Classes | |
class | CursorHandlerTest |
class | FlutterWindowsEngineTest |
class | MockFlutterWindowsView |
class | MockIDirectManipulationContent |
class | MockIDirectManipulationViewport |
class | MockWindowsLifecycleManager |
class | PlatformHandlerTest |
class | TextInputPluginTest |
class | WindowsLifecycleManagerTest |
Functions | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeWindows, GetParent) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeWindows, GetParentOnRootRetunsNullptr) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeWindows, DispatchAccessibilityAction) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeWindows, OnAccessibilityEventAlert) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeWindows, OnAccessibilityEventChildrenChanged) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeWindows, OnAccessibilityEventFocusChanged) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeWindows, OnAccessibilityEventIgnoredChanged) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeWindows, OnAccessibilityImageAnnotationChanged) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeWindows, OnAccessibilityLiveRegionChanged) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeWindows, OnAccessibilityNameChanged) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeWindows, OnAccessibilityHScrollPosChanged) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeWindows, OnAccessibilityVScrollPosChanged) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeWindows, OnAccessibilitySelectedChanged) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeWindows, OnAccessibilitySelectedChildrenChanged) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeWindows, OnAccessibilitySubtreeCreated) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeWindows, OnAccessibilityValueChanged) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeWindows, OnAccessibilityStateChanged) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeWindows, OnDocumentSelectionChanged) | |
TEST_F (CompositorOpenGLTest, CreateBackingStore) | |
TEST_F (CompositorOpenGLTest, InitializationFailure) | |
TEST_F (CompositorOpenGLTest, Present) | |
TEST_F (CompositorOpenGLTest, PresentEmpty) | |
TEST_F (CompositorOpenGLTest, NoSurfaceIgnored) | |
TEST_F (CompositorSoftwareTest, CreateBackingStore) | |
TEST_F (CompositorSoftwareTest, Present) | |
TEST_F (CompositorSoftwareTest, PresentEmpty) | |
TEST_F (CompositorSoftwareTest, PresentMultiLayers) | |
TEST_F (CompositorSoftwareTest, PresentOffsetLayers) | |
TEST_F (CursorHandlerTest, ActivateSystemCursor) | |
TEST_F (CursorHandlerTest, ActivateSystemCursorRequiresView) | |
TEST_F (CursorHandlerTest, CreateCustomCursor) | |
TEST_F (CursorHandlerTest, SetCustomCursor) | |
TEST_F (CursorHandlerTest, SetCustomCursorRequiresView) | |
TEST_F (CursorHandlerTest, SetNonexistentCustomCursor) | |
TEST_F (CursorHandlerTest, DeleteCustomCursor) | |
TEST_F (CursorHandlerTest, DeleteNonexistentCustomCursor) | |
TEST (DirectManipulationTest, TestGesture) | |
TEST (DirectManipulationTest, TestRounding) | |
TEST (DirectManipulationTest, TestInertiaCancelSentForUserCancel) | |
TEST (DirectManipulationTest, TestInertiaCamcelNotSentAtInertiaEnd) | |
TEST (DirectManipulationTest, TestGestureWithInitialData) | |
TEST (DpiUtilsTest, NonZero) | |
TEST (DpiUtilsTest, NullHwndUsesPrimaryMonitor) | |
TEST (FlutterProjectBundle, BasicPropertiesAbsolutePaths) | |
TEST (FlutterProjectBundle, BasicPropertiesRelativePaths) | |
TEST (FlutterProjectBundle, SwitchesEmpty) | |
TEST (FlutterProjectBundle, DartEntrypointArguments) | |
TEST (FlutterProjectBundle, Switches) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowTest, CreateDestroy) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowTest, OnBitmapSurfaceUpdated) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowTest, OnCursorRectUpdatedRegularDPI) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowTest, OnCursorRectUpdatedHighDPI) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowTest, OnPointerStarSendsDeviceType) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowTest, OnScrollCallsGetScrollOffsetMultiplier) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowTest, OnWindowRepaint) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowTest, OnThemeChange) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowTest, AccessibilityNodeWithoutView) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowTest, AlertNode) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowTest, LifecycleFocusMessages) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowTest, CachedLifecycleMessage) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowTest, UpdateCursor) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, RunHeadless) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, RunDoesExpectedInitialization) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, ConfiguresFrameVsync) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, RunWithoutANGLEUsesSoftware) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, RunWithoutANGLEOnImpellerFailsToStart) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, SendPlatformMessageWithoutResponse) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, PlatformMessageRoundTrip) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, PlatformMessageRespondOnDifferentThread) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, SendPlatformMessageWithResponse) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, DispatchSemanticsAction) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, SetsThreadPriority) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, AddPluginRegistrarDestructionCallback) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, ScheduleFrame) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, SetNextFrameCallback) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, GetExecutableName) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, UpdateHighContrastFeature) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, PostRasterThreadTask) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, AccessibilityAnnouncement) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