin().

◆ TEST() [79/319]

flutter::TEST ( PluginRegistrarTest  ,

Definition at line 218 of file plugin_registrar_unittests.cc.

218  {
219  auto dummy_registrar_handle =
220  reinterpret_cast<FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef>(1);
221  PluginRegistrar registrar(dummy_registrar_handle);
223  TextureRegistrar* texture_registrar = registrar.texture_registrar();
225  ASSERT_NE(texture_registrar, nullptr);
226 }

References flutter::PluginRegistrar::texture_registrar().

◆ TEST() [80/319]

flutter::TEST ( PluginRegistrarWindowsTest  ,

Definition at line 161 of file plugin_registrar_windows_unittests.cc.

161  {
162  auto windows_api = std::make_unique<TestWindowsApi>();
163  EXPECT_CALL(*windows_api, PluginRegistrarGetView).WillOnce(Return(nullptr));
164  testing::ScopedStubFlutterWindowsApi scoped_api_stub(std::move(windows_api));
165  auto test_api = static_cast<TestWindowsApi*>(scoped_api_stub.stub());
166  PluginRegistrarWindows registrar(
167  reinterpret_cast<FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef>(1));
169  HWND dummy_hwnd;
170  bool called_a = false;
171  WindowProcDelegate delegate_a = [&called_a, &dummy_hwnd](
172  HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wparam,
173  LPARAM lparam) {
174  called_a = true;
175  EXPECT_EQ(hwnd, dummy_hwnd);
176  EXPECT_EQ(message, 2);
177  EXPECT_EQ(wparam, 3);
178  EXPECT_EQ(lparam, 4);
179  return std::optional<LRESULT>();
180  };
181  bool called_b = false;
182  WindowProcDelegate delegate_b = [&called_b](HWND hwnd, UINT message,
183  WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) {
184  called_b = true;
185  return std::optional<LRESULT>();
186  };
187  int id_a = registrar.RegisterTopLevelWindowProcDelegate(delegate_a);
188  int id_b = registrar.RegisterTopLevelWindowProcDelegate(delegate_b);
190  LRESULT result = 0;
191  bool handled = test_api->last_registered_delegate()(
192  dummy_hwnd, 2, 3, 4, test_api->last_registered_user_data(), &result);
193  EXPECT_TRUE(called_a);
194  EXPECT_TRUE(called_b);
195  EXPECT_FALSE(handled);
196 }

References message, and flutter::PluginRegistrarWindows::RegisterTopLevelWindowProcDelegate().

◆ TEST() [81/319]

flutter::TEST ( PluginRegistrarWindowsTest  ,

Definition at line 76 of file plugin_registrar_windows_unittests.cc.

76  {
77  auto windows_api = std::make_unique<TestWindowsApi>();
78  EXPECT_CALL(*windows_api, PluginRegistrarGetView)
79  .WillOnce(Return(reinterpret_cast<FlutterDesktopViewRef>(1)));
81  testing::ScopedStubFlutterWindowsApi scoped_api_stub(std::move(windows_api));
82  auto test_api = static_cast<TestWindowsApi*>(scoped_api_stub.stub());
83  PluginRegistrarWindows registrar(
84  reinterpret_cast<FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef>(1));
86  EXPECT_NE(registrar.GetView(), nullptr);
87 }

References flutter::PluginRegistrarWindows::GetView().

◆ TEST() [82/319]

flutter::TEST ( PluginRegistrarWindowsTest  ,

Definition at line 89 of file plugin_registrar_windows_unittests.cc.

89  {
90  auto windows_api = std::make_unique<TestWindowsApi>();
91  EXPECT_CALL(*windows_api, PluginRegistrarGetView)
92  .WillRepeatedly(Return(nullptr));
93  EXPECT_CALL(*windows_api, PluginRegistrarGetViewById(123))
94  .WillOnce(Return(reinterpret_cast<FlutterDesktopViewRef>(1)));
95  EXPECT_CALL(*windows_api, PluginRegistrarGetViewById(456))
96  .WillOnce(Return(nullptr));
98  testing::ScopedStubFlutterWindowsApi scoped_api_stub(std::move(windows_api));
99  auto test_api = static_cast<TestWindowsApi*>(scoped_api_stub.stub());
100  PluginRegistrarWindows registrar(
101  reinterpret_cast<FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef>(1));
103  EXPECT_EQ(registrar.GetView(), nullptr);
104  EXPECT_NE(registrar.GetViewById(123).get(), nullptr);
105  EXPECT_EQ(registrar.GetViewById(456).get(), nullptr);
106 }

References flutter::PluginRegistrarWindows::GetView(), and flutter::PluginRegistrarWindows::GetViewById().

◆ TEST() [83/319]

flutter::TEST ( PluginRegistrarWindowsTest  ,

Definition at line 109 of file plugin_registrar_windows_unittests.cc.

109  {
110  auto windows_api = std::make_unique<TestWindowsApi>();
111  EXPECT_CALL(*windows_api, PluginRegistrarGetView)
112  .WillRepeatedly(Return(reinterpret_cast<FlutterDesktopViewRef>(1)));
113  testing::ScopedStubFlutterWindowsApi scoped_api_stub(std::move(windows_api));
114  auto test_api = static_cast<TestWindowsApi*>(scoped_api_stub.stub());
115  PluginRegistrarWindows registrar(
116  reinterpret_cast<FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef>(1));
118  auto dummy_registrar_handle =
119  reinterpret_cast<FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef>(1);
120  bool registrar_valid_at_destruction = false;
121  {
122  PluginRegistrarWindows registrar(dummy_registrar_handle);
124  auto plugin = std::make_unique<TestPlugin>(&registrar,
125  &registrar_valid_at_destruction);
126  registrar.AddPlugin(std::move(plugin));
127  }
128  EXPECT_TRUE(registrar_valid_at_destruction);
129 }

References flutter::PluginRegistrar::AddPlugin().

◆ TEST() [84/319]

flutter::TEST ( PluginRegistrarWindowsTest  ,

Definition at line 131 of file plugin_registrar_windows_unittests.cc.

131  {
132  auto windows_api = std::make_unique<TestWindowsApi>();
133  EXPECT_CALL(*windows_api, PluginRegistrarGetView).WillOnce(Return(nullptr));
134  testing::ScopedStubFlutterWindowsApi scoped_api_stub(std::move(windows_api));
135  auto test_api = static_cast<TestWindowsApi*>(scoped_api_stub.stub());
136  PluginRegistrarWindows registrar(
137  reinterpret_cast<FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef>(1));
139  WindowProcDelegate delegate = [](HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wparam,
140  LPARAM lparam) {
141  return std::optional<LRESULT>();
142  };
143  int id_a = registrar.RegisterTopLevelWindowProcDelegate(delegate);
144  EXPECT_EQ(test_api->registered_delegate_count(), 1);
145  int id_b = registrar.RegisterTopLevelWindowProcDelegate(delegate);
146  // All the C++-level delegates are driven by a since C callback, so the
147  // registration count should stay the same.
148  EXPECT_EQ(test_api->registered_delegate_count(), 1);
150  // Unregistering one of the two delegates shouldn't cause the underlying C
151  // callback to be unregistered.
152  registrar.UnregisterTopLevelWindowProcDelegate(id_a);
153  EXPECT_EQ(test_api->registered_delegate_count(), 1);
154  // Unregistering both should unregister it.
155  registrar.UnregisterTopLevelWindowProcDelegate(id_b);
156  EXPECT_EQ(test_api->registered_delegate_count(), 0);
158  EXPECT_NE(id_a, id_b);
159 }

References message, flutter::PluginRegistrarWindows::RegisterTopLevelWindowProcDelegate(), and flutter::PluginRegistrarWindows::UnregisterTopLevelWindowProcDelegate().