, AccessibilityAnnouncementHeadless) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, AccessibilityTooltip) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, TestExit) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, TestExitCancel) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, TestExitSecondCloseMessage) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, TestExitCloseMultiWindow) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, LifecycleManagerDisabledByDefault) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, EnableApplicationLifecycle) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, ApplicationLifecycleExternalWindow) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, AppStartsInResumedState) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, LifecycleStateTransition) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, ExternalWindowMessage) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, InnerWindowHidden) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, EnableLifecycleState) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, LifecycleStateToFrom) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, ChannelListenedTo) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, ReceivePlatformViewMessage) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, AddViewFailureDoesNotHang) | |
TEST_F (FlutterWindowsEngineTest, RemoveViewFailureDoesNotHang) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrarTest, CreateDestroy) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrarTest, RegisterUnregisterTexture) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrarTest, RegisterUnknownTextureType) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrarTest, PopulatePixelBufferTexture) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrarTest, PopulateD3dTextureWithHandle) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrarTest, PopulateD3dTexture) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrarTest, PopulateInvalidTexture) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrarTest, UnregisterTextureWithEngineDownInvokesCallback) | |
TEST (WindowsNoFixtureTest, GetTextureRegistrar) | |
TEST_F (WindowsTest, LaunchMain) | |
TEST_F (WindowsTest, LaunchMainHasNoOutput) | |
TEST_F (WindowsTest, LaunchCustomEntrypoint) | |
TEST_F (WindowsTest, LaunchCustomEntrypointInEngineRunInvocation) | |
TEST_F (WindowsTest, LaunchHeadlessEngine) | |
TEST_F (WindowsTest, EngineCanTransitionToHeadless) | |
TEST_F (WindowsTest, LaunchRefreshesAccessibility) | |
TEST_F (WindowsTest, LaunchConflictingCustomEntrypoints) | |
TEST_F (WindowsTest, VerifyNativeFunction) | |
TEST_F (WindowsTest, VerifyNativeFunctionWithParameters) | |
TEST_F (WindowsTest, PlatformExecutable) | |
TEST_F (WindowsTest, VerifyNativeFunctionWithReturn) | |
TEST_F (WindowsTest, NextFrameCallback) | |
TEST_F (WindowsTest, PresentHeadless) | |
TEST_F (WindowsTest, GetViewId) | |
TEST_F (WindowsTest, GetGraphicsAdapter) | |
TEST_F (WindowsTest, PluginRegistrarGetImplicitView) | |
TEST_F (WindowsTest, PluginRegistrarGetView) | |
TEST_F (WindowsTest, PluginRegistrarGetViewHeadless) | |
TEST_F (WindowsTest, SurfaceOptional) | |
TEST_F (WindowsTest, Lifecycle) | |
TEST_F (WindowsTest, GetKeyboardStateHeadless) | |
TEST_F (WindowsTest, AddRemoveView) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsViewTest, SubMenuExpandedState) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsViewTest, Shutdown) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsViewTest, KeySequence) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsViewTest, EnableSemantics) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsViewTest, AddSemanticsNodeUpdate) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsViewTest, AddSemanticsNodeUpdateWithChildren) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsViewTest, NonZeroSemanticsRoot) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsViewTest, AccessibilityHitTesting) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsViewTest, WindowResizeTests) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsViewTest, TestEmptyFrameResizes) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsViewTest, WindowResizeRace) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsViewTest, WindowResizeInvalidSurface) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsViewTest, WindowResizeWithoutSurface) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsViewTest, WindowRepaintTests) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsViewTest, CheckboxNativeState) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsViewTest, SwitchNativeState) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsViewTest, TooltipNodeData) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsViewTest, DisablesVSyncAtStartup) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsViewTest, EnablesVSyncAtStartup) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsViewTest, DisablesVSyncAfterStartup) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsViewTest, EnablesVSyncAfterStartup) | |
TEST (FlutterWindowsViewTest, UpdatesVSyncOnDwmUpdates) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyChannelHandlerTest, KeyboardHookHandling) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyChannelHandlerTest, ExtendedKeysAreSentToRedispatch) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyChannelHandlerTest, DeadKeysDoNotCrash) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyChannelHandlerTest, EmptyResponsesDoNotCrash) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest, ConvertChar32ToUtf8) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest, BasicKeyPressingAndHolding) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest, ToggleNumLockDuringNumpadPress) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest, ImeEventsAreIgnored) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest, ModifierKeysByExtendedBit) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest, ModifierKeysByVirtualKey) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest, SynthesizeModifierLeftKeyDownWhenNotPressed) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest, DoNotSynthesizeModifierDownWhenPressed) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest, SynthesizeModifierUpWhenPressed) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest, DoNotSynthesizeModifierUpWhenNotPressed) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest, RepeatedDownIsIgnored) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest, AbruptRepeatIsConvertedToDown) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest, AbruptUpIsIgnored) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest, SynthesizeForDesyncPressingState) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest, SynthesizeForDesyncToggledState) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest, SynthesizeForDesyncToggledStateByItselfsUp) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest, SynthesizeForDesyncToggledStateByItselfsDown) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest, SynthesizeWithInitialTogglingState) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest, SysKeyPress) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyHandlerTest, SingleDelegateWithAsyncResponds) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyHandlerTest, SingleDelegateWithSyncResponds) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyHandlerTest, HandlerGetPressedState) | |
TEST (KeyboardKeyHandlerTest, KeyboardChannelGetPressedState) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, LowerCaseAHandled) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, LowerCaseAUnhandled) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, ArrowLeftHandled) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, ArrowLeftUnhandled) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, ShiftLeftUnhandled) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, ShiftRightUnhandled) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, CtrlLeftUnhandled) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, CtrlRightUnhandled) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, AltLeftUnhandled) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, AltRightUnhandled) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, MetaLeftUnhandled) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, MetaRightUnhandled) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, RepeatA) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, RestartClearsKeyboardState) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, ShiftLeftKeyA) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, CtrlLeftKeyA) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, CtrlLeftDigit1) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, Digit1OnFrenchLayout) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, AltGrModifiedKey) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, AltGrTwice) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, DeadKeyThatCombines) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, DeadKeyWithoutDeadMaskThatCombines) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, DeadKeyThatDoesNotCombine) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, DeadKeyTwiceThenLetter) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, MultibyteCharacter) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, SynthesizeModifiers) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, ImeExtendedEventsAreIgnored) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, UpOnlyImeEventsAreCorrectlyHandled) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, SlowFrameworkResponse) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, SlowFrameworkResponseForIdenticalEvents) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, TextInputSubmit) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, VietnameseTelexAddDiacriticWithFastResponse) | |
void | VietnameseTelexAddDiacriticWithSlowResponse (WindowsTestContext &context, bool backspace_response) |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, VietnameseTelexAddDiacriticWithSlowFalseResponse) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, VietnameseTelexAddDiacriticWithSlowTrueResponse) | |
TEST_F (KeyboardTest, DoubleCapsLock) | |
TEST (KeyboardWin32CommonTest, EncodeUtf16) | |
TEST_F (PlatformHandlerTest, GetClipboardData) | |
TEST_F (PlatformHandlerTest, GetClipboardDataRejectsUnknownContentType) | |
TEST_F (PlatformHandlerTest, GetClipboardDataRequiresView) | |
TEST_F (PlatformHandlerTest, GetClipboardDataReportsOpenFailure) | |
TEST_F (PlatformHandlerTest, GetClipboardDataReportsGetDataFailure) | |
TEST_F (PlatformHandlerTest, ClipboardHasStrings) | |
TEST_F (PlatformHandlerTest, ClipboardHasStringsReturnsFalse) | |
TEST_F (PlatformHandlerTest, ClipboardHasStringsRejectsUnknownContentType) | |
TEST_F (PlatformHandlerTest, ClipboardHasStringsRequiresView) | |
TEST_F (PlatformHandlerTest, ClipboardHasStringsIgnoresPermissionErrors) | |
TEST_F (PlatformHandlerTest, ClipboardHasStringsReportsErrors) | |
TEST_F (PlatformHandlerTest, ClipboardSetData) | |
TEST_F (PlatformHandlerTest, ClipboardSetDataTextMustBeString) | |
TEST_F (PlatformHandlerTest, ClipboardSetDataUnknownType) | |
TEST_F (PlatformHandlerTest, ClipboardSetDataRequiresView) | |
TEST_F (PlatformHandlerTest, ClipboardSetDataReportsOpenFailure) | |
TEST_F (PlatformHandlerTest, ClipboardSetDataReportsSetDataFailure) | |
TEST_F (PlatformHandlerTest, PlaySystemSound) | |
TEST_F (PlatformHandlerTest, SystemExitApplicationRequired) | |
TEST_F (PlatformHandlerTest, SystemExitApplicationCancelableCancel) | |
TEST_F (PlatformHandlerTest, SystemExitApplicationCancelableExit) | |
TEST (SequentialIdGeneratorTest, RemoveMultipleNumbers) | |
TEST (SequentialIdGeneratorTest, MaybeRemoveNumbers) | |
TEST (SettingsPluginTest, SendSettingsSendsMessage) | |
TEST (SettingsPluginTest, SendSettingsGetsSettings) | |
TEST (SettingsPluginTest, StartWatchingStartsWatchingChanges) | |
TEST (SettingsPluginTest, HighContrastModeHonored) | |
TEST (SystemUtils, GetPreferredLanguageInfo) | |
TEST (SystemUtils, GetPreferredLanguages) | |
TEST (SystemUtils, ParseLanguageNameGeneric) | |
TEST (SystemUtils, ParseLanguageNameWithRegion) | |
TEST (SystemUtils, ParseLanguageNameWithScript) | |