◆ TEST() [85/319]

flutter::TEST ( PluginRegistrarWindowsTest  ,

Definition at line 198 of file plugin_registrar_windows_unittests.cc.

198  {
199  auto windows_api = std::make_unique<TestWindowsApi>();
200  EXPECT_CALL(*windows_api, PluginRegistrarGetView).WillOnce(Return(nullptr));
201  testing::ScopedStubFlutterWindowsApi scoped_api_stub(std::move(windows_api));
202  auto test_api = static_cast<TestWindowsApi*>(scoped_api_stub.stub());
203  PluginRegistrarWindows registrar(
204  reinterpret_cast<FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef>(1));
206  bool called_a = false;
207  WindowProcDelegate delegate_a = [&called_a](HWND hwnd, UINT message,
208  WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) {
209  called_a = true;
210  return std::optional<LRESULT>(7);
211  };
212  bool called_b = false;
213  WindowProcDelegate delegate_b = [&called_b](HWND hwnd, UINT message,
214  WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) {
215  called_b = true;
216  return std::optional<LRESULT>(7);
217  };
218  int id_a = registrar.RegisterTopLevelWindowProcDelegate(delegate_a);
219  int id_b = registrar.RegisterTopLevelWindowProcDelegate(delegate_b);
221  HWND dummy_hwnd;
222  LRESULT result = 0;
223  bool handled = test_api->last_registered_delegate()(
224  dummy_hwnd, 2, 3, 4, test_api->last_registered_user_data(), &result);
225  // Only one of the delegates should have been called, since each claims to
226  // have fully handled the message.
227  EXPECT_TRUE(called_a || called_b);
228  EXPECT_NE(called_a, called_b);
229  // The return value should propagate through.
230  EXPECT_TRUE(handled);
231  EXPECT_EQ(result, 7);
232 }

References message, and flutter::PluginRegistrarWindows::RegisterTopLevelWindowProcDelegate().

◆ TEST() [86/319]

flutter::TEST ( Point  ,

Definition at line 11 of file geometry_unittests.cc.

11  {
12  Point point(-30.0, 42.0);
13  EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(-30.0, point.x());
14  EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(42.0, point.y());
15 }

References flutter::Point::x(), and flutter::Point::y().

◆ TEST() [87/319]

flutter::TEST ( Rect  ,

Definition at line 37 of file geometry_unittests.cc.

37  {
38  Point origin(-30.0, 42.0);
39  Size size(20.0, 22.0);
40  Rect rect(origin, size);
41  EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(-30.0, rect.left());
42  EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(42.0, rect.top());
43  EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(-10.0, rect.right());
44  EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(64.0, rect.bottom());
45 }

References flutter::Rect::bottom(), flutter::Rect::left(), flutter::Rect::right(), and flutter::Rect::top().

◆ TEST() [88/319]

flutter::TEST ( Rect  ,

Definition at line 47 of file geometry_unittests.cc.

47  {
48  Point origin(-30.0, 42.0);
49  Size size(20.0, 22.0);
50  Rect rect(origin, size);
51  EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(20.0, rect.width());
52  EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(22.0, rect.height());
53 }

References flutter::Rect::height(), and flutter::Rect::width().

◆ TEST() [89/319]

flutter::TEST ( Rect  ,

Definition at line 29 of file geometry_unittests.cc.

29  {
30  Point origin(-30.0, 42.0);
31  Size size(20.0, 22.0);
32  Rect rect(origin, size);
33  EXPECT_EQ(origin, rect.origin());
34  EXPECT_EQ(size, rect.size());
35 }

References flutter::Rect::origin(), and flutter::Rect::size().

◆ TEST() [90/319]

flutter::TEST ( Size  ,

Definition at line 23 of file geometry_unittests.cc.

23  {
24  Size size(-20.0, -42.0);
25  EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.0, size.width());
26  EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.0, size.height());
27 }

References flutter::Size::height(), and flutter::Size::width().

◆ TEST() [91/319]

flutter::TEST ( Size  ,

Definition at line 17 of file geometry_unittests.cc.

17  {
18  Size size(20.0, 42.0);
19  EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(20.0, size.width());
20  EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(42.0, size.height());
21 }

References flutter::Size::height(), and flutter::Size::width().

◆ TEST() [92/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMessageCodec  ,

Definition at line 95 of file standard_message_codec_unittests.cc.

95  {
96  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {};
97  const MockStandardCodecSerializer serializer;
98  const StandardMessageCodec& codec =
99  StandardMessageCodec::GetInstance(&serializer);
101  auto decoded = codec.DecodeMessage(bytes);
103  EXPECT_EQ(EncodableValue(), *decoded);
104  EXPECT_CALL(serializer, ReadValueOfType(::testing::_, ::testing::_)).Times(0);
105 }

References flutter::MessageCodec< T >::DecodeMessage(), and flutter::StandardMessageCodec::GetInstance().

◆ TEST() [93/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMessageCodec  ,

Definition at line 193 of file standard_message_codec_unittests.cc.

193  {
194  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0x08, 0x04, 0xba, 0x5e, 0xba, 0x11};
195  EncodableValue value(std::vector<uint8_t>{0xba, 0x5e, 0xba, 0x11});
196  CheckEncodeDecode(value, bytes);
197 }

References CheckEncodeDecode().

◆ TEST() [94/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMessageCodec  ,

Definition at line 128 of file standard_message_codec_unittests.cc.

128  {
129  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
130  0x18, 0x2d, 0x44, 0x54, 0xfb, 0x21, 0x09, 0x40};
131  CheckEncodeDecode(EncodableValue(3.14159265358979311599796346854), bytes);
132 }

References CheckEncodeDecode().

◆ TEST() [95/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMessageCodec  ,

Definition at line 175 of file standard_message_codec_unittests.cc.

175  {
176  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0x0c, 0x00};
177  CheckEncodeDecode(EncodableValue(EncodableList{}), bytes);
178 }

References CheckEncodeDecode().

◆ TEST() [96/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMessageCodec  ,

Definition at line 150 of file standard_message_codec_unittests.cc.

150  {
151  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0x07, 0x00};
152  CheckEncodeDecode(EncodableValue(u8""), bytes);
153 }

References CheckEncodeDecode().

◆ TEST() [97/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMessageCodec  ,

Definition at line 112 of file standard_message_codec_unittests.cc.

112  {
113  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0x02};
114  CheckEncodeDecode(EncodableValue(false), bytes);
115 }

References CheckEncodeDecode().

◆ TEST() [98/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMessageCodec  ,

Definition at line 214 of file standard_message_codec_unittests.cc.

214  {
215  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0x0e, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd8, 0x0f,
216  0x49, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7a, 0x44};
217  EncodableValue value(std::vector<float>{3.1415920257568359375f, 1000.0f});
218  CheckEncodeDecode(value, bytes);
219 }

References CheckEncodeDecode().