TEST (SystemUtils, ParseLanguageNameWithRegionAndScript) | |
TEST (SystemUtils, ParseLanguageNameWithSuplementalLanguage) | |
TEST (SystemUtils, ParseLanguageNameWithThreeCharacterLanguage) | |
TEST (SystemUtils, GetUserTimeFormat) | |
TEST (SystemUtils, Prefer24HourTimeHandlesEmptyFormat) | |
TEST (SystemUtils, Prefer24HourTimeHandles12Hour) | |
TEST (SystemUtils, Prefer24HourTimeHandles24Hour) | |
TEST (TaskRunnerTest, MaybeExecuteTaskWithExactOrder) | |
TEST (TaskRunnerTest, MaybeExecuteTaskOnlyExpired) | |
TEST_F (TextInputPluginTest, TextMethodsWorksWithEmptyModel) | |
TEST_F (TextInputPluginTest, ClearClientResetsComposing) | |
TEST_F (TextInputPluginTest, ClearClientRequiresView) | |
TEST_F (TextInputPluginTest, VerifyComposingSendStateUpdate) | |
TEST_F (TextInputPluginTest, VerifyInputActionNewlineInsertNewLine) | |
TEST_F (TextInputPluginTest, VerifyInputActionSendDoesNotInsertNewLine) | |
TEST_F (TextInputPluginTest, TextEditingWorksWithDeltaModel) | |
TEST_F (TextInputPluginTest, CompositionCursorPos) | |
TEST_F (TextInputPluginTest, TransformCursorRect) | |
TEST_F (TextInputPluginTest, SetMarkedTextRectRequiresView) | |
TEST (WindowProcDelegateManagerTest, CallsCorrectly) | |
TEST (WindowProcDelegateManagerTest, ReplacementRegister) | |
TEST (WindowProcDelegateManagerTest, RegisterMultiple) | |
TEST (WindowProcDelegateManagerTest, Ordered) | |
TEST (WindowProcDelegateManagerTest, ConflictingDelegates) | |
TEST (WindowProcDelegateManagerTest, Unregister) | |
TEST (MockWindow, CreateDestroy) | |
TEST (MockWindow, GetDpiAfterCreate) | |
TEST (MockWindow, VerticalScroll) | |
TEST (MockWindow, OnImeCompositionCompose) | |
TEST (MockWindow, OnImeCompositionResult) | |
TEST (MockWindow, OnImeCompositionResultAndCompose) | |
TEST (MockWindow, OnImeCompositionClearChange) | |
TEST (MockWindow, HorizontalScroll) | |
TEST (MockWindow, MouseLeave) | |
TEST (MockWindow, KeyDown) | |
TEST (MockWindow, KeyUp) | |
TEST (MockWindow, SysKeyDown) | |
TEST (MockWindow, SysKeyUp) | |
TEST (MockWindow, KeyDownPrintable) | |
TEST (MockWindow, KeyDownWithCtrl) | |
TEST (MockWindow, KeyDownWithCtrlToggled) | |
TEST (MockWindow, Paint) | |
TEST (MockWindow, PointerHitTest) | |
TEST (MockWindow, TouchPadHitTest) | |
TEST (MockWindow, UnknownPointerTypeSkipsDirectManipulation) | |
TEST (MockWindow, DISABLED_GetObjectUia) | |
TEST_F (WindowsLifecycleManagerTest, StateTransitions) | |
FlutterSemanticsNode2 | CreateSemanticsNode (int32_t id, const char *label, const std::vector< int32_t > *children=nullptr) |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeTest, BasicTest) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeTest, AccessibilityRootId) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeTest, AddOrder) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeTest, CanFireChildrenChangedCorrectly) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeTest, CanHandleSelectionChangeCorrectly) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeTest, DoesNotAssignEditableRootToSelectableText) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeTest, SwitchHasSwitchRole) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeTest, SliderHasSliderRole) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeTest, CanSetCheckboxChecked) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeTest, CanReparentNode) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeTest, CanReparentMultipleNodes) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeTest, CanReparentNodeWithChild) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeTest, AXTreeManagerTest) | |
TEST (AccessibilityBridgeTest, LineBreakingObjectTest) | |
TEST (FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateTest, NodeDelegateHasUniqueId) | |
TEST (FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateTest, canPerfomActions) | |
TEST (FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateTest, canGetAXNode) | |
TEST (FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateTest, canCalculateBoundsCorrectly) | |
TEST (FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateTest, canCalculateOffScreenBoundsCorrectly) | |
TEST (FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateTest, canUseOwnerBridge) | |
TEST (FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateTest, selfIsLowestPlatformAncestor) | |
TEST (FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateTest, canGetFromNodeID) | |
Variables | |
constexpr uint64_t | kScanCodeKeyA = 0x1e |
constexpr uint64_t | kVirtualKeyA = 0x41 |
FlutterSemanticsNode2 flutter::testing::CreateSemanticsNode | ( | int32_t | id, |
const char * | label, | ||
const std::vector< int32_t > * | children = nullptr |
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeTest | , |
AccessibilityRootId | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeTest | , |
AddOrder | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeTest | , |
AXTreeManagerTest | |||
) |
Definition at line 546 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeTest | , |
BasicTest | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeTest | , |
CanFireChildrenChangedCorrectly | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeTest | , |
CanHandleSelectionChangeCorrectly | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeTest | , |
CanReparentMultipleNodes | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeTest | , |
CanReparentNode | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeTest | , |
CanReparentNodeWithChild | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeTest | , |
CanSetCheckboxChecked | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeTest | , |
DoesNotAssignEditableRootToSelectableText | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeTest | , |
LineBreakingObjectTest | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeTest | , |
SliderHasSliderRole | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeTest | , |
SwitchHasSwitchRole | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeWindows | , |
DispatchAccessibilityAction | |||
) |
Definition at line 269 of file
References action, and flutter::AccessibilityBridgeWindows::DispatchAccessibilityAction().
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeWindows | , |
GetParent | |||
) |
Definition at line 237 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeWindows | , |
GetParentOnRootRetunsNullptr | |||
) |
Definition at line 254 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeWindows | , |
OnAccessibilityEventAlert | |||
) |
Definition at line 295 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeWindows | , |
OnAccessibilityEventChildrenChanged | |||
) |
Definition at line 300 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeWindows | , |
OnAccessibilityEventFocusChanged | |||
) |
Definition at line 305 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeWindows | , |
OnAccessibilityEventIgnoredChanged | |||
) |
Definition at line 329 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeWindows | , |
OnAccessibilityHScrollPosChanged | |||
) |
Definition at line 351 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeWindows | , |
OnAccessibilityImageAnnotationChanged | |||
) |
Definition at line 335 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeWindows | , |
OnAccessibilityLiveRegionChanged | |||
) |
Definition at line 341 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeWindows | , |
OnAccessibilityNameChanged | |||
) |
Definition at line 346 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeWindows | , |
OnAccessibilitySelectedChanged | |||
) |
Definition at line 363 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeWindows | , |
OnAccessibilitySelectedChildrenChanged | |||
) |
Definition at line 368 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeWindows | , |
OnAccessibilityStateChanged | |||
) |
Definition at line 384 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeWindows | , |
OnAccessibilitySubtreeCreated | |||
) |
Definition at line 374 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeWindows | , |
OnAccessibilityValueChanged | |||
) |
Definition at line 379 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeWindows | , |
OnAccessibilityVScrollPosChanged | |||
) |
Definition at line 357 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | AccessibilityBridgeWindows | , |
OnDocumentSelectionChanged | |||
) |
Definition at line 390 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | DirectManipulationTest | , |
TestGesture | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | DirectManipulationTest | , |
TestGestureWithInitialData | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | DirectManipulationTest | , |
TestInertiaCamcelNotSentAtInertiaEnd | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | DirectManipulationTest | , |
TestInertiaCancelSentForUserCancel | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | DirectManipulationTest | , |
TestRounding | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | DpiUtilsTest | , |
NonZero | |||
) |
Definition at line 13 of file
References flutter::GetDpiForHWND(), and flutter::GetDpiForMonitor().
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | DpiUtilsTest | , |
NullHwndUsesPrimaryMonitor | |||
) |
Definition at line 18 of file
References flutter::GetDpiForHWND(), and flutter::GetDpiForMonitor().
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateTest | , |
canCalculateBoundsCorrectly | |||
) |
Definition at line 110 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateTest | , |
canCalculateOffScreenBoundsCorrectly | |||
) |
Definition at line 156 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateTest | , |
canGetAXNode | |||
) |
Definition at line 84 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateTest | , |
canGetFromNodeID | |||
) |
Definition at line 271 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateTest | , |
canPerfomActions | |||
) |
Definition at line 40 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateTest | , |
canUseOwnerBridge | |||
) |
Definition at line 202 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateTest | , |
NodeDelegateHasUniqueId | |||
) |
Definition at line 15 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateTest | , |
selfIsLowestPlatformAncestor | |||
) |
Definition at line 249 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterProjectBundle | , |
BasicPropertiesAbsolutePaths | |||
) |
Definition at line 11 of file
References flutter::FlutterProjectBundle::assets_path(), FlutterDesktopEngineProperties::assets_path, flutter::FlutterProjectBundle::HasValidPaths(), FlutterDesktopEngineProperties::icu_data_path, and flutter::FlutterProjectBundle::icu_path().