◆ TEST() [99/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMessageCodec  ,

Definition at line 221 of file standard_message_codec_unittests.cc.

221  {
222  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0x0b, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
223  0x18, 0x2d, 0x44, 0x54, 0xfb, 0x21, 0x09, 0x40,
224  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x8f, 0x40};
225  EncodableValue value(
226  std::vector<double>{3.14159265358979311599796346854, 1000.0});
227  CheckEncodeDecode(value, bytes);
228 }

References CheckEncodeDecode().

◆ TEST() [100/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMessageCodec  ,

Definition at line 117 of file standard_message_codec_unittests.cc.

117  {
118  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0x03, 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12};
119  CheckEncodeDecode(EncodableValue(0x12345678), bytes);
120 }

References CheckEncodeDecode().

◆ TEST() [101/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMessageCodec  ,

Definition at line 199 of file standard_message_codec_unittests.cc.

199  {
200  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0x09, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12,
201  0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
202  EncodableValue value(std::vector<int32_t>{0x12345678, -1, 0});
203  CheckEncodeDecode(value, bytes);
204 }

References CheckEncodeDecode().

◆ TEST() [102/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMessageCodec  ,

Definition at line 122 of file standard_message_codec_unittests.cc.

122  {
123  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0x04, 0xef, 0xcd, 0xab, 0x90,
124  0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12};
125  CheckEncodeDecode(EncodableValue(INT64_C(0x1234567890abcdef)), bytes);
126 }

References CheckEncodeDecode().

◆ TEST() [103/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMessageCodec  ,

Definition at line 206 of file standard_message_codec_unittests.cc.

206  {
207  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0x0a, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
208  0xef, 0xcd, 0xab, 0x90, 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12,
209  0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
210  EncodableValue value(std::vector<int64_t>{0x1234567890abcdef, -1});
211  CheckEncodeDecode(value, bytes);
212 }

References CheckEncodeDecode().

◆ TEST() [104/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMessageCodec  ,

Definition at line 155 of file standard_message_codec_unittests.cc.

155  {
156  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {
157  0x0c, 0x05, 0x00, 0x07, 0x05, 0x68, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x06,
158  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1f, 0x85, 0xeb, 0x51, 0xb8, 0x1e,
159  0x09, 0x40, 0x03, 0x2f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x02, 0x03, 0x2a,
160  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x06, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x65, 0x64,
161  };
162  EncodableValue value(EncodableList{
163  EncodableValue(),
164  EncodableValue("hello"),
165  EncodableValue(3.14),
166  EncodableValue(47),
167  EncodableValue(EncodableList{
168  EncodableValue(42),
169  EncodableValue("nested"),
170  }),
171  });
172  CheckEncodeDecode(value, bytes);
173 }

References CheckEncodeDecode().

◆ TEST() [105/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMessageCodec  ,

Definition at line 180 of file standard_message_codec_unittests.cc.

180  {
181  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes_prefix = {0x0d, 0x04};
182  EncodableValue value(EncodableMap{
183  {EncodableValue("a"), EncodableValue(3.14)},
184  {EncodableValue("b"), EncodableValue(47)},
185  {EncodableValue(), EncodableValue()},
186  {EncodableValue(3.14), EncodableValue(EncodableList{
187  EncodableValue("nested"),
188  })},
189  });
190  CheckEncodeDecodeWithEncodePrefix(value, bytes_prefix, 48);
191 }

References CheckEncodeDecodeWithEncodePrefix().

◆ TEST() [106/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMessageCodec  ,

Definition at line 90 of file standard_message_codec_unittests.cc.

90  {
91  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0x00};
92  CheckEncodeDecode(EncodableValue(), bytes);
93 }

References CheckEncodeDecode().

◆ TEST() [107/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMessageCodec  ,

Definition at line 230 of file standard_message_codec_unittests.cc.

230  {
231  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0x80, 0x09, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
232  0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
233  auto point_comparator = [](const EncodableValue& a, const EncodableValue& b) {
234  const Point& a_point =
235  std::any_cast<Point>(std::get<CustomEncodableValue>(a));
236  const Point& b_point =
237  std::any_cast<Point>(std::get<CustomEncodableValue>(b));
238  return a_point == b_point;
239  };
240  CheckEncodeDecode(CustomEncodableValue(Point(9, 16)), bytes,
241  &PointExtensionSerializer::GetInstance(), point_comparator);
242 }

References CheckEncodeDecode().

◆ TEST() [108/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMessageCodec  ,

Definition at line 134 of file standard_message_codec_unittests.cc.

134  {
135  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0x07, 0x0b, 0x68, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f,
136  0x20, 0x77, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6c, 0x64};
137  CheckEncodeDecode(EncodableValue(u8"hello world"), bytes);
138 }

References CheckEncodeDecode().

◆ TEST() [109/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMessageCodec  ,

Definition at line 140 of file standard_message_codec_unittests.cc.

140  {
141  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0x07, 0x05, 0x68, 0xe2, 0x98, 0xba, 0x77};
142  CheckEncodeDecode(EncodableValue(u8"h\u263Aw"), bytes);
143 }

References CheckEncodeDecode().

◆ TEST() [110/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMessageCodec  ,

Definition at line 145 of file standard_message_codec_unittests.cc.

145  {
146  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0x07, 0x06, 0x68, 0xf0, 0x9f, 0x98, 0x82, 0x77};
147  CheckEncodeDecode(EncodableValue(u8"h\U0001F602w"), bytes);
148 }

References CheckEncodeDecode().

◆ TEST() [111/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMessageCodec  ,

Definition at line 107 of file standard_message_codec_unittests.cc.

107  {
108  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0x01};
109  CheckEncodeDecode(EncodableValue(true), bytes);
110 }

References CheckEncodeDecode().

◆ TEST() [112/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMessageCodec  ,

Definition at line 244 of file standard_message_codec_unittests.cc.

244  {
245  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {
246  0x81, // custom type
247  0x06, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, // data
248  0x07, 0x04, // string type and length
249  0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74 // string characters
250  };
251  auto some_data_comparator = [](const EncodableValue& a,
252  const EncodableValue& b) {
253  const SomeData& data_a =
254  std::any_cast<SomeData>(std::get<CustomEncodableValue>(a));
255  const SomeData& data_b =
256  std::any_cast<SomeData>(std::get<CustomEncodableValue>(b));
257  return data_a.data() == data_b.data() && data_a.label() == data_b.label();
258  };
259  CheckEncodeDecode(CustomEncodableValue(
260  SomeData("test", {0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05})),
261  bytes, &SomeDataExtensionSerializer::GetInstance(),
262  some_data_comparator);
263 }

References CheckEncodeDecode().

◆ TEST() [113/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMessageCodec  ,

Definition at line 82 of file standard_message_codec_unittests.cc.

82  {
83  const StandardMessageCodec& codec_a =
84  StandardMessageCodec::GetInstance(nullptr);
85  const StandardMessageCodec& codec_b =
86  StandardMessageCodec::GetInstance(nullptr);
87  EXPECT_EQ(&codec_a, &codec_b);
88 }

References flutter::StandardMessageCodec::GetInstance().

◆ TEST() [114/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMethodCodec  ,

Definition at line 35 of file standard_method_codec_unittests.cc.

35  {
36  const StandardMethodCodec& codec_a =
37  StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance(nullptr);
38  const StandardMethodCodec& codec_b =
39  StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance(nullptr);
40  EXPECT_EQ(&codec_a, &codec_b);
41 }

References flutter::StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance().