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterProjectBundle | , |
BasicPropertiesRelativePaths | |||
) |
Definition at line 23 of file
References flutter::FlutterProjectBundle::assets_path(), FlutterDesktopEngineProperties::assets_path, flutter::FlutterProjectBundle::HasValidPaths(), FlutterDesktopEngineProperties::icu_data_path, and flutter::FlutterProjectBundle::icu_path().
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterProjectBundle | , |
DartEntrypointArguments | |||
) |
Definition at line 50 of file
References FlutterDesktopEngineProperties::assets_path, FlutterDesktopEngineProperties::dart_entrypoint_argc, flutter::FlutterProjectBundle::dart_entrypoint_arguments(), FlutterDesktopEngineProperties::dart_entrypoint_argv, and FlutterDesktopEngineProperties::icu_data_path.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterProjectBundle | , |
Switches | |||
) |
Definition at line 69 of file
References FlutterDesktopEngineProperties::assets_path, flutter::FlutterProjectBundle::GetSwitches(), and FlutterDesktopEngineProperties::icu_data_path.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterProjectBundle | , |
SwitchesEmpty | |||
) |
Definition at line 37 of file
References FlutterDesktopEngineProperties::assets_path, flutter::FlutterProjectBundle::GetSwitches(), and FlutterDesktopEngineProperties::icu_data_path.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrarTest | , |
CreateDestroy | |||
) |
Definition at line 67 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrarTest | , |
PopulateD3dTexture | |||
) |
Definition at line 267 of file
References FlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceTextureConfig::callback, FlutterDesktopTextureInfo::gpu_surface_config, FlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceDescriptor::handle, FlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceDescriptor::height, kFlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceTexture, kFlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceTypeD3d11Texture2D, flutter::FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrar::PopulateTexture(), flutter::FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrar::RegisterTexture(), FlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceDescriptor::release_callback, FlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceDescriptor::release_context, FlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceDescriptor::struct_size, FlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceTextureConfig::struct_size, texture_id, FlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceTextureConfig::type, FlutterDesktopTextureInfo::type, user_data, FlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceTextureConfig::user_data, FlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceDescriptor::visible_height, FlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceDescriptor::visible_width, and FlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceDescriptor::width.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrarTest | , |
PopulateD3dTextureWithHandle | |||
) |
Definition at line 205 of file
References FlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceTextureConfig::callback, FlutterDesktopTextureInfo::gpu_surface_config, FlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceDescriptor::handle, FlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceDescriptor::height, kFlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceTexture, kFlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceTypeDxgiSharedHandle, flutter::FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrar::PopulateTexture(), flutter::FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrar::RegisterTexture(), FlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceDescriptor::release_callback, FlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceDescriptor::release_context, FlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceDescriptor::struct_size, FlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceTextureConfig::struct_size, texture_id, FlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceTextureConfig::type, FlutterDesktopTextureInfo::type, user_data, FlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceTextureConfig::user_data, FlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceDescriptor::visible_height, FlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceDescriptor::visible_width, and FlutterDesktopGpuSurfaceDescriptor::width.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrarTest | , |
PopulateInvalidTexture | |||
) |
Definition at line 323 of file
References flutter::FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrar::PopulateTexture().
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrarTest | , |
PopulatePixelBufferTexture | |||
) |
Definition at line 154 of file
References FlutterDesktopPixelBuffer::buffer, FlutterDesktopPixelBufferTextureConfig::callback, FlutterDesktopPixelBuffer::height, kFlutterDesktopPixelBufferTexture, FlutterDesktopTextureInfo::pixel_buffer_config, flutter::FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrar::PopulateTexture(), flutter::FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrar::RegisterTexture(), FlutterDesktopPixelBuffer::release_callback, FlutterDesktopPixelBuffer::release_context, texture_id, FlutterDesktopTextureInfo::type, user_data, FlutterDesktopPixelBufferTextureConfig::user_data, and FlutterDesktopPixelBuffer::width.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrarTest | , |
RegisterUnknownTextureType | |||
) |
Definition at line 140 of file
References flutter::FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrar::RegisterTexture(), texture_id, and FlutterDesktopTextureInfo::type.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrarTest | , |
RegisterUnregisterTexture | |||
) |
Definition at line 75 of file
References callback, FlutterDesktopPixelBufferTextureConfig::callback, kFlutterDesktopPixelBufferTexture, flutter::FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrar::MarkTextureFrameAvailable(), FlutterDesktopTextureInfo::pixel_buffer_config, flutter::FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrar::RegisterTexture(), texture_id, FlutterDesktopTextureInfo::type, flutter::FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrar::UnregisterTexture(), and user_data.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrarTest | , |
UnregisterTextureWithEngineDownInvokesCallback | |||
) |
Definition at line 333 of file
References flutter::FlutterWindowsTextureRegistrar::UnregisterTexture().