◆ TEST() [115/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMethodCodec  ,

Definition at line 167 of file standard_method_codec_unittests.cc.

167  {
168  const StandardMethodCodec& codec = StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance(
169  &PointExtensionSerializer::GetInstance());
170  Point point(7, 9);
171  MethodCall<> call(
172  "hello", std::make_unique<EncodableValue>(CustomEncodableValue(point)));
173  auto encoded = codec.EncodeMethodCall(call);
174  ASSERT_NE(encoded.get(), nullptr);
175  std::unique_ptr<MethodCall<>> decoded = codec.DecodeMethodCall(*encoded);
176  ASSERT_NE(decoded.get(), nullptr);
178  const Point& decoded_point = std::any_cast<Point>(
179  std::get<CustomEncodableValue>(*decoded->arguments()));
180  EXPECT_EQ(point, decoded_point);
181 };

References flutter::MethodCodec< T >::DecodeMethodCall(), flutter::MethodCodec< T >::EncodeMethodCall(), and flutter::StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance().

◆ TEST() [116/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMethodCodec  ,

Definition at line 130 of file standard_method_codec_unittests.cc.

130  {
131  const StandardMethodCodec& codec = StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance();
132  EncodableValue details(EncodableList{
133  EncodableValue("a"),
134  EncodableValue(42),
135  });
136  auto encoded =
137  codec.EncodeErrorEnvelope("errorCode", "something failed", &details);
138  ASSERT_NE(encoded.get(), nullptr);
139  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {
140  0x01, 0x07, 0x09, 0x65, 0x72, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x43, 0x6f,
141  0x64, 0x65, 0x07, 0x10, 0x73, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x74, 0x68,
142  0x69, 0x6e, 0x67, 0x20, 0x66, 0x61, 0x69, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x64,
143  0x0c, 0x02, 0x07, 0x01, 0x61, 0x03, 0x2a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
144  };
145  EXPECT_EQ(*encoded, bytes);
147  bool decoded_successfully = false;
148  MethodResultFunctions<> result_handler(
149  nullptr,
150  [&decoded_successfully](const std::string& code,
151  const std::string& message,
152  const EncodableValue* details) {
153  decoded_successfully = true;
154  EXPECT_EQ(code, "errorCode");
155  EXPECT_EQ(message, "something failed");
156  const auto* details_list = std::get_if<EncodableList>(details);
157  ASSERT_NE(details_list, nullptr);
158  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<std::string>((*details_list)[0]), "a");
159  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<int32_t>((*details_list)[1]), 42);
160  },
161  nullptr);
162  codec.DecodeAndProcessResponseEnvelope(encoded->data(), encoded->size(),
163  &result_handler);
164  EXPECT_TRUE(decoded_successfully);
165 }

References flutter::MethodCodec< T >::DecodeAndProcessResponseEnvelope(), flutter::MethodCodec< T >::EncodeErrorEnvelope(), flutter::StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance(), and message.

◆ TEST() [117/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMethodCodec  ,

Definition at line 105 of file standard_method_codec_unittests.cc.

105  {
106  const StandardMethodCodec& codec = StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance();
107  auto encoded = codec.EncodeErrorEnvelope("errorCode");
108  ASSERT_NE(encoded.get(), nullptr);
109  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0x01, 0x07, 0x09, 0x65, 0x72, 0x72, 0x6f,
110  0x72, 0x43, 0x6f, 0x64, 0x65, 0x00, 0x00};
111  EXPECT_EQ(*encoded, bytes);
113  bool decoded_successfully = false;
114  MethodResultFunctions<> result_handler(
115  nullptr,
116  [&decoded_successfully](const std::string& code,
117  const std::string& message,
118  const EncodableValue* details) {
119  decoded_successfully = true;
120  EXPECT_EQ(code, "errorCode");
121  EXPECT_EQ(message, "");
122  EXPECT_EQ(details, nullptr);
123  },
124  nullptr);
125  codec.DecodeAndProcessResponseEnvelope(encoded->data(), encoded->size(),
126  &result_handler);
127  EXPECT_TRUE(decoded_successfully);
128 }

References flutter::MethodCodec< T >::DecodeAndProcessResponseEnvelope(), flutter::MethodCodec< T >::EncodeErrorEnvelope(), flutter::StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance(), and message.

◆ TEST() [118/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMethodCodec  ,

Definition at line 53 of file standard_method_codec_unittests.cc.

53  {
54  const StandardMethodCodec& codec = StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance();
55  MethodCall<> call("hello", std::make_unique<EncodableValue>(EncodableList{
56  EncodableValue(42),
57  EncodableValue("world"),
58  }));
59  auto encoded = codec.EncodeMethodCall(call);
60  ASSERT_NE(encoded.get(), nullptr);
61  std::unique_ptr<MethodCall<>> decoded = codec.DecodeMethodCall(*encoded);
62  ASSERT_NE(decoded.get(), nullptr);
63  EXPECT_TRUE(MethodCallsAreEqual(call, *decoded));
64 }

References flutter::MethodCodec< T >::DecodeMethodCall(), flutter::MethodCodec< T >::EncodeMethodCall(), and flutter::StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance().

◆ TEST() [119/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMethodCodec  ,

Definition at line 43 of file standard_method_codec_unittests.cc.

43  {
44  const StandardMethodCodec& codec = StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance();
45  MethodCall<> call("hello", nullptr);
46  auto encoded = codec.EncodeMethodCall(call);
47  ASSERT_NE(encoded.get(), nullptr);
48  std::unique_ptr<MethodCall<>> decoded = codec.DecodeMethodCall(*encoded);
49  ASSERT_NE(decoded.get(), nullptr);
50  EXPECT_TRUE(MethodCallsAreEqual(call, *decoded));
51 }

References flutter::MethodCodec< T >::DecodeMethodCall(), flutter::MethodCodec< T >::EncodeMethodCall(), and flutter::StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance().

◆ TEST() [120/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMethodCodec  ,

Definition at line 66 of file standard_method_codec_unittests.cc.

66  {
67  const StandardMethodCodec& codec = StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance();
68  auto encoded = codec.EncodeSuccessEnvelope();
69  ASSERT_NE(encoded.get(), nullptr);
70  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0x00, 0x00};
71  EXPECT_EQ(*encoded, bytes);
73  bool decoded_successfully = false;
74  MethodResultFunctions<> result_handler(
75  [&decoded_successfully](const EncodableValue* result) {
76  decoded_successfully = true;
77  EXPECT_EQ(result, nullptr);
78  },
79  nullptr, nullptr);
80  codec.DecodeAndProcessResponseEnvelope(encoded->data(), encoded->size(),
81  &result_handler);
82  EXPECT_TRUE(decoded_successfully);
83 }

References flutter::MethodCodec< T >::DecodeAndProcessResponseEnvelope(), flutter::MethodCodec< T >::EncodeSuccessEnvelope(), and flutter::StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance().

◆ TEST() [121/319]

flutter::TEST ( StandardMethodCodec  ,

Definition at line 85 of file standard_method_codec_unittests.cc.

85  {
86  const StandardMethodCodec& codec = StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance();
87  EncodableValue result(42);
88  auto encoded = codec.EncodeSuccessEnvelope(&result);
89  ASSERT_NE(encoded.get(), nullptr);
90  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = {0x00, 0x03, 0x2a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
91  EXPECT_EQ(*encoded, bytes);
93  bool decoded_successfully = false;
94  MethodResultFunctions<> result_handler(
95  [&decoded_successfully](const EncodableValue* result) {
96  decoded_successfully = true;
97  EXPECT_EQ(std::get<int32_t>(*result), 42);
98  },
99  nullptr, nullptr);
100  codec.DecodeAndProcessResponseEnvelope(encoded->data(), encoded->size(),
101  &result_handler);
102  EXPECT_TRUE(decoded_successfully);
103 }

References flutter::MethodCodec< T >::DecodeAndProcessResponseEnvelope(), flutter::MethodCodec< T >::EncodeSuccessEnvelope(), and flutter::StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance().

◆ TEST() [122/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextEditingDeltaTest  ,

Definition at line 11 of file text_editing_delta_unittests.cc.

11  {
12  // Here we are simulating inserting an "o" at the end of "hell".
13  std::string old_text = "hell";
14  std::string replacement_text = "hello";
15  TextRange range(0, 4);
17  TextEditingDelta delta = TextEditingDelta(old_text, range, replacement_text);
19  EXPECT_EQ(delta.old_text(), old_text);
20  EXPECT_EQ(delta.delta_text(), "hello");
21  EXPECT_EQ(delta.delta_start(), 0);
22  EXPECT_EQ(delta.delta_end(), 4);
23 }

References flutter::TextEditingDelta::delta_end(), flutter::TextEditingDelta::delta_start(), flutter::TextEditingDelta::delta_text(), and flutter::TextEditingDelta::old_text().

◆ TEST() [123/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextEditingDeltaTest  ,

Definition at line 25 of file text_editing_delta_unittests.cc.

25  {
26  // Here we are simulating inserting an "o" at the end of "hell".
27  std::string old_text = "hello";
29  TextEditingDelta delta = TextEditingDelta(old_text);
31  EXPECT_EQ(delta.old_text(), old_text);
32  EXPECT_EQ(delta.delta_text(), "");
33  EXPECT_EQ(delta.delta_start(), -1);
34  EXPECT_EQ(delta.delta_end(), -1);
35 }

References flutter::TextEditingDelta::delta_end(), flutter::TextEditingDelta::delta_start(), flutter::TextEditingDelta::delta_text(), and flutter::TextEditingDelta::old_text().

◆ TEST() [124/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 417 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

417  {
418  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
419  model->AddCodePoint('A');
420  model->AddCodePoint('B');
421  model->AddCodePoint(0x1f604);
422  model->AddCodePoint('D');
423  model->AddCodePoint('E');
424  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(6));
425  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
426  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "AB😄DE");
427 }

◆ TEST() [125/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 439 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

439  {
440  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
441  model->SetText("ABCDE");
442  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(4, 1)));
443  model->AddCodePoint('x');
444  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(2));
445  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
446  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "AxE");
447 }

◆ TEST() [126/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 459 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

459  {
460  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
461  model->SetText("ABCDE");
462  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(4, 1)));
463  model->AddCodePoint(0x1f604);
464  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(3));
465  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
466  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "A😄E");
467 }

◆ TEST() [127/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 429 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

429  {
430  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
431  model->SetText("ABCDE");
432  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(1, 4)));
433  model->AddCodePoint('x');
434  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(2));
435  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
436  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "AxE");
437 }

◆ TEST() [128/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 449 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

449  {
450  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
451  model->SetText("ABCDE");
452  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(1, 4)));
453  model->AddCodePoint(0x1f604);
454  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(3));
455  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
456  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "A😄E");
457 }

◆ TEST() [129/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 469 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

469  {
470  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
471  model->AddText(u"ABCDE");
472  model->AddText("😄");
473  model->AddText("FGHIJ");
474  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(12));
475  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
476  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE😄FGHIJ");
477 }

◆ TEST() [130/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 489 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

489  {
490  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
491  model->SetText("ABCDE");
492  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(4, 1)));
493  model->AddText("xy");
494  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(3));
495  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
496  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "AxyE");
497 }

◆ TEST() [131/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 509 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

509  {
510  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
511  model->SetText("ABCDE");
512  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(4, 1)));
513  model->AddText(u"😄🙃");
514  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(5));
515  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
516  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "A😄🙃E");
517 }

◆ TEST() [132/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 479 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

479  {
480  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
481  model->SetText("ABCDE");
482  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(1, 4)));
483  model->AddText("xy");
484  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(3));
485  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
486  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "AxyE");
487 }

◆ TEST() [133/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 499 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

499  {
500  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
501  model->SetText("ABCDE");
502  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(1, 4)));
503  model->AddText(u"😄🙃");
504  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(5));
505  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
506  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "A😄🙃E");
507 }

◆ TEST() [134/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 878 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

878  {
879  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
880  model->SetText("ABCDE");
881  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(5)));
882  ASSERT_TRUE(model->Backspace());
883  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(4));
884  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
885  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCD");
886 }

◆ TEST() [135/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 962 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

962  {
963  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
964  model->SetText("ABCDE");
965  model->BeginComposing();
966  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(1, 4), 3));
967  ASSERT_TRUE(model->Backspace());
968  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(3));
969  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 3));
970  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCE");
971 }

◆ TEST() [136/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 973 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

973  {
974  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
975  model->SetText("ABCDE");
976  model->BeginComposing();
977  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(4, 1), 3));
978  ASSERT_TRUE(model->Backspace());
979  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(3));
980  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(3, 1));
981  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCE");
982 }

◆ TEST() [137/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 868 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

868  {
869  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
870  model->SetText("ABCDE");
871  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(2)));
872  ASSERT_TRUE(model->Backspace());
873  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
874  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
875  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ACDE");
876 }

◆ TEST() [138/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 940 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

940  {
941  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
942  model->SetText("ABCDE");
943  model->BeginComposing();
944  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(1, 4), 1));
945  ASSERT_TRUE(model->Backspace());
946  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
947  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 3));
948  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ACDE");
949 }

◆ TEST() [139/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 951 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

951  {
952  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
953  model->SetText("ABCDE");
954  model->BeginComposing();
955  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(4, 1), 1));
956  ASSERT_TRUE(model->Backspace());
957  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
958  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(3, 1));
959  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ACDE");
960 }

◆ TEST() [140/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 908 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

908  {
909  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
910  model->SetText("ABCDE");
911  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(4, 1)));
912  ASSERT_TRUE(model->Delete());
913  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
914  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
915  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "AE");
916 }

◆ TEST() [141/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 898 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

898  {
899  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
900  model->SetText("ABCDE");
901  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(1, 4)));
902  ASSERT_TRUE(model->Delete());
903  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
904  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
905  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "AE");
906 }

◆ TEST() [142/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 858 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

858  {
859  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
860  model->SetText("ABCDE");
861  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(0)));
862  ASSERT_FALSE(model->Backspace());
863  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(0));
864  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
865  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
866 }

◆ TEST() [143/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 918 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

918  {
919  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
920  model->SetText("ABCDE");
921  model->BeginComposing();
922  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(1, 4), 0));
923  ASSERT_FALSE(model->Backspace());
924  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
925  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 4));
926  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
927 }

◆ TEST() [144/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 929 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