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsViewTest | , |
AccessibilityHitTesting | |||
) |
Definition at line 752 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsViewTest | , |
AddSemanticsNodeUpdate | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsViewTest | , |
AddSemanticsNodeUpdateWithChildren | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsViewTest | , |
CheckboxNativeState | |||
) |
Definition at line 1116 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsViewTest | , |
DisablesVSyncAfterStartup | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsViewTest | , |
DisablesVSyncAtStartup | |||
) |
Definition at line 1434 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsViewTest | , |
EnableSemantics | |||
) |
Definition at line 309 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsViewTest | , |
EnablesVSyncAfterStartup | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsViewTest | , |
EnablesVSyncAtStartup | |||
) |
Definition at line 1470 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsViewTest | , |
KeySequence | |||
) |
Definition at line 291 of file
References kScanCodeKeyA, and kVirtualKeyA.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsViewTest | , |
NonZeroSemanticsRoot | |||
) |
Definition at line 626 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsViewTest | , |
Shutdown | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsViewTest | , |
SubMenuExpandedState | |||
) |
Definition at line 137 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsViewTest | , |
SwitchNativeState | |||
) |
Definition at line 1260 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsViewTest | , |
TestEmptyFrameResizes | |||
) |
Definition at line 917 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsViewTest | , |
TooltipNodeData | |||
) |
Definition at line 1377 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsViewTest | , |
UpdatesVSyncOnDwmUpdates | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsViewTest | , |
WindowRepaintTests | |||
) |
Definition at line 1092 of file
References flutter::kImplicitViewId.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsViewTest | , |
WindowResizeInvalidSurface | |||
) |
Definition at line 1030 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsViewTest | , |
WindowResizeRace | |||
) |
Definition at line 983 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsViewTest | , |
WindowResizeTests | |||
) |
Definition at line 844 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | FlutterWindowsViewTest | , |
WindowResizeWithoutSurface | |||
) |
Definition at line 1068 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyChannelHandlerTest | , |
DeadKeysDoNotCrash | |||
) |
Definition at line 128 of file
References character, flutter::MessageCodec< T >::DecodeMessage(), flutter::JsonMessageCodec::GetInstance(), and message.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyChannelHandlerTest | , |
EmptyResponsesDoNotCrash | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyChannelHandlerTest | , |
ExtendedKeysAreSentToRedispatch | |||
) |
Definition at line 88 of file
References flutter::MessageCodec< T >::DecodeMessage(), flutter::JsonMessageCodec::GetInstance(), and message.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyChannelHandlerTest | , |
KeyboardHookHandling | |||
) |
Definition at line 33 of file
References flutter::MessageCodec< T >::DecodeMessage(), flutter::JsonMessageCodec::GetInstance(), and message.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest | , |
AbruptRepeatIsConvertedToDown | |||
) |
Definition at line 764 of file
References callback, kScanCodeKeyA, kVirtualKeyA, and user_data.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest | , |
AbruptUpIsIgnored | |||
) |
Definition at line 818 of file
References callback, kScanCodeKeyA, kVirtualKeyA, and user_data.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest | , |
BasicKeyPressingAndHolding | |||
) |
Definition at line 119 of file
References callback, kScanCodeKeyA, kVirtualKeyA, and user_data.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest | , |
ConvertChar32ToUtf8 | |||
) |
Definition at line 90 of file
References flutter::ConvertChar32ToUtf8().