929  {
930  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
931  model->SetText("ABCDE");
932  model->BeginComposing();
933  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(4, 1), 0));
934  ASSERT_FALSE(model->Backspace());
935  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
936  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(4, 1));
937  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
938 }

◆ TEST() [145/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 888 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

888  {
889  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
890  model->SetText("😄🙃ðŸĪŠðŸ§");
891  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(4)));
892  ASSERT_TRUE(model->Backspace());
893  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(2));
894  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
895  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "😄ðŸĪŠðŸ§");
896 }

◆ TEST() [146/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 230 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

230  {
231  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
232  model->SetText("ABCDE");
233  model->SetSelection(TextRange(0));
235  // Verify no changes on BeginComposing.
236  model->BeginComposing();
237  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(0));
238  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
239  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
241  // Verify no changes on CommitComposing.
242  model->CommitComposing();
243  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(0));
244  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
245  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
247  // Verify no changes on CommitComposing.
248  model->EndComposing();
249  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(0));
250  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
251  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
252 }

◆ TEST() [147/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 255 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

255  {
256  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
257  model->SetText("ABCDE");
258  model->SetSelection(TextRange(1, 3));
260  // Verify no changes on BeginComposing.
261  model->BeginComposing();
262  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1, 3));
263  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1));
264  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
266  // Verify no changes on CommitComposing.
267  model->CommitComposing();
268  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1, 3));
269  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1));
270  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
272  // Verify no changes on CommitComposing.
273  model->EndComposing();
274  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1, 3));
275  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
276  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
277 }

◆ TEST() [148/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 280 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

280  {
281  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
282  model->SetText("ABCDE");
283  model->SetSelection(TextRange(1));
285  // Verify no changes on BeginComposing.
286  model->BeginComposing();
287  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
288  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1));
289  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
291  // Verify selection base, extent and composing extent increment as text is
292  // entered. Verify composing base does not change.
293  model->UpdateComposingText("ãĪ");
294  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(2));
295  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 2));
296  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "AãĪBCDE");
297  model->UpdateComposingText("ãĪる");
298  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(3));
299  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 3));
300  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "AãĪるBCDE");
302  // Verify that cursor position is set to correct offset from composing base.
303  model->UpdateComposingText("éķī");
304  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(1)));
305  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
306  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 2));
307  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "AéķīBCDE");
309  // Verify composing base is set to composing extent on commit.
310  model->CommitComposing();
311  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(2));
312  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(2));
313  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "AéķīBCDE");
315  // Verify that further text entry increments the selection base, extent and
316  // the composing extent. Verify that composing base does not change.
317  model->UpdateComposingText("が");
318  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(3));
319  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(2, 3));
320  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "AéķīがBCDE");
322  // Verify composing base is set to composing extent on commit.
323  model->CommitComposing();
324  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(3));
325  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(3));
326  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "AéķīがBCDE");
328  // Verify no changes on EndComposing.
329  model->EndComposing();
330  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(3));
331  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
332  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "AéķīがBCDE");
333 }

◆ TEST() [149/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 336 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

336  {
337  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
338  model->SetText("ABCDE");
339  model->SetSelection(TextRange(1, 3));
341  // Verify no changes on BeginComposing.
342  model->BeginComposing();
343  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1, 3));
344  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1));
345  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
347  // Verify selection is replaced and selection base, extent and composing
348  // extent increment to the position immediately after the composing text.
349  // Verify composing base does not change.
350  model->UpdateComposingText("ãĪ");
351  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(2));
352  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 2));
353  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "AãĪDE");
355  // Verify that further text entry increments the selection base, extent and
356  // the composing extent. Verify that composing base does not change.
357  model->UpdateComposingText("ãĪる");
358  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(3));
359  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 3));
360  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "AãĪるDE");
362  // Verify that cursor position is set to correct offset from composing base.
363  model->UpdateComposingText("éķī");
364  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(1)));
365  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
366  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 2));
367  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "AéķīDE");
369  // Verify composing base is set to composing extent on commit.
370  model->CommitComposing();
371  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(2));
372  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(2));
373  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "AéķīDE");
375  // Verify that further text entry increments the selection base, extent and
376  // the composing extent. Verify that composing base does not change.
377  model->UpdateComposingText("が");
378  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(3));
379  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(2, 3));
380  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "AéķīがDE");
382  // Verify composing base is set to composing extent on commit.
383  model->CommitComposing();
384  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(3));
385  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(3));
386  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "AéķīがDE");
388  // Verify no changes on EndComposing.
389  model->EndComposing();
390  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(3));
391  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
392  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "AéķīがDE");
393 }

◆ TEST() [150/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 539 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

539  {
540  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
541  model->SetText("ABCDE");
542  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(5)));
543  ASSERT_FALSE(model->Delete());
544  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(5));
545  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
546  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
547 }

◆ TEST() [151/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 627 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

627  {
628  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
629  model->SetText("ABCDE");
630  model->BeginComposing();
631  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(1, 4), 3));
632  ASSERT_FALSE(model->Delete());
633  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(4));
634  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 4));
635  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
636 }

◆ TEST() [152/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 638 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

638  {
639  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
640  model->SetText("ABCDE");
641  model->BeginComposing();
642  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(4, 1), 3));
643  ASSERT_FALSE(model->Delete());
644  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(4));
645  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(4, 1));
646  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
647 }

◆ TEST() [153/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 529 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

529  {
530  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
531  model->SetText("ABCDE");
532  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(2)));
533  ASSERT_TRUE(model->Delete());
534  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(2));
535  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
536  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABDE");
537 }

◆ TEST() [154/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 605 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

605  {
606  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
607  model->SetText("ABCDE");
608  model->BeginComposing();
609  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(1, 4), 1));
610  ASSERT_TRUE(model->Delete());
611  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(2));
612  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 3));
613  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABDE");
614 }

◆ TEST() [155/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 616 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

616  {
617  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
618  model->SetText("ABCDE");
619  model->BeginComposing();
620  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(4, 1), 1));
621  ASSERT_TRUE(model->Delete());
622  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(2));
623  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(3, 1));
624  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABDE");
625 }

◆ TEST() [156/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 569 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

569  {
570  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
571  model->SetText("ABCDE");
572  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(4, 1)));
573  ASSERT_TRUE(model->Delete());
574  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
575  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
576  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "AE");
577 }

◆ TEST() [157/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 559 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

559  {
560  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
561  model->SetText("ABCDE");
562  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(1, 4)));
563  ASSERT_TRUE(model->Delete());
564  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
565  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
566  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "AE");
567 }

◆ TEST() [158/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 519 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

519  {
520  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
521  model->SetText("ABCDE");
522  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(0)));
523  ASSERT_TRUE(model->Delete());
524  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(0));
525  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
526  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "BCDE");
527 }

◆ TEST() [159/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 579 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

579  {
580  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
581  model->SetText("ABCDE");
582  model->BeginComposing();
583  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(1, 4), 0));
584  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
585  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 4));
586  ASSERT_TRUE(model->Delete());
587  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
588  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 3));
589  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ACDE");
590 }

◆ TEST() [160/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 592 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

592  {
593  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
594  model->SetText("ABCDE");
595  model->BeginComposing();
596  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(4, 1), 0));
597  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
598  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(4, 1));
599  ASSERT_TRUE(model->Delete());
600  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
601  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(3, 1));
602  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ACDE");
603 }