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest | , |
DoNotSynthesizeModifierDownWhenPressed | |||
) |
Definition at line 562 of file
References callback, flutter::kControl, flutter::kScanCodeControlLeft, flutter::kScanCodeControlRight, flutter::kScanCodeShiftLeft, flutter::kScanCodeShiftRight, flutter::kShift, and user_data.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest | , |
DoNotSynthesizeModifierUpWhenNotPressed | |||
) |
Definition at line 696 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest | , |
ImeEventsAreIgnored | |||
) |
Definition at line 259 of file
References callback, kScanCodeKeyA, kVirtualKeyA, and user_data.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest | , |
ModifierKeysByExtendedBit | |||
) |
Definition at line 333 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest | , |
ModifierKeysByVirtualKey | |||
) |
Definition at line 426 of file
References callback, flutter::kScanCodeShiftLeft, flutter::kScanCodeShiftRight, and user_data.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest | , |
RepeatedDownIsIgnored | |||
) |
Definition at line 716 of file
References callback, kScanCodeKeyA, kVirtualKeyA, and user_data.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest | , |
SynthesizeForDesyncPressingState | |||
) |
Definition at line 851 of file
References callback, kScanCodeKeyA, kVirtualKeyA, and user_data.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest | , |
SynthesizeForDesyncToggledState | |||
) |
Definition at line 939 of file
References callback, kScanCodeKeyA, kVirtualKeyA, and user_data.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest | , |
SynthesizeForDesyncToggledStateByItselfsDown | |||
) |
Definition at line 1119 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest | , |
SynthesizeForDesyncToggledStateByItselfsUp | |||
) |
Definition at line 1059 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest | , |
SynthesizeModifierLeftKeyDownWhenNotPressed | |||
) |
Definition at line 519 of file
References callback, flutter::kControl, flutter::kShift, and user_data.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest | , |
SynthesizeModifierUpWhenPressed | |||
) |
Definition at line 615 of file
References callback, flutter::kScanCodeControlLeft, flutter::kScanCodeControlRight, flutter::kScanCodeShiftLeft, flutter::kScanCodeShiftRight, and user_data.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest | , |
SynthesizeWithInitialTogglingState | |||
) |
Definition at line 1177 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest | , |
SysKeyPress | |||
) |
Definition at line 1213 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandlerTest | , |
ToggleNumLockDuringNumpadPress | |||
) |
Definition at line 187 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyHandlerTest | , |
HandlerGetPressedState | |||
) |
Definition at line 311 of file
References callback, kScanCodeKeyA, kVirtualKeyA, message, and user_data.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyHandlerTest | , |
KeyboardChannelGetPressedState | |||
) |
Definition at line 335 of file
References flutter::KeyboardKeyHandler::AddDelegate(), callback, flutter::KeyboardKeyHandler::InitKeyboardChannel(), flutter::KeyboardKeyHandler::KeyboardHook(), kScanCodeKeyA, kVirtualKeyA, and user_data.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyHandlerTest | , |
SingleDelegateWithAsyncResponds | |||
) |
Test 1: One event that is handled by the framework
Test 2: Two events that are unhandled by the framework
Definition at line 208 of file
References hook_history, and message.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardKeyHandlerTest | , |
SingleDelegateWithSyncResponds | |||
) |
Test 1: One event that is handled by the framework
Test 2: An event unhandled by the framework
Definition at line 270 of file
References hook_history, and message.
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | KeyboardWin32CommonTest | , |
EncodeUtf16 | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | MockWindow | , |
CreateDestroy | |||
) |
Definition at line 23 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | MockWindow | , |
DISABLED_GetObjectUia | |||
) |
Definition at line 364 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | MockWindow | , |
GetDpiAfterCreate | |||
) |
Definition at line 28 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | MockWindow | , |
HorizontalScroll | |||
) |
Definition at line 152 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | MockWindow | , |
KeyDown | |||
) |
Definition at line 179 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | MockWindow | , |
KeyDownPrintable | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | MockWindow | , |
KeyDownWithCtrl | |||
) |
Definition at line 230 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | MockWindow | , |
KeyDownWithCtrlToggled | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | MockWindow | , |
KeyUp | |||
) |
Definition at line 187 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | MockWindow | , |
MouseLeave | |||
) |
Definition at line 163 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | MockWindow | , |
OnImeCompositionClearChange | |||
) |
Definition at line 135 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | MockWindow | , |
OnImeCompositionCompose | |||
) |
Definition at line 45 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | MockWindow | , |
OnImeCompositionResult | |||
) |
Definition at line 71 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | MockWindow | , |
OnImeCompositionResultAndCompose | |||
) |
Definition at line 97 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | MockWindow | , |
Paint | |||
) |
Definition at line 281 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | MockWindow | , |
PointerHitTest | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | MockWindow | , |
SysKeyDown | |||
) |
Definition at line 195 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | MockWindow | , |
SysKeyUp | |||
) |
Definition at line 203 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | MockWindow | , |
TouchPadHitTest | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | MockWindow | , |
UnknownPointerTypeSkipsDirectManipulation | |||
) |
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | MockWindow | , |
VerticalScroll | |||
) |
Definition at line 33 of file
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | SequentialIdGeneratorTest | , |
MaybeRemoveNumbers | |||
) |
Definition at line 35 of file
References flutter::SequentialIdGenerator::GetGeneratedId(), flutter::SequentialIdGenerator::HasGeneratedIdFor(), and flutter::SequentialIdGenerator::ReleaseNumber().
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | SequentialIdGeneratorTest | , |
RemoveMultipleNumbers | |||
) |
Definition at line 12 of file
References flutter::SequentialIdGenerator::GetGeneratedId(), flutter::SequentialIdGenerator::HasGeneratedIdFor(), and flutter::SequentialIdGenerator::ReleaseNumber().
flutter::testing::TEST | ( | SettingsPluginTest | , |
HighContrastModeHonored | |||
) |
Definition at line 80 of file