◆ TEST() [161/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 775 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

775  {
776  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
777  model->SetText("ABCDE");
778  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(2)));
779  EXPECT_TRUE(model->DeleteSurrounding(1, 1));
780  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(2));
781  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
782  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCE");
783 }

◆ TEST() [162/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 796 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

796  {
797  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
798  model->SetText("ABCDE");
799  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(2)));
800  EXPECT_TRUE(model->DeleteSurrounding(1, 2));
801  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(2));
802  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
803  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABC");
804 }

◆ TEST() [163/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 806 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

806  {
807  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
808  model->SetText("ABCDE");
809  model->BeginComposing();
810  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(1, 4), 0));
811  EXPECT_TRUE(model->DeleteSurrounding(1, 2));
812  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
813  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 2));
814  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABE");
815 }

◆ TEST() [164/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 785 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

785  {
786  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
787  model->SetText("ABCDE");
788  model->BeginComposing();
789  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(1, 4), 0));
790  EXPECT_TRUE(model->DeleteSurrounding(1, 1));
791  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
792  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 3));
793  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABDE");
794 }

◆ TEST() [165/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 817 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

817  {
818  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
819  model->SetText("ABCDE");
820  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(2)));
821  EXPECT_TRUE(model->DeleteSurrounding(1, 3));
822  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(2));
823  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
824  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABC");
825 }

◆ TEST() [166/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 827 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

827  {
828  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
829  model->SetText("ABCDE");
830  model->BeginComposing();
831  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(1, 4), 0));
832  EXPECT_TRUE(model->DeleteSurrounding(1, 3));
833  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
834  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 2));
835  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABE");
836 }

◆ TEST() [167/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 649 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

649  {
650  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
651  model->SetText("ABCDE");
652  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(2)));
653  EXPECT_TRUE(model->DeleteSurrounding(0, 1));
654  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(2));
655  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
656  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABDE");
657 }

◆ TEST() [168/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 670 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

670  {
671  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
672  model->SetText("ABCDE");
673  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(2)));
674  EXPECT_TRUE(model->DeleteSurrounding(0, 3));
675  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(2));
676  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
677  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "AB");
678 }

◆ TEST() [169/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 680 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

680  {
681  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
682  model->SetText("ABCDE");
683  model->BeginComposing();
684  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(1, 4), 1));
685  EXPECT_TRUE(model->DeleteSurrounding(0, 2));
686  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(2));
687  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 2));
688  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABE");
689 }

◆ TEST() [170/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 659 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

659  {
660  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
661  model->SetText("ABCDE");
662  model->BeginComposing();
663  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(1, 4), 1));
664  EXPECT_TRUE(model->DeleteSurrounding(0, 1));
665  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(2));
666  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 3));
667  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABDE");
668 }

◆ TEST() [171/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 691 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

691  {
692  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
693  model->SetText("ABCDE");
694  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(2)));
695  EXPECT_TRUE(model->DeleteSurrounding(0, 4));
696  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(2));
697  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
698  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "AB");
699 }

◆ TEST() [172/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 701 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

701  {
702  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
703  model->SetText("ABCDE");
704  model->BeginComposing();
705  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(1, 4), 1));
706  EXPECT_TRUE(model->DeleteSurrounding(0, 4));
707  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(2));
708  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 2));
709  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABE");
710 }

◆ TEST() [173/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 712 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

712  {
713  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
714  model->SetText("ABCDE");
715  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(2)));
716  EXPECT_TRUE(model->DeleteSurrounding(-1, 1));
717  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
718  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
719  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ACDE");
720 }

◆ TEST() [174/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 733 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

733  {
734  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
735  model->SetText("ABCDE");
736  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(2)));
737  EXPECT_TRUE(model->DeleteSurrounding(-2, 2));
738  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(0));
739  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
740  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "CDE");
741 }

◆ TEST() [175/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 743 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

743  {
744  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
745  model->SetText("ABCDE");
746  model->BeginComposing();
747  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(1, 4), 2));
748  EXPECT_TRUE(model->DeleteSurrounding(-2, 2));
749  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
750  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 2));
751  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ADE");
752 }

◆ TEST() [176/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 722 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

722  {
723  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
724  model->SetText("ABCDE");
725  model->BeginComposing();
726  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(1, 4), 2));
727  EXPECT_TRUE(model->DeleteSurrounding(-1, 1));
728  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(2));
729  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 3));
730  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABDE");
731 }

◆ TEST() [177/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 754 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

754  {
755  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
756  model->SetText("ABCDE");
757  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(2)));
758  EXPECT_TRUE(model->DeleteSurrounding(-3, 3));
759  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(0));
760  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
761  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "CDE");
762 }

◆ TEST() [178/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 764 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

764  {
765  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
766  model->SetText("ABCDE");
767  model->BeginComposing();
768  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(1, 4), 2));
769  EXPECT_TRUE(model->DeleteSurrounding(-3, 3));
770  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
771  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 2));
772  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ADE");
773 }

◆ TEST() [179/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 848 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

848  {
849  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
850  model->SetText("ABCDE");
851  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(4, 3)));
852  EXPECT_TRUE(model->DeleteSurrounding(0, 1));
853  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(3));
854  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
855  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCE");
856 }

◆ TEST() [180/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 838 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

838  {
839  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
840  model->SetText("ABCDE");
841  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(2, 3)));
842  EXPECT_TRUE(model->DeleteSurrounding(0, 1));
843  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(3));
844  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
845  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCE");
846 }

◆ TEST() [181/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 549 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

549  {
550  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
551  model->SetText("😄🙃ðŸĪŠðŸ§");
552  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(4)));
553  ASSERT_TRUE(model->Delete());
554  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(4));
555  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
556  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "😄🙃🧐");
557 }

◆ TEST() [182/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1702 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1702  {
1703  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1704  // These characters take 1, 2, 3 and 4 bytes in UTF-8.
1705  model->SetText("$ÂĒ₎𐍈");
1706  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(0)));
1707  EXPECT_EQ(model->GetCursorOffset(), 0);
1708  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorForward());
1709  EXPECT_EQ(model->GetCursorOffset(), 1);
1710  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorForward());
1711  EXPECT_EQ(model->GetCursorOffset(), 3);
1712  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorForward());
1713  EXPECT_EQ(model->GetCursorOffset(), 6);
1714  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorForward());
1715  EXPECT_EQ(model->GetCursorOffset(), 10);
1716 }

◆ TEST() [183/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1725 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1725  {
1726  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1727  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1728  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(4, 1)));
1729  EXPECT_EQ(model->GetCursorOffset(), 1);
1730 }

◆ TEST() [184/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1718 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1718  {
1719  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1720  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1721  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(1, 4)));
1722  EXPECT_EQ(model->GetCursorOffset(), 4);
1723 }

◆ TEST() [185/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1130 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1130  {
1131  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1132  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1133  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(5)));
1134  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorBack());
1135  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(4));
1136  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
1137  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1138 }

◆ TEST() [186/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1216 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1216  {
1217  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1218  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1219  model->BeginComposing();
1220  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(1, 4), 3));
1221  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorBack());
1222  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(3));
1223  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 4));
1224  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1225 }

◆ TEST() [187/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1227 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1227  {
1228  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1229  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1230  model->BeginComposing();
1231  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(4, 1), 3));
1232  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorBack());
1233  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(3));
1234  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(4, 1));
1235  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1236 }

◆ TEST() [188/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1120 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1120  {
1121  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1122  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1123  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(2)));
1124  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorBack());
1125  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
1126  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
1127  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1128 }

◆ TEST() [189/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1194 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1194  {
1195  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1196  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1197  model->BeginComposing();
1198  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(1, 4), 1));
1199  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorBack());
1200  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
1201  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 4));
1202  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1203 }

◆ TEST() [190/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1205 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1205  {
1206  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1207  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1208  model->BeginComposing();
1209  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(4, 1), 1));
1210  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorBack());
1211  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
1212  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(4, 1));
1213  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1214 }

◆ TEST() [191/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1160 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1160  {
1161  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1162  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1163  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(4, 1)));
1164  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorBack());
1165  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
1166  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
1167  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1168 }

◆ TEST() [192/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1150 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1150  {
1151  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1152  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1153  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(1, 4)));
1154  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorBack());
1155  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
1156  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
1157  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1158 }

◆ TEST() [193/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1110 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1110  {
1111  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1112  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1113  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(0)));
1114  EXPECT_FALSE(model->MoveCursorBack());
1115  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(0));
1116  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
1117  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1118 }

◆ TEST() [194/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1170 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1170  {
1171  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1172  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1173  model->BeginComposing();
1174  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(1, 4), 0));
1175  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(1)));
1176  EXPECT_FALSE(model->MoveCursorBack());
1177  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
1178  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 4));
1179  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1180 }

◆ TEST() [195/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1182 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1182  {
1183  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1184  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1185  model->BeginComposing();
1186  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(4, 1), 0));
1187  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(1)));
1188  EXPECT_FALSE(model->MoveCursorBack());
1189  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
1190  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(4, 1));
1191  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1192 }

◆ TEST() [196/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1140 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1140  {
1141  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1142  model->SetText("😄🙃ðŸĪŠðŸ§");
1143  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(4)));
1144  ASSERT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorBack());
1145  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(2));
1146  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
1147  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "😄🙃ðŸĪŠðŸ§");
1148 }

◆ TEST() [197/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1004 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1004  {
1005  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1006  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1007  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(5)));
1008  EXPECT_FALSE(model->MoveCursorForward());
1009  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(5));
1010  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
1011  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1012 }

◆ TEST() [198/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1088 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1088  {
1089  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1090  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1091  model->BeginComposing();
1092  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(1, 4), 3));
1093  EXPECT_FALSE(model->MoveCursorForward());
1094  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(4));
1095  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 4));
1096  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1097 }

◆ TEST() [199/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1099 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1099  {
1100  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1101  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1102  model->BeginComposing();
1103  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(4, 1), 3));
1104  EXPECT_FALSE(model->MoveCursorForward());
1105  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(4));
1106  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(4, 1));
1107  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1108 }

◆ TEST() [200/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 994 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

994  {
995  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
996  model->SetText("ABCDE");
997  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(2)));
998  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorForward());
999  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(3));
1000  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
1001  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1002 }

◆ TEST() [201/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1066 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1066  {
1067  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1068  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1069  model->BeginComposing();
1070  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(1, 4), 1));
1071  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorForward());
1072  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(3));
1073  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 4));
1074  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1075 }

◆ TEST() [202/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1077 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1077  {
1078  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1079  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1080  model->BeginComposing();
1081  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(4, 1), 1));
1082  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorForward());
1083  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(3));
1084  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(4, 1));
1085  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1086 }

◆ TEST() [203/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1034 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1034  {
1035  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1036  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1037  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(4, 1)));
1038  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorForward());
1039  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(4));
1040  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
1041  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1042 }

◆ TEST() [204/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1024 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1024  {
1025  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1026  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1027  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(1, 4)));
1028  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorForward());
1029  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(4));
1030  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
1031  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1032 }

◆ TEST() [205/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 984 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

984  {
985  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
986  model->SetText("ABCDE");
987  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(0)));
988  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorForward());
989  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
990  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
991  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
992 }

◆ TEST() [206/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1044 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1044  {
1045  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1046  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1047  model->BeginComposing();
1048  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(1, 4), 0));
1049  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorForward());
1050  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(2));
1051  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 4));
1052  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1053 }

◆ TEST() [207/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1055 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1055  {
1056  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1057  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1058  model->BeginComposing();
1059  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(4, 1), 0));
1060  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorForward());
1061  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(2));
1062  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(4, 1));
1063  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1064 }

◆ TEST() [208/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1014 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1014  {
1015  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1016  model->SetText("😄🙃ðŸĪŠðŸ§");
1017  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(4)));
1018  ASSERT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorForward());
1019  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(6));
1020  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
1021  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "😄🙃ðŸĪŠðŸ§");
1022 }

◆ TEST() [209/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1278 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1278  {
1279  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1280  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1281  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(5)));
1282  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorToBeginning());
1283  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(0));
1284  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
1285  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1286 }

◆ TEST() [210/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1426 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1426  {
1427  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1428  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1429  model->BeginComposing();
1430  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(1, 4), 3));
1431  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorToBeginning());
1432  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
1433  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 4));
1434  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1435 }

◆ TEST() [211/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1448 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1448  {
1449  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1450  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1451  model->BeginComposing();
1452  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(4, 1), 3));
1453  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorToBeginning());
1454  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
1455  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(4, 1));
1456  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1457 }

◆ TEST() [212/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1258 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1258  {
1259  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1260  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1261  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(2)));
1262  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorToBeginning());
1263  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(0));
1264  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
1265  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1266 }

◆ TEST() [213/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1382 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1382  {
1383  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1384  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1385  model->BeginComposing();
1386  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(1, 4), 1));
1387  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorToBeginning());
1388  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
1389  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 4));
1390  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1391 }

◆ TEST() [214/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1404 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1404  {
1405  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1406  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1407  model->BeginComposing();
1408  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(4, 1), 1));
1409  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorToBeginning());
1410  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
1411  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(4, 1));
1412  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1413 }

◆ TEST() [215/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1318 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1318  {
1319  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1320  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1321  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(4, 1)));
1322  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorToBeginning());
1323  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(0));
1324  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
1325  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1326 }

◆ TEST() [216/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1298 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1298  {
1299  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1300  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1301  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(1, 4)));
1302  EXPECT_TRUE(model->MoveCursorToBeginning());
1303  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(0));
1304  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
1305  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1306 }

◆ TEST() [217/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1238 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1238  {
1239  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1240  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1241  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetSelection(TextRange(0)));
1242  EXPECT_FALSE(model->MoveCursorToBeginning());
1243  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(0));
1244  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(0));
1245  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1246 }

◆ TEST() [218/319]

flutter::TEST ( TextInputModel  ,

Definition at line 1338 of file text_input_model_unittests.cc.

1338  {
1339  auto model = std::make_unique<TextInputModel>();
1340  model->SetText("ABCDE");
1341  model->BeginComposing();
1342  EXPECT_TRUE(model->SetComposingRange(TextRange(1, 4), 0));
1343  EXPECT_FALSE(model->MoveCursorToBeginning());
1344  EXPECT_EQ(model->selection(), TextRange(1));
1345  EXPECT_EQ(model->composing_range(), TextRange(1, 4));
1346  EXPECT_STREQ(model->GetText().c_str(), "ABCDE");
1347 }

◆ TEST() [219/319]